News, both good and bad

LaChelle R.
on 7/28/08 2:33 am - Erie, PA
Well, first off, the good news is.......JIMMY GOT A JOB!!!   It isn't much, but it is a paycheck coming in.  He will be working at the local Sonic.......40+ hours a week.  $6.55/hour.  It is going to be an income coming in, so thats what matters. now if it will be enough to catch us up, we will see.

Now, for the bad news.........we just got a notice in the mail from our landlord.......and if I don't come up with $400 by the 31st, then we will be evicted.  Our landlord is being an absolute jerk, and very non-cooperative.  He really is one of these......"It's MY Way, or No way at all" type of person, so now I don't know what we are going to do.  We have applied for loans from our local banks, but with no luck.  Any suggestions?  We have even applied for emergency assistance, but haven't gotten any yet.  Talk about when it rains, it pours!  Anyway, wish us luck in finding the $$$! We will manage!
Keep praying!  It's working so far! 
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 7/28/08 2:58 am - Martinsville , IN
I am sorry for your troubles LaChelle.  Perhaps you can try the local trustee's office.  Or your church, if you don't attend church call on someone who attends church or start in the phone book.  It would be a shame to have to move over 400 as it would cost at least double that to move.

on 7/28/08 3:23 am - aurora, IN
Im happy that Jimmy got a job,every little bit helps..right?
I know at argosy they have a emergency fund for the employees i dont remember what its called though.
check with your h/r maybe they have something.
also we have to hook onto the city sewage and had no way to come up with 7,000.00 so we borrowed from my dhs otherwords we borrowed from ourselfs.
Also as jeannie said try your township trustee or salvation army .
I wish i could win the lottery so i could help everybody..
It seems like when it rains it pours doesnt it?
but sometimes it leaves a beautiful rainbow and i pray thats what you find..

on 7/28/08 4:48 am - New Whiteland, IN
LaChelle, you might want to check and see if his request is even legal. It was my understanding that a certain time limit needs to be given for any eviction.  Requesting this on the 28th and giving 2 days notice I seriously doubt if it can be done. Check under Indiana law, renters do have protection and I would surely check it out.

I will keep you in my prayers sweetie, God is wonderful and will provide. We are in a tight boat too and I know every time I think it is next to impossible he comes thru.


"Bloom Where you are Planted! " RNY 2/3/06 ~ TT/BA/BL saline implants 7/17/07

Brenda R.
on 7/28/08 5:04 am - Portage, IN
LaChelle, first off I would check your lease and see if there is a provision on eviction. If there is check and see about the time allowed. BUT.....I think there is a state law that gives you 30 days for eviction. You could check into this by calling the local police department or county sherrif. I would think anyway. Since they are the ones that give eviction notices. Do verbal notices even count? I would make sure that this stuff is checked before the 30th because if he is that nasty he could change locks and then you are screwed.
I would contact churches, the trustee, salvation army and do you have any christian resale shops in the area? A lot of times they will help with problems such as these. I will post again if I think of anything else.

In the meantime keep your chin up and just keep doing the footwork and the results are left to God~because He will always provide. Prayers are with you.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/28/08 6:31 am - Kempton, IN
Girl friend the landlord has to give you at least 30 days just like if you were moving out. There is no way he can do anything to you as you have 2 small girls too. Just don't let him get to you! If I were  you I would go to the Orange county trustee and they should be able to help you unless they are out of money already for the year. That was something my bro ran into while dealing with them. In Boone County there was a catholic church that had some funds for things like that too. SO try the area churches. I am going to talk to my cousin down here to see if she knows anyone that can help! I will call you as soon as I find out anything! Sounds like you need a new landlord too! Michelle
Lee Ann B.
on 7/28/08 6:55 am, edited 7/28/08 10:52 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
Yeah JImmy!!!!!! A job is a job! As long as it pays!
Now...that nasty landlord is not able to evict you on two days notice or by verbally giving you notice...regardless! I want to talk to you more on this...our atty I work for gave me some info that may help!  Your local town trustee can help with $100 at least. Her name is Hilary Campbell  (812) 936-4405. You can also contact the Salvation Army in your area (812) 723-4207 and they can help. Hoosier Uplands is still taking applications for heating/cooling assistance...1-800-893-4191 or (812) 723-4607. If someone has offered assistance...get their pledge in writing and that way you can show it to your landlord. Keep a copy for yourself too!  I have been there...done that and there is hope! I need to talk to you though ok?! PM me and let me know what you are working this week. I do not have much, but I am going to send you a check to help. If everyone else can matter how can add up and hopefully lift some of the burden! Pay it forward people! It will come back to you when you are in need! are our friend and in need and we want to help! 

(deactivated member)
on 7/28/08 10:13 am - Terre Haute, IN
I was going to say to try church, or the trustee, but people have already said those. Good luck dear! I'd help out if there was anyway I could, but I'm still relying on help myself, after the last hospitalization.
LaChelle R.
on 7/28/08 12:50 pm, edited 7/28/08 12:50 pm - Erie, PA
Thank you all so much for all the support and suggestions.  I really didn't think our landlord could evict us on such short notice, but I wasn't positive on what they could or couldn't do here. 
Lee Ann, thanks for all the help with the numbers and everything else.  I have written the numbers down, and will be making more calls in the morning.  Tell your Atty friend thanks also for the info.
Thanks to everyone again.  You all mean so much to me.  You are so wonderful!!! Thanks again! All I can ask is that you keep praying.........that is really helping too!  Thanks again!!!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
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