I'll be having surgery...
I've posted on here how I have been having excrutiating back pain since mid June. I've had 2 needle surgeries with another one 8/8 for pain blocks and for antiobotics. I had an MRI 6/28 and was told I had a significant bulge in one of my discs. They were able to give the pain block appropriately and the pain comes and goes as it pleases. Today I saw a surgeon. He told me I need to have IMMEDIATE surgery or the bulge causing nerve pain could not recover. Now the rub, I took lots of pain killers for the first 3 weeks and it has caused liver problems which has caused gall bladder problems. The surgeon refuses to give me the surgery until I have a hydroscan to be sure my gallbladder will not give out during his surgery. He said he has seen it happen. I cannot get the hydroscan until 8/6! Pain until surgery. I will need to be off work 3-4 weeks with the out-patient back surgery. But the gallbladder would have me off 1 week. Gallbladder one week and back surgery the next!!! Whoa! Kind of scares me!
I'm asking for prayers! Please let my gallbladder be okay so that I don't have to have it out and can have my back surgery very soon to be out of pain!
Thanks for letting me vent!
Hey I am sure that your gall bladder will be ok! As far as the pain I know how debilitating it can be. At least they are going to do the surgery and you will hopfully be out of pain soon. Who is your surgeon? I am needing help with my back also. It seems my pain comes and goes alot too. But I have degenerative disc diease. I have had lot of injections in my spine and now I had one just about 4 weeks ago that didn't help any.
Anyway just know that I am praying for you! Vince Kelley sister Michelle
My doctor is Dr. Carl Sartorius at Indiana Neurosurgical Group on Naab Road next to St. V's. He was really very funny and very nice. He showed me the MRI views and exactly where I had the herniated (ruptured) disc. Went over it line by line! Very informative and I was very comfortable with him. I also have degenerative disc disease. So I have always had back pain. But NOTHING like the herniated disc!
Also did you get what I sent?
My gallbladder removal surgery is Monday Aug 4th at 9:00 a.m. I'll be off work for 1 week. Then back to work for a week. Monday August 18th at 8:00 a.m. is my back surgery. I'll be out of work for 4 - 6 weeks. No less than 4. Can't drive for 2-3 weeks!
Please keep me in your prayers!