Sunday Sunday..
Hope everyone is doing well..
I'm still feeling pertty rough and I think I pulled a muscle around my pouch coughing because I'm getting a lot of pain around that area off and on. I don't think I could have damaged anything?? I just know it's hurting and coughing takes my breath away and makes it worse. I really want to make it til Monday to see my Asthma doc and not have to end up at the ER but I worry bout making it til then which sounds funny but it's the truth.
Anyways other than that all is well. :) I wanna make it to church this morning and at this rate I'll still be up. I rest easier during the day because the cough and all is much worse at night so I slept most the day yesterday between treatments.
I'm still feeling pertty rough and I think I pulled a muscle around my pouch coughing because I'm getting a lot of pain around that area off and on. I don't think I could have damaged anything?? I just know it's hurting and coughing takes my breath away and makes it worse. I really want to make it til Monday to see my Asthma doc and not have to end up at the ER but I worry bout making it til then which sounds funny but it's the truth.
Anyways other than that all is well. :) I wanna make it to church this morning and at this rate I'll still be up. I rest easier during the day because the cough and all is much worse at night so I slept most the day yesterday between treatments.
Yep, I'm headin to church too real soon.. I bathed and rolled my long hair last night before bed and so it won't take nearly as long this morning. Then I HAVE to find a nail salon open on Sunday... I have an interview in Indy at 9 tomorrow... PLEASE anyof you who pray, PRAY! The exchange yesterday went great I have a basket of clothes to finish going thru and wash and hang up. I got 3 shirts I am soooo thrilled to have because I think cotton button up shirts look great with bluejeans. They are so nice they will go great with skirts and dress pants too.Maybe honey and I will get my wheels back on my Harley and go for a ride before the rain starts up... or get it ready for the next nice day.. Have a great one people!! Linda Kay
Lordy...I am whupped today! Took me a while to calm down from all the excitement yesterday and I finally got to bed about 2 this morning!
Not much happening here today. Just gonna be a lazy Sunday for us. My feet are hurting bad so doubtful we will go to church. I reckon I am gonna just have to make a doc appt. to check them out. Has anyone else had feet pain since the surgery? When I stand up they feel like the tops of them are broken and my heels (achilles heel area) are swollen.
Misty...hope you get to feeling better...hang in there...monday is just one more day! I sure missed you yesterday...looking forward to the next one when I can get my hug!
Linda....yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaw gal..have a great ride! I love being able to ride with Mark now on his bike! One goal reached! I am praying for you to get that job...I know what its like to need one! Pray I get one soon!
Sherri...hope you have a safe trip home today from Indiana Beach!
Everyone that was at the exchange yesterday...please post your recipes! I will start the thread!
Hugssssssss to y'all!
Lordy...I am whupped today! Took me a while to calm down from all the excitement yesterday and I finally got to bed about 2 this morning!
Not much happening here today. Just gonna be a lazy Sunday for us. My feet are hurting bad so doubtful we will go to church. I reckon I am gonna just have to make a doc appt. to check them out. Has anyone else had feet pain since the surgery? When I stand up they feel like the tops of them are broken and my heels (achilles heel area) are swollen.
Misty...hope you get to feeling better...hang in there...monday is just one more day! I sure missed you yesterday...looking forward to the next one when I can get my hug!
Linda....yeeeeeeeehaaaaaaw gal..have a great ride! I love being able to ride with Mark now on his bike! One goal reached! I am praying for you to get that job...I know what its like to need one! Pray I get one soon!
Sherri...hope you have a safe trip home today from Indiana Beach!
Everyone that was at the exchange yesterday...please post your recipes! I will start the thread!
Hugssssssss to y'all!
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
DS on 11/14/12
Well I am off to the local Sears auto department. Ok...tried to get this in last nite but Dale decided to work on electricity problem in basement at 11:00 last night. I went to Indy to the clothing exchange and everything was great until it was time to leave and I got lost. Then I went onto the wrong wrong road and ran over something in the road because I heard a loud pop and heard air! so I did a U turn...went through the red light and got into Meineke's parking lot before it was completely flat. I asked if they could fix it...nope! It was a slice about 1 and 1/2 inches. Replace only and they did not have one that size in stock. Sears (in clarksville-where i am headed) was no help either since I called them and the idiot that sold them to me couldn't find his own butt! Then I remembered I had roadside assistance and they sent someone out to put on the spare. Yes...I tried to change it myself, but the mount piece was rusted onto the rim of the spare and I could not get it loose. The lug nuts were so tight I could not budge them either! So while the roadside assist guy was putting on my spare, the manager at Meineke comes out and syas, " If i had known all you wanted was the spare put on, we could have done that for you for just a small fee." I was so p.o.'d! The guy working on my tire looked at me..then at him and said, "Nah...we are gonna get this for her so she can get back on the charge!" I almost laughed out loud!So the manager went back inside. It was covered under my cell phone roadside assistance, but the other guy did not need to know that! I gave the guy a nice tip and was on my way! Ladies...Chivalry is not dead! He also gave me directions to get my lost butt out of there and I headed straight home. All back roads mind you because you cannot go over 50 (55) on a donut tire and only up to 100 miles. Well it made it 125...I called Dale and kept him updated on where I was at all times in case I broke down. I did not want to be lost in Deliverance when the sun went down and no one be able to find my dead body..since that would have been the cherry on my ckae of a day! So.....I finally made it home and straight into a shower at 8:30 last night! Ladies...I am so glad I keep a couple protein bars in my purse and water bottles in my van! I needed them yesterday. So today I am going to try to get there and get something done with these tires. I have had nothing but headaches since I bought them and after stopping at the Sears in Greenwood. The guy there was awesome! If clarksville will not fix the problem he said to come back up there and he would. He said the shape the tires were in after only two years was terrible...dry rot, belt coming through sidewall, etc...He said they showed little tread loss and rotation had been done as advised for the warranty. Yes...I would go back to greenwood just because he was so sweet and helpful. He was making me laugh and after that experience I needed it! I paid for that road hazzard and I want it fixed! So...we will see what the day hold!
Good morning everyone
We had dinner with my aunts and then visited for awhile had to see all the kiddies before i left town.
Stop in North Vernon indiana on the way home to visit friends got home at 1:130 this a.m.
Today we are going to watch hellboy2 and go bowling with the boys..
My friend is stopping by this a.m. she is 36 and has rectal cancer she has 5 weeks of chemo and radation 5 days a week .My heart goes out to her..
So we are gonna visit while my dh and hers and my boys load some things from the garage..
Well again thanks everyone for a great day and i missed seeing you Brenda R i was looking for you ...
everyone have a good day and stay safe. it looks like rain
We had dinner with my aunts and then visited for awhile had to see all the kiddies before i left town.
Stop in North Vernon indiana on the way home to visit friends got home at 1:130 this a.m.
Today we are going to watch hellboy2 and go bowling with the boys..
My friend is stopping by this a.m. she is 36 and has rectal cancer she has 5 weeks of chemo and radation 5 days a week .My heart goes out to her..
So we are gonna visit while my dh and hers and my boys load some things from the garage..
Well again thanks everyone for a great day and i missed seeing you Brenda R i was looking for you ...
everyone have a good day and stay safe. it looks like rain
I am wishing all my loser friends a wonderful bright sunny day today! Now let's hope that Mother Nature agrees!
I am so glad that everyone had a great time at the exchange yesterday. I was so looking forward to going but I guess I was not meant to. I did get my back brakes changed yesterday and so that is a good thing. I have to be doing something with my rotors in a few months I guess. Bill was gone for almost 11 hours yesterday helping our nephew fix his almost ex's car. I guess they did major work to it. David said that at least he knows when the kids are in the car he knows they are safe. They did my brakes after that work and that was a quick fix. I am glad they are done.
I am off to church in a few minutes. I have the service this morning. Wish me luck. I know that the sermon is alright but for some reason I am very nervous about the whole thing this morning. Usually I am nervous but not this bad. Not sure what the problem is though.
I am not wearing my yellow dress today. I didn't get to the store to get a slip and panty hose. So I found a dress in my closet and can use the black slip that I have. Thank God!!! The dress is a bit big but at least it isn't falling off my body so that is a plus! It is more of an african print with the navies, burgundys, and golds in it. It has little elephants on it too at the hem. It isn't one of my favorites but it works for today. haha I knew there was a reason I got it ~ and yes it is another rummage sale find. I won't buy dresses anywhere else since I would never get the money out of them since I hate to wear dresses.
I guess I had better get going. I hope and pray that everyone has a wonderful and safe day today. I am sending love and hugs to everyone and prayers are going up for all. Special ones are being said for those in need of them.
Misty, your cough is worse at night because most coughs are because of the night air. It is more moist and that is even with the air on. Coughs are the one of the last things to go because they are so hard to get rid of. So be prepared to have it for a bit. Tessalon Pearles are great cough pills to have. Can't get better than those!
Janene, take care of your feet and get intot he doctor to have that checked out!
I am so glad that everyone had a great time at the exchange yesterday. I was so looking forward to going but I guess I was not meant to. I did get my back brakes changed yesterday and so that is a good thing. I have to be doing something with my rotors in a few months I guess. Bill was gone for almost 11 hours yesterday helping our nephew fix his almost ex's car. I guess they did major work to it. David said that at least he knows when the kids are in the car he knows they are safe. They did my brakes after that work and that was a quick fix. I am glad they are done.
I am off to church in a few minutes. I have the service this morning. Wish me luck. I know that the sermon is alright but for some reason I am very nervous about the whole thing this morning. Usually I am nervous but not this bad. Not sure what the problem is though.
I am not wearing my yellow dress today. I didn't get to the store to get a slip and panty hose. So I found a dress in my closet and can use the black slip that I have. Thank God!!! The dress is a bit big but at least it isn't falling off my body so that is a plus! It is more of an african print with the navies, burgundys, and golds in it. It has little elephants on it too at the hem. It isn't one of my favorites but it works for today. haha I knew there was a reason I got it ~ and yes it is another rummage sale find. I won't buy dresses anywhere else since I would never get the money out of them since I hate to wear dresses.
I guess I had better get going. I hope and pray that everyone has a wonderful and safe day today. I am sending love and hugs to everyone and prayers are going up for all. Special ones are being said for those in need of them.
Misty, your cough is worse at night because most coughs are because of the night air. It is more moist and that is even with the air on. Coughs are the one of the last things to go because they are so hard to get rid of. So be prepared to have it for a bit. Tessalon Pearles are great cough pills to have. Can't get better than those!
Janene, take care of your feet and get intot he doctor to have that checked out!
Good Afternoon All,
I have been up for hours, the board wouldn't let me post
But being good to me now. I loved meeting all of you, I could stay all day. I did bring some times bring home a little to big. But will bring them to the next exchange. I could wear a lilac 2 pick set, MamaLissa pick out for me. Just talking & Hugs is the best part for me. Love to all.
Prayers & Healthy Wishes to Those in need.
Hugs and Blessings, Gail
I have been up for hours, the board wouldn't let me post

Prayers & Healthy Wishes to Those in need.
Hugs and Blessings, Gail
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Good afternoon everyone. It is 2:45 pm and I just got up. I got off work at 7 am this morning, and I am so exhausted I can't hardly stand up! I had so much fun visiting with everyone yesterday, and meeting several new faces! It is so great to finally put names and faces together!!! We will have to do that again soon!
Hope everyone has a great day! I am going to take my vitamins, grab a bottle of water and a bite to eat, and then go back to bed......and just rest and watch tv. That is about all I can handle today! Sorry, Michelle, I am just too tired to make the drive...we will have to get together soon tho!
Take care all! TTYL
Hope everyone has a great day! I am going to take my vitamins, grab a bottle of water and a bite to eat, and then go back to bed......and just rest and watch tv. That is about all I can handle today! Sorry, Michelle, I am just too tired to make the drive...we will have to get together soon tho!
Take care all! TTYL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Happy Sunday evening Indiana family!! I'm currently at work...bored. We've got a whopping 4 patients so you can imagine how slow it is. I haven't been on much lately. Just have a lot goin' on in my busy life. I moved out of my Mom's and in with my boyfriend, Tony. That's right, BOYFRIEND! He's the greatest guy ever I swear. Gives me butterflies. *sigh* So, everything is going well for me. I hope everyone else is doin' well too!! Have a great week.