Lots of prayers going out to your family and the donar's family. Hope things go well for her.
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Thank you so much for your thoughts and kindness. I also believe it takes a thoughtful family to do this for someone else to live. This will be her 2nd liver transplant but first for all the rest. We are still waiting to hear if its a match. The Dr's and the nurses are coming to talk to her to see if this is what she really wants to do. At this point I don't think she really has any other choice. She is a very sick person. After they talk to her then they will start harvesting the organs and let us know if they are good enought to transplant. All this was caused from the anti-rejection medicine she was on a long time ago. I am so happy for your friends transplant and hope he continues to do well.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and kindness. I also believe it takes a thoughtful family to do this for someone else to live. This will be her 2nd liver transplant but first for all the rest. We are still waiting to hear if its a match. The Dr's and the nurses are coming to talk to her to see if this is what she really wants to do. At this point I don't think she really has any other choice. She is a very sick person. After they talk to her then they will start harvesting the organs and let us know if they are good enought to transplant. All this was caused from the anti-rejection medicine she was on a long time ago. I am so happy for your friends transplant and hope he continues to do well.