Well..another busy day! I have to Bill at Dr. Price's for his 1 day follow-up at 6:45. It sure would be nice if that office learned how to schedule surgeries! He was told to be there at at 10:45. Because of my appointment at Dr. Bergman's, he was there at 8:30. After I filled out the needed paperwork, they called him back at 8:45 so I went ahead and left. I went to Dr. B's & did some other stuff. Well..they did not take him in & do the surgery until 3:15! Talk about a long day! Talking with the recovery nurse afterwards, we found out that there were NO emergency unplanned surgeries..that the delay was ALL due to them not allowing enough time for each. Remember, Bill's surgery was suppose to have been for 10:45 AM? Well..there were still a few waiting to go into surgery when we left at 4:30! The recovery nurses thought they'd have an early day getting out since there weren't any scheduled for after noon! Anyway...Bill's eye had alot of swelling last night. He's not up yet so I don't know how much he has now. I'll know more on how the surgery itself went after his appointment this morning.
At my appointment with Dr. Bergman..she got another 8 cc's out of that place on my leg (which is already filled back up). She also applied the silver nitrate to the open spot on my belly again. It keeps opening right back up after it closes so this time she gave me a silver nitrate stick to apply it every day. I'm to go back in next Wednesday (1 week instead of the usual 2) so se can check both places out again. I talked to her some about the abs muscle. Bill had wanted me to ask her if I should be doing something to strengthen the abs..that if it were stronger, would that keep the intestines from pushing my belly out so far ( going from a 34" waist to a 40" one within 12 hours). She said that it was a good thing that my abs were not tight right now so that when the intestines enlarge, they can have a place to go...otherwise, I could very well be facing another obstruction and be back where I was last October. She also reassured me that the abs will tighten up just fine ONCE I AM ABLE TO EXERCISE. I guess that decided the question as to if I should start doing yoga or something, huh? The LAST thing I want to do is end up in a coma again!!! So...I'll wait.
After Bill's eye appointment, I have my follow-up with my endocrinologist to see if my thyroid has stayed the same. As soon as he starts thinking about switching me to 6 month follow-ups instad of 3, something happens with my thyroid levels! So...ought to be interesting to see if they are ok this round.
When I got home yesterday, I did a little bit of yardwork (not too strenuous on my Today when we get home, I have to make the grocery list for this weekend, go get the stuff on the list, and pack up the RV. Oh..I gotta go get Jay too probably to carry our water jugs out there. They are too heavy for me to do (especially that far!) and Bill isn't to bend over or lift right now. I want to have the RV to where tomorrow, we get up, get dressed, and get on the road as soon as we have our morning java/AchievOne. Oh Janene...We'll probably be heading back to Indianapolis by noon on Sunday. Check-out at campgrounds are usually like hotels and anything after 11 or so is another day's charge. Perhaps you & Mark can head up there right after the clothing exchange & make a day of it? If you do that, give me a call on my cell phone when you get there & I'll let you know where we are. I'll have it with me at the park too. Unless I'm at home, I'm a cell phone junkie! LOL!
Well..time to get Bill up & u**** the road for appt #1.
Huggs...oh...ought to be getting our 'draw' link sometime today fellow elfsters! And hey..whoever gets Linda Vicory's name, please email me so I can give you her new addy since it wasn't on the latest directory version (but will be on the next one).
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
We must be posting at the same time. Love ya,Gail
Wow!! On your weight !!!!!!
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
I was praying everything was going as you had planned yesterday. We always got to have that plan "B". My hope today will be a better day for both of you.

I had the grandbabies over last night for dinner, we had a good time.
The boys I think love to come over to play with the dog or the WII. LOL. Well I have been up for hours and need to go get that protein in. Love to all.
Blessings and Healthy Wishes to all in need.

Hugs & Blessings, Gail

Sherri, tell Bill he's in my thoughts & Prayers.
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Happy Thursday,
Well yesterday ended horribly. I rearended a woman in a van with three small children who in turn rear ended the suv in front of her. The worst part is I was in my son's car. So I am waiting to see how that all ends up.
I work this morning at my new part time job. I tutor children at Oxford Learning. I really like the job so far, but I am still training. Yesterday was my last day at Kroger. Yeah! It taking all the will power I have to not eat candy or chips or drink soda. They were shouting my name. But I made it out of there without having any of those things. I am also going to work at school. I have to get my furniture moved around. They are going to clean our school next week. Exercise class is tonight too. I didn't realize my day was going to be so busy. I go to the class at the St Vincent Bariatric Center. I really like it. The instructor is very "what you can do" based.
Well I need to get the day going. Have a great day Everyone.
I pray and hope you have a better day. Thank goodness no one was hurt. And good luck on your new job. We all have those times when we want but don't need FOOD. I have beat my self up, now with all my OH family the support is here. Love ya
Hugs & Blessings, Gail
Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06
Visit me @
Everyone try to stay cool i thank my lucky stars we have central air.
Last night i had some pains that were horrible i dont know what caused it but after an hour of that i found the beano,took 2 fell asleep and it was gone this morning it had to be gas pains..
Sherry have a great time you and Bill
Linda have a great time also, Jennie dont work to hard.
Gayle i cant wait to have grandkids, my older son has a wii,its awesome.
The boys and i are cleaning thanks to the new puppy we are shampooing carpets
everyone have a safe and great day.
Lisa --O.H. Support group leader
Good THURSDAY morning all!,
I was up to get Tyler to Football this morning by 845 am. have to pick him up at noon, then he goes back from 4-6 pm, then he has drivers ed in Martins. from 7-9 whew busy busy. I go to work at 3 so Terry will be doing most of the running tonight. I am sittiing here eating my breakfast, which is my leftovers from last nght...HMM steak...3.9 ozs to be exact. I ran alittle water over it and nuked for 30 seconds and it is super-de-duper moist and soft and chewy....
Sherri, That is crazy about the appt. time/surgery time. My pcp's office has gone to same day appt's, I needed to call and get Tyler a physical for this year and they told me about it. Crazy.
Linda, Hope things get back to "normal for you"!
Gail, my sweetie pie! Have a great day. Do you have someone picking you up for the exchange on saturday?
I wasn't going to go to the gym today but I was 176.5 this morning, so That gave me that little boost to get to the gym. I didn't go yesterday.
Have a great day :)
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.