posted a couple newer pics of me--am I still losing??

on 7/23/08 2:47 am - Osage Beach, MO
Sometimes I can't see the progress--people tell me I am but I have this fear that someday I'll wake up and won't lose another pound--do you see any difference?? Please be honest.


on 7/23/08 3:08 am - Indianapolis, IN
OMG! YES! YES!!!! I see the progress quite well! You are doing so fantastic! Look at those 1 month pics..then look at the last ones. Wow! What a difference! And ARE you still losing? I would be shocked if you were not. Equally though, I'd be shocked if your body didn't need a few days to a few weeks every now & then to catch it's breath! Have you been measureing yourself? If not, DO! And do about twice a month or so. When we begin to build muscles, the scales don't often move much..if any.

If it were possible, I could give you two 1 cubic feet boxes. If you were able to, I would ask you to load one up with much as you can squeeze into that box. In the other box, I'd ask you to squeeze in all the fat you could. And then, we weigh the boxes. Just because they take up the same amount of space, don't be fooled into believing they are the same! If we weighed eash of the boxes..the box with the muscles would weigh MORE. They are more dense. Think of the old joke: What weighs more..a pound of feathers or a pound of brick? They weight the same but the brick can do more damage because it's dence. The muscles can do more good gor the same reason.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
(deactivated member)
on 7/23/08 4:27 am - Terre Haute, IN
Hey Angie,

Of course you don't see the progress as much as we do, because like alot of us, you're looking at yourself through the 'fat girl' glasses. But trust me, I do see progress. You're doing great. I am not surprised you're scared of it ending, and not making it to your goal. But you can do this, just keep doing what you're supposed to be doing.

on 7/23/08 6:49 am - aurora, IN
Oh Angie
you look wonderful
but the main thing is i bet you feel alot better right.
I get so disappointed in myself also its hard not to but then i have a wow moment that brings me back to the reality i am still losing.
im sort of stuck on the same weight right now its ben like that for a few weeks......
but you look great keep up the good work sweetie

Brenda R.
on 7/23/08 8:30 am - Portage, IN

Yes, Angie, I do see the change. There is a big one. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will continue to lose weight. I don't see the change in me either, but yesterday I saw me in the window of Goodwill and I thought for the first time "I am a normal size person now!" but I had to ask my gf today if I was really a normal size or if I just thought that I was. She told me yes I was a normal size now and that helped. Just ask someone close to you the questions that you about not being able to see changes. They will tell you and they will be honest. Promise~you look different! Keep up the great job!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/23/08 8:45 am - Crawfordsville, IN
Oh yes dear we can see the difference. I know its hard to see it yourself, heck I'm almost a year out and its still hard for me to see the difference sometimes.  You are doing a  wonderful job. Keep up the good work.  
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   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


on 7/23/08 10:07 am - LaGrange, KY
I most definitely can see it in you!!!

I don't see it in me though. Keep your head up (( HUGS ))
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