's Hump DaY!

on 7/15/08 7:30 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!

Bill is in the shower. When he gets done, I'll hop in there. It's going to be a busy morning. First, we need to be at the low vision glasses place at 8. They had to have Bill's glasses remade. Definately a 'special' make...not a Lens Crafters job. Then I have to get Bill over to Dr. Price for his surgery. He was suppose to be there at noon but they called about 5 last night and changed it to 9:30. He's going to be early. After I get what-ever paperwork done, I have to head over to Dr. Bergman's and be there by 9:40. After that, I can slow down some. I think I'll go by Paradise Bakery & Grill and get me some of their roasted tomato soup before heading back to Dr. Prices to wait for them to get done with Bill. Knowing how they usually do...They tell him to be there at 9:30, surgery won't be until 11:30 at least, and he'll be done & ready to go oh...about 2:30. They make it an all day thing every time I think no matter how simple of a surgery it is.

In the morning is going to be a little rushed too. Bill has to be back at Dr. Price at 6:45 and then I have to be at my endocrinologist at 8:15. But THEN....we'll go home & I get to finish packing up the rv to leave Friday! Woo-hoo!!!

Before that when we get home today maybe...I need to check out my garden stuff. I think I just may have some more zucchini that is about ready. I need to snip off another round of herbs too for dehydrating. Let me tell you guys, I think I have a garden on steroids! Bill is talking about getting a tiller next year seeing how veggies want to do so good in our yard! LOL! I'm looking forward to dehydrating my tomatoes, zucchini, & yellow squash! I grew my own Italian herbs to put on them. Yummmm! And..I think I have a trade agreement in the works for some cucumbers should I not get many off of my plants. They and the eggplant are the only things that aren't really producing much veggies. I'll definately be bringing some of the others up to Hope's for Saturday night's pitch-in!

Well you all..have a really good day today. If you haven't responded to Elfster, please do...even if it's to say 'no thanks'. If you need/want me to accept/decline on your behalf, let me know that too. We should be getting our names tomorrow sometime.




Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
(deactivated member)
on 7/15/08 8:13 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Sherri,... good luck with getting all your stuff done today. Sounds like a busy day! Thanks for letting me know I'm good with elfster, too. Today I've got to go to work all day. Sigh. I wish I could stay home and rest another week, but I really, really can't afford too. But it's a desk job. I have been jsut doing the best I can, getting one thing at a time done, and I guess that's all they can ask of me right now. I'm doing the best I can. Mikey has an appointment today with a psychologist from the Social Security Administration. We're trying to get SSI for him, and this is to help determine his eligibility. I hope it goes well,... or not well as the case may be. I mean, I don't want him to lie or cheat, but I do hope he gets awarded. It would help us alot each month, even that little bit. The thing I'm looking forward to today is my appointment with my counselor. That always chirks me up a bit, and I haven't been in for a couple weeks due to all my crises and her vacation last week. So that should help. I have been down a good bit lately because of all the cir****tances: flood, moving, hospitalizations, car accident.... Well,.. I'm going to head out now. Have a good day, all!
Jenny K.
on 7/15/08 10:49 pm - IN
Good morning all!

Sherri I hope all of you and Bill's appts go well.  Have fun on your weekend getaway.
Linda-Hang in there, things will get better.

Not much going on with me today. I am just at work. I have my 9 mos post op visit with Dr Gupta tomorrow.  I am 3 lbs away from my goal of 140.  My hubby and MIL keep saying I need to put some weight back on. I tell them "whatever". 
I really would like to get a thigh lift and something done with my butt. I know insurance wont pay and I cant afford it right now.  I guess I will just have to wait until I get some bills paid off before I can start that.

Well everyone have a great day. It is suppose to be extremely hot today so everyone try to keep cool and hydrated.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

shanna B.
on 7/15/08 11:16 pm - camby, IN

Good Morning all!

Well I am 34 today...Thank you Gail for your cute card. It was fun and interactive, I loved it! Bella and I are off today to Splash Island in Plainfield for some fun filled swimming and sun worshiping time! ( I have my 45 spf, don't worry)

I am going to try to get to support group tonight, since my Dinner theater plans are a bust :( I still can't get over the price of drivers Ed. That Highway Robbery....badadump bah..LOL

Maybe Floyd and Brenda and anyone else coming tonight, Dinner afterwards? Tha would be super fun......Let me know!

Bella is staying in Ohio next week w/ grandma and grandpa, cousins,inlaws, etc etc, while her sitter is on vacation, so I will be Bella less next week. Wow!

Have a super fantastic day...July 16 is my most favorite day of the year...Oh also need to do my b12 shot today...I do it on the 16th of every month. Have a good one. xoxox shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


on 7/16/08 12:07 am - Wabash, IN
Good Mornin' Posse!

Hope y'all have a great day today! I love the sun!

Yesterday I was a busy cowgirl! We painted the living room on Sunday and yesterday I finally got around to taking the mini blinds down in the house and taking them outside and washing them. Also washed all the curtains and have them back up too. Zach helped me wash down the house and outside windows as well as the inside windows. Today is just routine dusting and sweeping as well as mopping. Tomorrow I head upstairs to the spare room to get it cleaned up and around for when my Navy son Taylor comes home for a visit.
I have sooooooo much energy now! Its great to be able to do all the housework I wanna do!

I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited about the exchange! I can't wait to see y'all again and also to meet the ones I haven't met yet.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANNA!   Enjoy your day sunning and swimming!

Sherri....hope all goes well today with all your appointments and also prayers for Bill's surgery! Was thinking about maybe talking mark into coming to see y'all at Indiana Beach on Sunday afternoon maybe....will see...after the drive to Indy on Saturday not sure if he will want to be on the move again on Sunday...LOL

Hey Jenny....I haven't made my 1 year appt. yet with Doc Huse...was kinda hoping to make it when some others were gonna be down there for their appts. SOOOOOOO when you make your next appt. let me know so I can make mine maybe on the same day!

ALSO...anyone who is going to be down there around the end of September or mid October let me know...maybe we can hook up!

Linda... Hang in there gal....I know things are gonna be looking up for you!

Y'all have a smiley day and a rowdy hump day night!


Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 7/16/08 12:22 am - Thorntown, IN
Hi Everyone!
For some crazy reason my computer hasn't been letting me on here, plus work has been so hectic that I haven't had much time lately. Hope everyone is doing well- getting better, feeling stronger/happier, and enjoying the summer!

Sherri- I will say a prayer for Bill and you! Hope you get some good news from both of your Drs!!!Enjoy your weekend get-away, you deserve alittle FUN!!! I sure hope we can still go to the camp-out. Just depends on how things are at work.

Jo- I may not be able to make it to your wedding afterall. Work is crazy- we are 2 people short now ( big mess- 2 fired) so I am next in line to work weekends. I just want you to know my thoughts will definately be with you!!!

 Happy Birthday Shanna!!

 The twins were 9 months yesturday,they are growing up so fast. Both have 2 teeth, can say Momma & Dada  and are sitting up.Last Sunday we spent with Penny & family, the kids wore me out! I must be getting old, or they are more active!!

 Our 43rd. Anniversary is tomorrow- yep, I was a child bride-hee~hee!! I am going to see my new Neurologist  to see if I  need to make any changes.DH is going with me, ( to make sure I remember what I want to ask)then we are going to the mall shopping/out to eat. It usually isn't a big celebration for us, just time alone. We haven't had much of that lately since we both are working differant shifts. 

 I have had a rough time getting back into the swing of things food wise. Haven't been able to tolerate much chewing since I have my new partial plate, & they "fixed " it, now I can't stand the taste it leaves in my mouth. Sure am getting tired of soft protiens, too. Oh well, this too shall pass.
Hope everyone has a great time at the clothing exchange- see you hopefully at the next one! Have a blessed day everyone!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 7/16/08 12:43 am - Martinsville , IN
good morning to all!  My prayers are with my OH friends who need them today.  I have been having a tough time the past few days and really just would like to sit in the corner by myself for about 2 hours to clear my head.  I have been on my 2 week pre op diet for a week, it hasnt been too bad but day five was the worst I actually cried that day but the next day I was all better...weird.  I have 3 of my grandkids until Saturday and they keep me so busy, too busy at times!  The lease is up on my car next month so we been going in circles for two weeks about what to do.  We love the car we have, but in the last few weeks the brakes have gone really bad so I took it to have an estimate and it was ugly so we have opted to buy a new car, we picked the Chevy HHR.  I just hope now that the dealership can get the payments where we need them to be because we are running out of room to play in our budget.  This is the first year that we have had to add medical expenses to our budget (knocking on wood and thanking God)...its heck to get old!

Brenda R.
on 7/16/08 12:28 am, edited 7/16/08 12:29 am - Portage, IN
Good morning fellow Hoosier's losers and soon to be losers.

Happy birthday to you Shanna! Have a wonderful day and a fun evening with whatever you choose to do. Have a great time with Bella today and enjoy he since they are only young once. You miss it terribly when they grow up.

Nothing to much happening here. I am going to be working on my sermon today after Bill goes to work so it will be peaceful and quiet here. Misty doesn't say much when she knows I am busy. Now watch! She will be pestering me all day long now!

It is a ozone action day in Porter county today. So that means that I am not going to be going out any time soon today. They are saying that if you have anything like asthma should stay in. I am not taking any chances on it.

The hot weather still is here. The weatherman said that it is the hottest week so far. The humidity is terrible. It was kind of funny yesterday. Bill loves the warmer weather and I knew darn well it was hot when he went out and came in and said that it was hot out and he couldn't wait to come in. I knew then that it was to hot and humid for me!

I made some orange roughy last night for dinner and it was pretty good. Not the best that I have made but it was good. We are on a seafood kick lately. I have had fish for the last 3 days in a row. I am not sure what I am fixing for dinner tonight. I am out of fish until I get to the store again so it has to be something else. DARN!!!

I guess I had better get going. Nothing happening here makes Brenda a boring girl! I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone and special ones are being said for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


LaChelle R.
on 7/16/08 12:35 am - Erie, PA
Good morning all, and have I got some news for you!  I am on a yahoo group called FreeCycle.......I am so lucky!  I found a posting for some clothes.....both dress and casual, in my size.  Anyway, I called and was able to pick up the 5 HUGE contractors bags of clothing!!! Oh my Lord!!! I have so many clothes now I don't know what I am going to do!  I was also able to go thru there, and what I can't fit into, I will be bringing to the exchange as well.  There are also some men's clothing too.  I am just so lucky to have found the great items! 

It was such a beautiful day yesterday! Jimmy and I, along with some friends of ours, went to Spring Mill SP again, and went swimming.  We have decided to take both of our families camping there the first week in August.......just 3 weeks away!  I am so excited already! We are still planning on taking the girls when they get home, but this time there will be more children, so they will have more to do and play with.

Not much going on for me least early anyway.  I have to work tonight, so that is my main objective....get some rest!  Just 9 more days until my vacation, so I have tons of stuff to do before it!  I can't wait, can't you tell! LOL 

Have a wonderful day all.  Prayers going out to those that need and well wishes as well!  Take care!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 7/16/08 12:59 am - Crawfordsville, IN
Just stopping in to say Hi. This is my last day with my husband, I will be dropping him off at the airport in the morning.  Its been a busy 2 weeks while he has been home, I think today we are just gonna hang out around here and go for supper tonight and that is about it. 

   Sherri hope all the appts you have today goes well.  Happy Birthday Shanna, enjoy the day. Keep your head up Linda things will get better for you. Janene I think my one year appointment is sometime in September, but I cant remember when for sure lol. Seems my memory left with all the wieght lol.  Jenny I know the feeling of wanting PS too and not having the money to do it with.  I think that I'm gonna get lucky though and as long as I still have tri care after my one year appointment that I think that I will at least get the tummy tuck, which is all I really want. I ended up with a hernia and with the tri care as long as they are repairing something in there already they will pay for the tummy tuck too, so I guess even though it sounds bad thank goodness for the hernia LOL.  Although if you ask my kids they think I need something done with all the other skin, they are always playing around with my arms and just laugh and laugh. Kids I tell you they get amused by just about anything. 

     Well I guess that is about all for me for now, hope everybody enjoys thier sunny day.  
Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore or message me for more info.

   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


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