Hello all,
I lurk on this site and have for a little over a year. I am planning on going to the clothing exchange this weekend if toddlers are allowed to go.
I am curious about something, My surgeon just faxed in my paperwork to the insurance company on Friday. How long should I wait before I call to confirm that they have received it?
I am just asking because I don't want to overcall & pester them, but I don't want to wait a week and have them tell me I need to have it resent.
Thanks for any advice.
There is nothing wrong with making a polite inquiry. I'd call just to ask if the fax was received and who the contact person will be at the insurance company. Later in the week, I'd call the contact and ask for a status report.
Best wishes.
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
I called the following day and said I was just checking to see that the fax had been recieved. It had been recieved, the person told me the insurance company had 15 days to make a decision, I called about five time to check the status, the last time I called was on day 15 (not business days) and was told no determination had been made, about 2 hours later the sugeons office called to say I had been approved.
I called and they told me that it can take a few days to show up in their systems. I guess I'll call back Wednesday.
Also, I was wondering if it was acceptable to bring my 2 yr old to the Clothing Exchange. I would like to go, but I don't have a sitter. If it's not then I totally understand. I was just curious.
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.