Happy Hump Day!

on 7/22/08 11:08 pm - Indianapolis, IN
I can't believe that it's 9 and no one has started the daily thread yet!


What all do you have going on today?

For us, I have to have Bill at the low vision place at 3:45 to pick up the remake of his glasses. He had gotten them a few months ago and they fell apart. Aparantly the lens weren't cut correctly so they had to be totally remade. After we leave there, I have an appointment with Dr. Bergman at 4:40. Instead of every 2 weeks, she decided to go with every week in order to try to be more aggresive with these places on my belly that keep opening up & the place on my leg that keeps filling with fluid. Days like today makes me appreciate days like tomorrow...only one doctor appointment..lol!

I hope you all have a really terrific day today!



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Brenda R.
on 7/22/08 11:46 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning to you, Sherri and my other loser friends.

This morning is no a much happening time. I am getting on the computer (like you couldn't figure that one out!) since I failed to check in yesterday. Yes~I am still alive and well. I just was so busy yesterday and I didn't find the time to get on. I was flitting around the house and then my cousin and his wife and granddaughter came. We went to Goodwill and looked around. I live right across the street from Goodwill. I just wi**** was a good one like in Valparaiso. Oh well, at least it is something. lol I did get a I Love Lucy shirt. It is in really good condition~gently used~and bright pink. It is the episode of the candy making and on the bottom ist says in big letters "Speed it up a little!" with the picture and the episode number and name. As you may know I am a nut when it comes to I Love Lucy. I paid $2 for it and it is a size medium. I told Cindy that it wouldn't fit me now but I was getting there. I tried it on and it fit!!!! I of course looked like 5 great tomatoes in a itty bitty can instead of 8 but before I wouldn't have been able to fit it on my one arm I don't think!! lol

Today is a busy one this afternoon. I am staying home this morning and then meeting a lady from church and we are going to go visit the shut ins from the church. We thought that we had better do this since Pastor isn't here to do it. Then on Friday we are going to go see the nursing home people. That way it is getting done this month~maybe the tail end of it but it is still July. I enjoy doing this because I love to talk, like you haven't figured that one out yet!

Today is another cooler one. Thank God. I don't think we could have stood another day of that hot and humid stuff. My gf is in Indy at her daughters and she told me yesterday that what we had you are now getting. I hope that it is better for you than it was for us. It was so bad I couldn't even stand to go out in it.

My petunias are now dying. I was telling you that it was the folliage first and now it is the flowers. I think it was that hot and humid weather that did it. I hope that they come back to life. They were so pretty. The stargazer lilies that Bill planted are up and has several blooms on them. The blooms were green but now they are a cream color. I can't wait until they bloom. The strawberry plant is still growning but no berries yet. Maybe next year. The other flowers aren't blooming but the leaves and such are there. I am hoping that they bloom. If they don't I am going to be angry. That was a lot of money in bulbs that was paid.

Misty is laying and checking everything out on her back 40 as my dad use to say. Nothing misses that girl let me tell ya. I know that she is watching for the birds. We have a lot of the sea gulls too and she likes them a LOT! They aren't out there this morning. I hope that she keeps waiting for them since that will keep her off my lap for a bit while I chat with everyone. lol

I hope that everyone has a wonderful day today. I am sending love and hugs to all along with the prayers and the special ones for those in need of them. I am going to go for now and read up on the things that I missed out on yesterday. That is one of the reasons why I don't like missing a day with everyone~I have so much to catch up on. lol See ya all later on.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


LaChelle R.
on 7/23/08 12:04 am - Erie, PA
Good morning all.  Not much going on today for me other than getting 2 tires put on the car, and cleaning my TRUCK!!!  I got it yesterday, and I am so happy and excited!  I will have to take pictures and post them when I get a chance.  I have to work tonight and tomorrow night, and then we are off to Illinois to get my babies!!! I miss them so much, and have really wanted to go get them so many times before the summer was up, but I stayed strong, and they are so glad that I did too. 

Hope everyone is doing well today.  I have to get the suitcases packed, and the car cleaned out as well.  I think Jimmy is going to detail the car while I am at work.  Maybe, anyway.

Hope it is a great day for all.  Gotta get up and going! Have a wonderful day! 

Good luck to all those on their way to a better, HEALTHIER life!  And to those just getting started and reading these posts.........you picked the right place to start! Pop on in and ask all the questions you have.  It's the best thing to do! You will find out everything you need, I promise!

Take care, and TTYL!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
(deactivated member)
on 7/23/08 12:50 am - Terre Haute, IN
Hi all! Not too much going on here, either. I am at work today. I'm still finding it hard to focus in after my surgery earlier this month. I get tired and lose focus. But I'm just taking it one thing at a time, doing the best I can. We're pretty excited because at our new, post-flood apartment, we can have our dog, Molly. She's a great dog. She's been with my MIL for a couple months. Molly's getting groomed tomorrow, and then coming home with us. It will be a surprise for the kids. Well,.. till later,....
on 7/23/08 1:26 am - Crawfordsville, IN
Nothing much going on here today. I was suppose to go to work today (haven't worked for about 3 weeks, lol) and at 5 am they called and said I could go back to bed cuz there was enough people working, so I did and I actually slept until almost 11am. Its been a long time since I have done that.  Thinking about taking the kids to the pool for some swimming.  I'm still nice an hesitant about being in front of all with a bathing suit on so not sure that will happen today or not.  Hope everybody has a great day.

Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore www.youravon.com/uthompson or message me for more info.

   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


Jenny K.
on 7/23/08 1:46 am - IN
Good morning all almost afternoon.

I have been busy at work and just now getting a chance to get on and check in. 
I hadnt taken my Prevacid since Sunday and my ulcer pain came back yesterday and by last night I was hurting pretty bad. Dr Gupta told me last Thurs to not take it and see if it came back an if it did she wanted to do a scope. So I called them this morning and they are getting me in tomorrow for a scope.  I have to be at St. V's at 9:45 and the scope is at 11:00.  I am hoping there is nothing more going on. I wont probably be able to let you know until Friday when I come back to work so keep your fingers crossed.
Hope you all have a great day.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 7/23/08 1:48 am - aurora, IN
Good morning everyone
or should i say afternoon.
I slept in to satyed up and watched stop loss with the boys last night it made me do alot of thinking..and cry alittle..
Im gonna help my son tackle the garage,,,mission impossible.
We have 2 get togethers this weekend and 1 next weekend then we can slow down..lol
Started school shopping for the boys and i make 5 school supply bookbags for family who dont have anything and now my sons girlfriend whose family ha**** a rough spot so me and the boys are working on getting those ready..
And steve and barrys is going out of business so i geuss we will be there friday night my boys get there high tops there for 8.96 a pair and they are wrestling fans and they get there tshirts for 7.00
now that its closing im gonna be lost.lol
well everyone have a great day and stay safe..............

on 7/23/08 2:09 am - Indianapolis, IN
Good Afternoon,

I am off today! Not supposed to be! I took some meds and afterwards was feeling pretty nasty! I have a call into the docs and have since heard that I probably took too much dosage and need a starter pack! I am awaiting another call!
Hope everyone is doing well on their journies! I have missed so much and have not been able to catch completely up! I wish that I could have made it to the exchange! I hear their were some there that I really needed to meet! Maybe next time! I recently heard from KAREN, KARMAWINGS, it was great to hear from her! She is doing well and said she will be trying to post on the Indy board! I encouraged her to keep posting that we all missed her!

Gail, any news on Hannah?

Steve and Barry's going out of busy? UUGGHH!!! Is that all of there stores or just your local store? My son loves going there. They have lots of smartellic t-shirts- boy do they suit him??!!

Well, I am off to get some things accomplished! Hope everyone has a great day! Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

Jo N.
on 7/23/08 3:54 am - Crawfordsville, IN
It's all the Steve and Barry's Stores. They filed for bankruptcy and are closing all 250 stores. Which sucks because we were in the process of doing "Hiring" for their store here in Crawfordsville and now that won't happen. 
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


on 7/23/08 4:27 am - Crawfordsville, IN
hmmmmm I didnt even know we had one here in crawfordsville lol shows you how much I pay attention

Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore www.youravon.com/uthompson or message me for more info.

   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


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