Protein & Vitamins
Bill (my dh) is looking into possibly buying a nutrition store. He's wanting to stock it so that it kinda caters to post-bariatric people. (I know, isn't that so sweet?!?!). Anyway...what he asked me to do is to ask people to email me at: [email protected]. Tell me what BRAND of protein & Vitamins you are now taking, how many, & cost (for how many..250 pills, 12 bottles, etc). Also...especially for the vitamins...are you taking that particular brand ONLY because of the cost? In other words, if he can sell a different brand for cheaper, would you switch? The one think he KNOWS I WILL NOT switch on is my AchievOne! LOL! I think we'll also have to do some comparison B12's since they do not all dissolve the same! And don't soon as he is able..if he is get the calcium citrite chews, we WILL have them stocked! But it would be good for him to know that it's not just me. Write soon! Sherri
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I think the idea of a nutrition store is exciting. I'm just starting to look at the various vitamins and supplements I'll need. I'm thinking of starting them now so I'll have a jumpstart for when I do need them. I think it will help in the long run. What is AchievOne and what does it do for you?
AchievOne is a protein drink. I do NOT recommend it for anyone less than 6 months post-op because it does contain small amounts of caffiene. When your pouch is new, it's very sensitive to caffiene & caffiene can cause an ulcer. It's coffee based. According to the manufacturer, it contains about 1/2 cup of coffee's worth of caffiene. Not much..but enough to cause problems for a newbie. Of all the protein drinks I've tried (and there has been ALOT of them in the course of ~4 yrs), it is the only one that I have always been able to tolerate the taste & texture.
The one vitamin that I would REALLY recommend any pre-op to start taking is Biotin. You'll find that your hair loss (~3-5 months post-op) will be much less if you do...than if you don't.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...