flood recovery
hi everyone sorry to have beengone for so long. we were victims of the flod in terre haute back on june 7th. ironically my kidsand i were out at 6 am helping another subdivision evacuate elderly and disabled people when we got the callthe dith\ch had collapsed and our own apartment wasin the dierct path ofthe flood. by the time we got there the waterswererapidly rising. we got our vehicle and our litlle dogsoutok once the pups were safe we went back in tohelp our neighbors.the water wasalomost 2 1/2 feet deepin the house and every thing was lost out in the parking lot is waspto our chest.my ids were amazing though we wereout in that disc\gustin muck for over fivehours locating neighbors wo were still stranded in their homes. my daughter would find them by going door to door and the we would get them to the levy if we could move tem f we couldnt we would mark te house and elp get them up onto higherfurnture until recuers could get there. about 3 hours after the flood hit some nice men ina boat showed up and wewere able t take them to te marker homes to help get the rest of the people out. i have faced a lot of ridicule because the kids and i stayed to help people say we should have gotte ourselves out and not risked anything or getting hurt. i sent my kids onseveral times but its not in their hearts as long as people needed help tey were staying. I amsohapy to say that noone forour complex was injured or left behind
we did loose eeryting and had t stay in my dads basment and attic for alomost 5 weeks. but this last week we were able to move into a different apartment complex. i as really happy with this as t means the kids are settled in before schoolstarts.. our renters insurance paidnothing( so if you have renters isurance know it does not cover floods o water damage unless you purchase a sewer back up policy. but still no floods. right now fema has helped us a little and we have our basic items replaced.( hey it was knd of funI love auctions and bargains shopping so it was interesting. got a couch and matching chair also a wingback chair from an auction all fo only 42 dollars and their in great shape. my biggest problems now are dishes, cookand bake ware and trying tocome up with school clothes and supplies for the kids. sammyis easyas she is smalland I cango to yard sales jr is much harder as he s bigand talland hard to find for. but we will keepworking on it. my weight loss has kind of it my fist plateau I have lost a totalof268 pounds. but am standing on that. but since the flood my rutine and eating habits have been out of wack. prettty much just go on protein bars and coffee. Linda s far as your lease goes check wih fema I know with my lung as junky as they are my pulmonoligist wrote a letter telling them I couldnt stay there because of the odors and mold they have since cancelled everyones leases of course they say when u move back u must repay the deposit and pet deposits which were foreited also the rent is going to be raised. the new place im in has an extra bedroom ,another bathroom, shower room, dinig roomand laundry room so i can have my own washer and dryer no more laundry mat. all for only $100 more amonth. so this will work for now.
good luck everyone take care im sorry i have missed out on so much I hope everyone is doing well
God Bless
we did loose eeryting and had t stay in my dads basment and attic for alomost 5 weeks. but this last week we were able to move into a different apartment complex. i as really happy with this as t means the kids are settled in before schoolstarts.. our renters insurance paidnothing( so if you have renters isurance know it does not cover floods o water damage unless you purchase a sewer back up policy. but still no floods. right now fema has helped us a little and we have our basic items replaced.( hey it was knd of funI love auctions and bargains shopping so it was interesting. got a couch and matching chair also a wingback chair from an auction all fo only 42 dollars and their in great shape. my biggest problems now are dishes, cookand bake ware and trying tocome up with school clothes and supplies for the kids. sammyis easyas she is smalland I cango to yard sales jr is much harder as he s bigand talland hard to find for. but we will keepworking on it. my weight loss has kind of it my fist plateau I have lost a totalof268 pounds. but am standing on that. but since the flood my rutine and eating habits have been out of wack. prettty much just go on protein bars and coffee. Linda s far as your lease goes check wih fema I know with my lung as junky as they are my pulmonoligist wrote a letter telling them I couldnt stay there because of the odors and mold they have since cancelled everyones leases of course they say when u move back u must repay the deposit and pet deposits which were foreited also the rent is going to be raised. the new place im in has an extra bedroom ,another bathroom, shower room, dinig roomand laundry room so i can have my own washer and dryer no more laundry mat. all for only $100 more amonth. so this will work for now.
good luck everyone take care im sorry i have missed out on so much I hope everyone is doing well
God Bless
So sorry to hear you have been thru so much!! I would be proud of your kids too!! My boys would never had left me either..so I know where you are in that aspect. Sometimes there are things your heart just says you have to do. Wish I could help...but my job status is the same and not working means not bringing home money. To bad you didnt make it to the clothing exchange... we had TONS of clothes left over... Be well... Linda Kay
I so wondered how you were doing with the flood. I was pretty sure you got flooded out because of where you were. We lost most of our stuff from the flood too, down in Greenbriar. It was bad, we were lucky to get up in the middle of the night, and find it before it got too bad, so we could get our cars out. Where are you staying now? We're down in Cobblestone Crossings. It's pretty nice.
I so wondered how you were doing with the flood. I was pretty sure you got flooded out because of where you were. We lost most of our stuff from the flood too, down in Greenbriar. It was bad, we were lucky to get up in the middle of the night, and find it before it got too bad, so we could get our cars out. Where are you staying now? We're down in Cobblestone Crossings. It's pretty nice.
My husband and I went through the flood in '97. We had 11 feet of the Ohio River in our house. It was devastating. Please post the items you need so we can help you out. I live in Rockport which is a few hours away but will help in any way I can. I am on the board of my county's Christian Resource Center so I have access to used furniture and clothes. Please, please, please allow us to help you. So many people we don't even know can and helped us when we needed it. We want to pay it forward. Please put things like toys and such for your children too. Not just necessities. Many on here will help.
My husband and I went through the flood in '97. We had 11 feet of the Ohio River in our house. It was devastating. Please post the items you need so we can help you out. I live in Rockport which is a few hours away but will help in any way I can. I am on the board of my county's Christian Resource Center so I have access to used furniture and clothes. Please, please, please allow us to help you. So many people we don't even know can and helped us when we needed it. We want to pay it forward. Please put things like toys and such for your children too. Not just necessities. Many on here will help.
Sorry to hear about what happened but very happy that all got out with out any misfortunes. My mother law lives in columbus and her whole houseing division got flooded. Hers was only 2 1/2 feet of water in her house and she still lost pretty much every thing so I can only imagine with the water you got how things were. I know she was kinda fortunate that one of her neighbors worked at a marsh store there and the company got 4 or 5 HUGE moving trucks full of donated stuff and they put it out so that the whole neighborhood could take what they needed. Just make sure if there is anything ya need that you go ahead and post, there are a lot of really great people on here that would be willing to help if they can. As far as what people say about you and your kids getting out, I wouldn't worry about it. Just goes to show how well you have raised your kids and know that they are thinking of you and others in a time of need. You guys are safe and sound and that is what matters. Take care and keep us posted of anything ya might need.
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Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality
thank you so much everyone.
we are going to be fine its going to take a little bit of time and I know that.we have God with us and lots of angels looking over us. so i just try to keep a positive outlook on things. getting into the apartment was a huge relief. I appreciated my dad very uch for letting us stay therebut it was not an easy thing he doesnt let any go out in the eve because he doesnt trust people not to grab somene, you cant go out in the erly eve because of mosquitos, cant walk to the park because stray dogs might be around, e is a very heay smoker an I was having an awful time beathing my pulmonoligist saidy pft scores were down almost 20 % from the smoke exposer. so now im in my own home and breathing is so much easier. i dont use my inhaler or nebulizer nearly as much as i was there.
as far as what we need we have the basic things covered. im jus****ching yard sales and resale stores for cook/bake wear and then trying toget stuff for the kids for school. walgreens had some great deals and i got pens/pencils/rulers/crayons for just pennies each. so now its jus****ching for colored pencils/markers, bookbags and hopefully taht will be enough to start the school supplies. sam is easy she wearsjunior lrg tops and 13/14 jeans 10 shoes so i am able to find some stuff for her at the yardsales jr is just a big kid so hes harder to find for.he wears a 5x tshirt 48/36 pants and 14ee shoes. most people that wear those sizes dont get rid of them. soif anyone would runacrosssomeone or somewhere that might have those sizes please let me know
thank you again
God Bless
we are going to be fine its going to take a little bit of time and I know that.we have God with us and lots of angels looking over us. so i just try to keep a positive outlook on things. getting into the apartment was a huge relief. I appreciated my dad very uch for letting us stay therebut it was not an easy thing he doesnt let any go out in the eve because he doesnt trust people not to grab somene, you cant go out in the erly eve because of mosquitos, cant walk to the park because stray dogs might be around, e is a very heay smoker an I was having an awful time beathing my pulmonoligist saidy pft scores were down almost 20 % from the smoke exposer. so now im in my own home and breathing is so much easier. i dont use my inhaler or nebulizer nearly as much as i was there.
as far as what we need we have the basic things covered. im jus****ching yard sales and resale stores for cook/bake wear and then trying toget stuff for the kids for school. walgreens had some great deals and i got pens/pencils/rulers/crayons for just pennies each. so now its jus****ching for colored pencils/markers, bookbags and hopefully taht will be enough to start the school supplies. sam is easy she wearsjunior lrg tops and 13/14 jeans 10 shoes so i am able to find some stuff for her at the yardsales jr is just a big kid so hes harder to find for.he wears a 5x tshirt 48/36 pants and 14ee shoes. most people that wear those sizes dont get rid of them. soif anyone would runacrosssomeone or somewhere that might have those sizes please let me know
thank you again
God Bless