Just wanted to give you an update on my husband's cousin. There are several different surgeons doing this transplant. Each one does a different organ. So around 7pm last night they each talked to her to make sure that she really wanted to do this. She agreed to it and around 11pm they took her in for the transplant. All of the organs were good and a match. She is still in surgery at this point and it could be a 20-24 hr surgery. They had a really hard time getting her old liver out and she bled a lot but when we talked to her dad this morning they were starting to put the new organs in to her. Thank you IN board for being so kind and caring and all the prayers that you are saying for our family, the donor's family and the surgeons.
May God bless her and her's and wrap His loving and healing arms around all of them. May peace, acceptance and healing be granted to them. May God also be witht he medical people and give them all knowledge and skill. I will continue with the specal prayers for her and her's. Please keep us updated on her. Keep your strength and prayers are going up for you and your husband also. I know this is a very trying and tense time for you both.
We just received a call on my husband's cousin and she is out of surgery. They are getting ready to take her to ICU. They have decided to keep her in a induced coma for a couple of days to let her rest and they are telling us that the next 48 hrs are the most crucial. Will post more later when I know more.