Prayer request. 16 year old 4h fair royalty killed in car wreck.
It is our county fair week this week and one of the young girls who was crowned royalty was killed in a car wreck. She was 16 years old. She had the wreck Wednesday evening on the way home from the fair and passed Thursday..
If y'all don't mind keeping the Stahl family in prayer.
If y'all don't mind keeping the Stahl family in prayer.
DS on 11/14/12
Wow...We just lost a girl last week and she was also 16! WTH!!! And my daughter wonders why she cannot take her car our for rides. Only to go to the store or school. It scares the crap out of me! Too many too young! And ours could have lived if she had had her seat belt on. She was ejected through the sunroof and the car flipped and landed on her. the other two people were banged a bit but lived. Such a loss......

I think at 16 WE All thought we were all going to live to the ripe old age of...37... ( I thought that was WAY OLD when I was 16).. I drove stupid...lived stupid and by the grace of GOD I survived my teen years AND the ripe old age of 37!!
It just hurts my heart everytime I hear of a teen dieing in a car accident... usually in the summer time.. or right before school is out for the summer...If they could see my stupid on video before.. And no not all of them were in the wrong... sometimes bad things just happen to good people... Ib my prayers these families...
Linda Kay
It just hurts my heart everytime I hear of a teen dieing in a car accident... usually in the summer time.. or right before school is out for the summer...If they could see my stupid on video before.. And no not all of them were in the wrong... sometimes bad things just happen to good people... Ib my prayers these families...
Linda Kay
I am with Linda Kay on that one. All young kids think they are going to be here forever and nothing but nothing is ever going to happen to them. Then! Reality hits and things change so drastically. If only they could learn from others.
My prayers are with the family and her friends. May God's peace that passes all understanding get them through all of this.
My prayers are with the family and her friends. May God's peace that passes all understanding get them through all of this.