Its finally FRIDAY

on 7/24/08 3:20 pm - aurora, IN
Good morning everyone
Was just on my way to bed and thought id start the post.
My hubby has a military cookout tomorrow and he offered to bring 2 pinneapple upside down cakes..
So ive been in the kitchen and watch college road trip with the boys and now im hittin the hay.
I have a drs appt this a.m. and a program at the library..
Its suppose to storm here the next few days.
So take care and stay safe and enjoy your Friday...
huggs and smooches

Lisa --O.H. Support group leader

on 7/24/08 5:11 pm - Kempton, IN
Good Morning! It is about 3 a.m. and I am awake again! Seems like 3 is my lucky number these days. I am going to go to my PCP and talk to him about these "spells" I have been having. I had one at St. V's @ Carmel on wednesday, so my dh wheeled me up to Jones' office. Well the nurse Practioner told me to go to the ER so away we went! They checked my blood and urine and they said it all looked good. SO now to my PCP to see if there is any tests that he wants done. It maybe stress too.
 Well going to leave this wonderful place so I can get me a cat nap in before facing the day! Have a great day! BYE Michelle
on 7/24/08 8:02 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning! And it IS morning now...LOL! Well, I consider 5:50 am 'morning' anyway. I do Monday-Friday anyway.  I got up & got busy this morning so I'm here at work a little bit early. Hopefully, I'll be able to get out of here a little early this afternoon.

Bill's pressure was 32 yesterday. Not good. It was 33 pre-op! So....they changed his eye drops some more and he's to come back in 2 weeks. They put all new post-ops on predforte. It's an anti-inflamatory but it also can cause  your pressure to go up. Bill was really swollen after the surgery so he needed it. Now though, I think it's just serving to increase his pressure. They cut it from 4 drops a day to 1. After a week, he'll discontinue it completely. They also took a pressure reducer from 1 drop a day to 2. Hopefully these changes will help. See...I'm not so patient with my problems..I just happen to be married to someone who has had to deal with these visual problems all his almost 55 years. Loss of sight is alot scarier prospect than a distended stomach.

We don't have any big plans for this weekend. I'd see if Bill wants to go to Kittley & see some races but my tush has been extra tender this week. I'm wondering if maybe that 2nd antibiotic isn't the culprit. I've been extra distended (swollen) since starting it too. I'll be taking the last dose of it Monday. For what it was prescribed for (the distention & diarrea), no improvement (just worse). So anyway, may just do what I can in my herb & veggie beds and do my ironing and call it a weekend. all have a really peach day!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 7/24/08 8:56 pm - Thorntown, IN
Morning everyone,
   Boy, one good thing about being on prednizone is- I can't sleep so I am buzzing around here early. Already had my shower, did the dishes, & a load of laundry,& it is only 6:30! My headache has been killing me all last night/this am. so gave up trying to sleep & thought I'd catch up on my emails. The test didn't take long but the side effects weren't fun- I couldn't take my meds. for the phanthom pain ( Trigiminal Neuralgia) and it started up before the test in the back of my head, then left side, where they are checking for blockage. Oh, I did get a CD of my brain- now, if only I could figure out what it is showing~HUH??? Dr. should know in about 3 days, so we will see. 
   Afterwards we went to Dave's BBQ for lunch-YUMMO!!!!! I had a cup of chili, their broiled chicken thigh, green beans, & of course it is served with a baby ear of corn & corn muffin ( which DH loves) so all in all very good & filling. The best entertainment was the waitress- her name was Divinity , and she was wonderful! All in all, I'd give it a 5 star rating. Now, I doubt we could afford to go there for dinner, but their lunch was more than enough food!!
Then ,we went and saw Han**** and it was good as well. By the time we got home my head was pounding so I kicked back in my chair for awhile, then made supper for DH and we went out & had a bonfire & stargazed till about 11pm. All in all, it was a great day. Atleast I do know I have a brain, even if it is wacky sometimes hee~hee!!! 
  Going to work today at 2-7pm. then have to pick up stuff to fix for our family reunion Sunday, in Greenfield. Penny & kids plus the twins are coming over sat. for a visit. It is Amy's 37th birthday, so we are keeping the babies so they can have an evening out together. It should be a fun time- just hope it doesn'r rain, cause we are hoping for another campfire that night. Since we have had them over to campout once, it now has become a monthly thing. It gives them a "mini vacation away" and us a chance to spend time together, which we love. Mike misses out on all the fun since he is a weekend policeman in Sheridan,darn.

 Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Sherri- let Bill know we are thinking of him, and hope the pressure goes down FAST!!! I can't wait to see you guys, and everyone at the campout, & get my (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))!

  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
(deactivated member)
on 7/24/08 9:17 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Hello all! I hope you all have a great Friday planned. Me? I'm working a double today, at both VR and Sears. Oh well,... you do what you have to do, right? My Sable should finally be ready today, from the accident two weeks ago. I am glad that I'm going to be able to pick it up. I missed my car. I like it better than the rental. I have to figure out how to get my hubby's van fixed when I don't get paid until 12 days from now, again. Sigh. It's always something.
Jenny K.
on 7/24/08 9:20 pm - IN
Good morning everyone!

Had my endo yesterday and my ulcer that they found in January is still there.  I am to continue Carafate  & Prevacid.  So other then that everything went well.  Got home and took about an hour nap. Then went and got some paint for my kids bathroom and painted it last night.
I am back to work today and ready for the weekend.  Sort of!
I have my daughters friend coming tomorrow to stay the whole week because she lives with her grandparents and they are out of town all week and they go back to summer school Monday and she didnt have a ride.  Then I have a wedding to go.  Sunday hopefully nothing going on. I will probably mow though.

Welp hope everyone has a great day an weekend.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 7/24/08 11:13 pm - indianapolis, IN
GM all :) Im going to try to have a relaxed friday...............I am planning to take my kids to the pool as long as its not suppose to rain looks a lil gloomy out yet the weather says no rain until tonight so WHO KNOWS!!!
Hope everyone has a greattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt weekend
Gail O.
on 7/24/08 11:42 pm - indianapolis, IN
Good Morning All,
Well I too, have been up for hours, took the time to do a little reading.
My right knee is a little sore, most likely from that tumble last week.
I did a lot of walking & up/down stairs yesterday. I think I will take it  easy today. I have know plans this week-end but cleaning the house and maybe go out to dinner on Saturday.
I am going to try to go see Tameka tonight, her surgery is at 9:30, &  might get released today, I 'll check before I go.  
I hope everyone has a great week-end. Love to All.
Prayers & Healthy Wishes for those in need.
Hugs & Blessings Gail   

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @

Brenda R.
on 7/24/08 11:45 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning to all of my loser friends. I hope that you are surviving the end of the week. It is Friday!!!!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!

I am in the church office this morning with nothing to do. I am going to have the organist in some time this morning. She comes in on Friday and practices the songs for Sunday. Pastor still isn't back from Ohio. His dad has a malignant brain tumor and it seems like the prognosis is about a year with treatment. He is going to be starting radiation and chemo but is going into a extended care facility for now. Pastor is setting everything up and then he is suppose to be coming home sometime next week. It is going to be hard on Pastor. He is planning on going to Ohio one day a week, staying the night and then coming home the next day. Please remember them in your prayers. Pastor told me that his dad is so confused and the emotions are running ramped with the tumor and he is afraid that he is going to lose hope and faith.

Fern and I are going to the nursing homes this afternoon to visit our ladies in there. I enjoy doing that so it is going to be a fun afternoon. But I have such a terrible headache this morning that I hope that I can enjoy it.

I woke up with this terrible headache and I just wish that it would go away but so far no luck on that. It is in my temple and now it is going into my forehead and it is so annoying. I hate to have headaches. I have been getting them a lot so I think that if they continue I better let my doctor know.

This week end is going to be spent at home. We are going to be going through all the crap in the house and cleaning it all out and getting it out to the Goodwill. They are going to be seeing a lot of us this week end I have a feeling. lol

I guess I had better get going. I am sending all my love and hugs. Prayers are being said for all and special ones for those in need. Have a wonderful day and remember to be glad and rejoice in it.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/25/08 5:45 am - LaGrange, KY
I've been up for a while just been busy lately. I'm dealing with  a nasty case of fatigue again but I've been able to battle through it for the most part other than a spurt here and there where I absolutely HAVE to lay down.

Yesterday I had great fun, Rich had to run the radio station booth @ the Jackson Co fair and of course he just can't do it without me lol (I can let him take potty breaks and am a bit more outgoing that he is). Soo I went along and got to talk to and meet a bunch of folks. It was just fun. :)
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