Friday Morning!
Good morning everyone!
Well..the RV is about loaded up. I have my list of 'don't forgets' know..meds, phone/charger, laptop, etc. I realized last night that I forgot...our water! OMG!
GOT TO have our water! So it's on the list. For a weekend trip, I fill up two 3 gallon containers (they have spouts on them) and bring along 24 oz bottles as well. Yes, we have running water in the rv and even though Bill puts the stuff in the tank to make it safe & taste good, I don't like the taste of it. He thinks I'm nuts. LOL! It's fine to cook with. I just have a picky taste bud when it comes to straigh****er though.
Ok..update on yesterday....
Bill's eye appointment went 'ok'. His pressure was 35 prior to surgery. It was 23 yesterday. Under 10 is the goal. One of the anti-inflammatory drops (pred forte) that he is always put on post eye surgery causes the pressure to increase so it may be why it hasn't lowered more than 12 points. They started him back on a couple of eye drops for presure again. He goes back next Thursday. We'll see then how it is...although...he'll still be on the pred forte until then so it won't be as low as it could be without it. That, we'll have to wait a few weeks for.
The exciting news for me really came from my endocrinologist appointment. He's the one who works to keep my thyroid at a good level. And I DO mean 'works' at it. As I said yesterday, every time he even thinks about having me come back in 6 months instead of 3, the lab report comes back either high or low. Well..this time it showed that my dosage needed increased so starting today, I'm taking 162 mcg instead of 150. As he was asking his questions, it made so much sence to me! I had been a little frustrated at myself over my weight. When I was losing so quickly last fall everyone (even my surgical specialists) were encouraging me to eat, eat, eat to try to slow down/stop the loss. My lowest..on April 26th..was 142 lbs. I had gotten back up to 160 (156 today!). So I had been telling myself that I needed to cut back again. It's hard to do though with the diarrhe cause I eat and a half hour later I am
it back out. My hair has been seen in the shower drain again but I attributed it & my brittle fingernails to it being 4 months post hernia repair. About 4 months post-op, every time no matter what type of surgery I have (even my bunion ones!) I go through this phase (but not nearly as bad as I was without taking biotin), I've been VERY forgetful lately. I feel like I need a notepad with me 24/7! I guess I chalked that up to be so tired. Of course, that I chalked up to being so active at work & home lately. See? I had an excuse for every single symptom! Even my extremly dry skin on my face! I blamed my meds. Come to find out, it was all due my synthroid being too low. I had been borderline on my thyroid from the time I was 22 until about 3 months post-RNY. Since being diagnosed, my dosage has changed so many times. 162 the largest amount to date. I hope it's enough to do the job and my symptoms all clear up. Usually it takes a few weeks for me to start to notice a dosage change. So..about the time Bill's pressure starts to go down, so should my weight! LOL! I'll be rechecked in 3 months.
Last but not least, I talked with the gastroenternist yesterday. He had me on a meds for the spasms in my intestines. Alone, they didn't work very well. Dr. Gupta added another med for that (bentyl) and between the two, the spasms were more or less under control. I had ran out of his..and out of refills Monday. He wouldn't refill it since I had told him that they didn't do much good. Well..the bentyl alone wasn't doing the job either. Yesterday was a very intestinal active day! So I contacted his office & he called me back. I told him how if talked with levbid or the bentyl, his med worked ok. But the levbid or bentyl did not work well on their own either. I guess all three are pretty much are for the same thing. So..I was on 10 mg Bentyl three times aday. Now I'm on 20 mg four times a day. I took 2 doses of 20 mg last night and this morning, I've only had slight shimmers. That, I can handle. So...also a very good thing!
On a completely different Secret Elf has sent me two ecards already! Isn't that terrific? I'm hoping their identity can keep a secret to me until they reveal themself in December. Don't get me wrong, if your elf doesn't do what they are suppose to, I do want to know about it! But I hope all the elves do good. See, in order for me to find out who to contact..say if Ellen tells me in September that she hasn't gotten anything at all. In order for me to find out & contact Ellen's elf, I have to look at the draw for each person until I come up on the one who drew her name. If I went to Ellen's name, it'll just show me who she drew..not who drew hers. So last round, when several contacted me, I did have to do that until I came upon who had the people who didn't recieve anything. So that means that I see who each person had drawn until I got to the names who drew. So yes Jenny, I knew you had me but I tried to pretend I didn't.
So..keep it fun for me everyone by making it fun for your person! BUT if you don't get anything, DO let me know! Me knowing who drew my name does not take the fun out of for me nearly as much as finding out that someone isn't playing fair. Besides, usually there was a good reason why gifts/cards were late in coming.
Well..I will try to get on here from Indiana Beach tomorrow sometime. If I'm not on here beforehand, you all have a terrific time at the clothing exchange!
many huggs!
Well..the RV is about loaded up. I have my list of 'don't forgets' know..meds, phone/charger, laptop, etc. I realized last night that I forgot...our water! OMG!

Ok..update on yesterday....
Bill's eye appointment went 'ok'. His pressure was 35 prior to surgery. It was 23 yesterday. Under 10 is the goal. One of the anti-inflammatory drops (pred forte) that he is always put on post eye surgery causes the pressure to increase so it may be why it hasn't lowered more than 12 points. They started him back on a couple of eye drops for presure again. He goes back next Thursday. We'll see then how it is...although...he'll still be on the pred forte until then so it won't be as low as it could be without it. That, we'll have to wait a few weeks for.
The exciting news for me really came from my endocrinologist appointment. He's the one who works to keep my thyroid at a good level. And I DO mean 'works' at it. As I said yesterday, every time he even thinks about having me come back in 6 months instead of 3, the lab report comes back either high or low. Well..this time it showed that my dosage needed increased so starting today, I'm taking 162 mcg instead of 150. As he was asking his questions, it made so much sence to me! I had been a little frustrated at myself over my weight. When I was losing so quickly last fall everyone (even my surgical specialists) were encouraging me to eat, eat, eat to try to slow down/stop the loss. My lowest..on April 26th..was 142 lbs. I had gotten back up to 160 (156 today!). So I had been telling myself that I needed to cut back again. It's hard to do though with the diarrhe cause I eat and a half hour later I am

Last but not least, I talked with the gastroenternist yesterday. He had me on a meds for the spasms in my intestines. Alone, they didn't work very well. Dr. Gupta added another med for that (bentyl) and between the two, the spasms were more or less under control. I had ran out of his..and out of refills Monday. He wouldn't refill it since I had told him that they didn't do much good. Well..the bentyl alone wasn't doing the job either. Yesterday was a very intestinal active day! So I contacted his office & he called me back. I told him how if talked with levbid or the bentyl, his med worked ok. But the levbid or bentyl did not work well on their own either. I guess all three are pretty much are for the same thing. So..I was on 10 mg Bentyl three times aday. Now I'm on 20 mg four times a day. I took 2 doses of 20 mg last night and this morning, I've only had slight shimmers. That, I can handle. So...also a very good thing!
On a completely different Secret Elf has sent me two ecards already! Isn't that terrific? I'm hoping their identity can keep a secret to me until they reveal themself in December. Don't get me wrong, if your elf doesn't do what they are suppose to, I do want to know about it! But I hope all the elves do good. See, in order for me to find out who to contact..say if Ellen tells me in September that she hasn't gotten anything at all. In order for me to find out & contact Ellen's elf, I have to look at the draw for each person until I come up on the one who drew her name. If I went to Ellen's name, it'll just show me who she drew..not who drew hers. So last round, when several contacted me, I did have to do that until I came upon who had the people who didn't recieve anything. So that means that I see who each person had drawn until I got to the names who drew. So yes Jenny, I knew you had me but I tried to pretend I didn't.

Well..I will try to get on here from Indiana Beach tomorrow sometime. If I'm not on here beforehand, you all have a terrific time at the clothing exchange!
many huggs!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Sherry, Don't be discouraged over the weight gain. I found after plastics I dropped a lot and I wasn't even sick like you :o) Then when I got back to work and in my daily routine, I slowly crept back up. It is normal to do this as your body most likely was where it wanted to plateau before your surgery and works hard to get back there. I made a goal for me to drop 15 pounds by Christmas to kep me on the low end of my range where I feel comfortable just in case I am bad and gain a couple of pounds. I will say that gaining after surgery really helped fill my tummy our nicely from my tummy tuck and I am not unhappy with my figure. My only beef now is waiting till I can afford to have my upper arms done..... I want that in the worst way but I will be patient and see what happens. Hope you have a fantastic weekend at Indiana Beach. My daughter is meeting some friends there at the campground this weekend too!
I hope everyone is doing well in this heat and humidity. Remember to get your fluids in and stay as cool as possible! I am looking forward to working in the house and reading more in my series of Amish books that I started. Due to our current finances I am unable to make this clothing exchange but hope to make the fall one. My daughter is moving into her new apartment the 8th of August so I will be getting back my spare room! YIPPEE!! I am so thrileld to get the space tends to become my extra closet space and this past year has been difficult on me...on the up side, I am so proud of her and all she has accomplished in a short year and to see her on her own, working a great job I couldn't be happier!
You all have a fabulous weekend!
I hope everyone is doing well in this heat and humidity. Remember to get your fluids in and stay as cool as possible! I am looking forward to working in the house and reading more in my series of Amish books that I started. Due to our current finances I am unable to make this clothing exchange but hope to make the fall one. My daughter is moving into her new apartment the 8th of August so I will be getting back my spare room! YIPPEE!! I am so thrileld to get the space tends to become my extra closet space and this past year has been difficult on me...on the up side, I am so proud of her and all she has accomplished in a short year and to see her on her own, working a great job I couldn't be happier!
You all have a fabulous weekend!
Good morning fellow Hoosiers.
I am doing some laundry today and I am hoping to get some of this mess cleaned up too. Sometimes things seem to get out of control and if you don't get it in the beginning you are hard pressed to get it caught up. Know what I mean?
Bill has gone to go get some gas this morning. I just can't beleive the price of this stuff. I read in the paper that when the oil went down we had a hugh increase on the price of gas. So.......I am waiting for it to go down since the oil has gone down for a few days in a row. Kind of makes you wonder even more if it doesn't. Bill just got back and even though the oil has gone down it is still $4.25. That means that the gas has gone up 26 cents since the oil prices have gone down. What is wrong with this picture?
I should go to the grocery and get a few things. But I may wait until later to do that. I hate going to the grocery now too. I use to just love going but now with the prices going up all the time the fun is out of it. I honestly don't know how families with kids do it. It is just Bill and I and the cost at the grocery is enough to make me go starke raving mad! I am just not sure how everyone is going to do it if the prices of everything just keeps going up and up.
We have another ozone alert day today. This is the 3rd one so far. I am hoping that it goes bye bye soon. Last night Bill and I was out looking at the moon and everything had a blue cast to it. I told Bill that it must be that ozone stuff. It is suppose to start cooling off in a few days and so that is going to be a wonderful thing. I want to open the windows and the sliding door so bad so I can have some wonderful fresh air and not some more of the canned fake air. Nothing is nicer to me than the fresh air.
I suppose I should be going right about now. I am sending love and hugs to everyone and prayers are going up for everyone too. Special prayers are being said for those in need of them.
I am doing some laundry today and I am hoping to get some of this mess cleaned up too. Sometimes things seem to get out of control and if you don't get it in the beginning you are hard pressed to get it caught up. Know what I mean?
Bill has gone to go get some gas this morning. I just can't beleive the price of this stuff. I read in the paper that when the oil went down we had a hugh increase on the price of gas. So.......I am waiting for it to go down since the oil has gone down for a few days in a row. Kind of makes you wonder even more if it doesn't. Bill just got back and even though the oil has gone down it is still $4.25. That means that the gas has gone up 26 cents since the oil prices have gone down. What is wrong with this picture?
I should go to the grocery and get a few things. But I may wait until later to do that. I hate going to the grocery now too. I use to just love going but now with the prices going up all the time the fun is out of it. I honestly don't know how families with kids do it. It is just Bill and I and the cost at the grocery is enough to make me go starke raving mad! I am just not sure how everyone is going to do it if the prices of everything just keeps going up and up.
We have another ozone alert day today. This is the 3rd one so far. I am hoping that it goes bye bye soon. Last night Bill and I was out looking at the moon and everything had a blue cast to it. I told Bill that it must be that ozone stuff. It is suppose to start cooling off in a few days and so that is going to be a wonderful thing. I want to open the windows and the sliding door so bad so I can have some wonderful fresh air and not some more of the canned fake air. Nothing is nicer to me than the fresh air.
I suppose I should be going right about now. I am sending love and hugs to everyone and prayers are going up for everyone too. Special prayers are being said for those in need of them.
Good mid morning evryone
im going thru my closets and if i dont show up tomorrow please call a search
cause i could get lost in that mess.
Im bringing the kitty with us tomorrow ,my cousins giving him to her daughter for her i get to visit with you guys and get wally a good home plus we are kid free for the day,i love the no diapers and bottles and car seats but hate that my boys are growing up and wonna do there own things...
LaChelle get some rest, sherri have a good trip,Brenda i to hate the grocery store and it cost so much for everything.
Jodi congrats on your upcoming wedding and yu to have a safe trip.
Linda a pool is awesome i couldnt get in but our neice gave us wedding cake steps and now i can...yippeeeeeeeeeee
everyone have a great day and stay safe
im going thru my closets and if i dont show up tomorrow please call a search
cause i could get lost in that mess.
Im bringing the kitty with us tomorrow ,my cousins giving him to her daughter for her i get to visit with you guys and get wally a good home plus we are kid free for the day,i love the no diapers and bottles and car seats but hate that my boys are growing up and wonna do there own things...
LaChelle get some rest, sherri have a good trip,Brenda i to hate the grocery store and it cost so much for everything.
Jodi congrats on your upcoming wedding and yu to have a safe trip.
Linda a pool is awesome i couldnt get in but our neice gave us wedding cake steps and now i can...yippeeeeeeeeeee
everyone have a great day and stay safe
Happy Friday everyone! Wish I could make the exchange tomorrow, but this is the weekend my best friend and I set aside for our garage sale. Had a pretty low turnout today, here's hoping tomorrow is better!
Not much new going on here, just trying to stay cool. I've been hanging out on the main RNY board, and am loving Eggface's protein ice cream recipes!! I made chocolate peanut butter cup yesterday, and it is sooo good, and so much better in this heat than a heavy protein bar!
Not much new going on here, just trying to stay cool. I've been hanging out on the main RNY board, and am loving Eggface's protein ice cream recipes!! I made chocolate peanut butter cup yesterday, and it is sooo good, and so much better in this heat than a heavy protein bar!
Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)