Saturday Morning Shout Outs
Well I figured since today was my 2 yr anniversery I would start this mornings thread. Im down 190 lbs and feeling better than Ive felt in decades. I just turned 45 and I dont think Ive felt this good since I was 21. Im buying 14's but mostly 16's off the rack at some really great stores and I just got a beautiful summer dress in the mail yesterday that fits great but I cant wait to try it on after my TT . Looking forward to that
Well Im working this weekend so Im not doing anything I hope u all have a great weekend. Ohh well I did have something happen to me tonight. Went on my lunch break and they guy at the speedway was flirting with me...gave me my 2 cokes for free....I did tell him I was married....and happily so...but it was good for my
This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes
This is my favorite online site for shopping
Good morning all. I just got home from work, and I am exhausted. Oh well, we were busy, so thats what matters. Not much going on for me today, except sleep! LOL Hope everyone has a great day. Take care, and ttyl
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Ohh, what a dreary day! We have already gotten around 1" of rain. I can tell just by the water standing in the back yard!
I've got such back problems. Yesterday morning, I went in for my second "needle surgery" on my back. I feel a little better today but last time it only lasted for 3 days and I was back to the severe back pain. I just absolutely hate the back pain. I take Darvocet for the pain every 6 hours and it doesn't even phase it. All it is doing is causing my liver to flair up which in turn causes me to have gallbladder problems. Sharp pains between my shoulder blades and under my right breast! Ugh! So I try to live without the Darvocet and I eat alot less! Nothing with grease in it at all. That puts me over the edge! I have a surgeon's appointment on July 22nd-the day before my birthday! I hope he tells me I can have it fixed by a very minor procedure and back to work and my life in 2 weeks! The only good thing about it all is I have lost around 12 lbs. Only 5 lbs to the goal I had in my head. (Dr. said I would probably be too small???? NEVER! ha ha) But I would rather be at my previous weight and able to exercise and feel good over the weight loss ANY DAY!
There has been so much stress in my life of late. I've had to deal with it in different ways than in the past. I used to be able to go and work out, wear my earphones and block out the world. After exercising, I would feel like a million bucks. I did something for me! ME! No one could take that away from me! I also have been keeping a journal. I've learned so much from that journal. I put everything down in it. Praying has also been such a great help. I know HE cares for me no matter what I do or how I feel!
Well, I've got a plumber coming in just a few minutes to replace the garbage disposal that locked up and can't be fixed. Then I am going to rest my back again. When my husband gets home from work, we HAVE to get groceries. It's getting hard to come up with good for us meals! Since I haven't felt very good, I haven't been to the store during the week like I used to. Maybe that's a good thing!
May everyone have a blessed day!
Happy Happy surgiversary.
Well I managed to get to bed at an okay time the first time. I still couldn't get comfy because of the sun burn. Crazy.
I'm just curious if you guys are familiar with calories vs net calories.. Yesterday I got bout 1000 calories in, after exercise (not daily activities but walking and all that) I only got bout 400 net calories in. I've bumped my exercise up quite a bit since we got the wii fit and I'm wondering if I'm not in starvation mode. I logged all this on and it doesn't even have an allowance for the malabsorption either sooo I'm wondering what the deal is. The nuts at St V's told me to stay between 1000-1400 calories and that was @ my 9 month post op an I'm quite a bite more active now. I guess I will have to email her and see what she says.
Well GOOD MORNING EVERYONE! Its overcast here today which is ok with me since I have to work. I rarely work Saturday! After that I have to go to Seymour and exchange some clothes I got for the girls for school. And get a security tag off one item I got at fashion bug! I have to babysit tonight for my grandson. My daughter was invited to a sleepover and I promised her she could go. I know it has to be hard for her. She is the primary caregiver to her son and yet is still a kid. She deserves this night away. Of course she joked that she will probably be the first asleep since she is on his schedule now....
Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend! Go out and do something just for yourself! Read a book, work out, get your hair done....treat yourself - you deserve it!

This morning I'm baking cookies for church tomorrow. We are sharing space with another church in town while our new building goes up, and between services they have Fellowship Time for both congregations to mingle, complete with cookies. A few weeks ago our pastor mentioned that our congregation eats most of the cookies but brings the least, so I volunteered to even the odds a bit. Tempting, but wearing my size 16 REGULAR shorts is keeping me in check!
Misty, I use TDP as well, and was alarmed the other day, as my net calories were -400!

Stay dry everyone!
Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)