It's finally Friday....

on 7/10/08 5:04 pm - LaGrange, KY
Well I'm up again tonight. Partially because I cannot get comfortable because I am sunburnt. I have a few small blisters behind my knees in the creases and it hurts to walk or bend my legs or anything. I am going to call and see iff I can get some silvadene or something today because I'm sure it's turned into sun poisoning. Overall I've had a few good days til tonight and thats mainly because I'm in loads of pain. I've been using aloe, aloe w/ lidacaine and all that but not getting any relief.. I'm sooo sore and miserable. To add to it Rich fell and sprained his knee and it's all swollen too. Poor guy never goes to the doc, barely ever takes Tylenol and he asked me to take him to the ER earlier. I want to try and go to the Bartholomew county fair today because I noticed they had  acouple of my favorite rides ever and I've not ridden on any rides in years because of my weight. :) I'm totally excited but if I'm still in pain like this we will not go probally. Anyways I hope everyone is doing well.. Gail darling I hope your feeling better. Sherri, I'm praying for you and Bill!!! You guys been on my mind lately. Everyone else, Hi
on 7/10/08 6:47 pm - Kempton, IN
GOOD MORNING ALL! Yes it is Friday with little comfort in that! Hey Misty get ya some paper and soak it in brewed tea from tea bags. Then have someone to take these bags out the tea and squeeze them gently to get the excess out. then have some one place these pieces of bag on the sunburned.That is suppose to draw out any poison! Hey thanks great                                                                                   Michelle
on 7/10/08 8:22 pm - Sheridan, IN
Hi Misty Lynn. A rememdy that really works, is a mix half and half of hemorhoid cream (preparation H like) and hand lotion.  It not only takes away the burn, but the swelling too. Be careful.  The sun can be nasty.  Hope you feel better On to my Friday post.  I am going to go to Anderson today.  I have to get a new social security card.  I realized yesterday that I have missplaced mine.  I got a new part time job.  They need my social security card so they can verify my employability.  So I am going to get a new one.   I hope to work in my classroom at school today.  I want to move some large cabinets and book shelves around.  I have to empty them before I can move them.  I have the cabinets emptied, but I still have to empty the bookshelves.  What a mess! I hope everyone has a good day. Carol
Jo N.
on 7/10/08 9:38 pm - Crawfordsville, IN

Good Morning Everyone


Today I'm getting my hair done. Well actually my roots touched up.. just in time too. Then later around 5pm I'll be in Indy to do a dress fitting at Sophia's in Greenwood. I'll probably pop in and get me dinner somewhere before I head home. Thought about stopping at once upon a child and getting Q a few things. 

Sherri - I got a verbal RSVP from Tif over the phone so I've already got her and buttmuch,oh I mean Rod, counted in. 

Q is crawling around now... so I have to rearrange my lower level items, hahahaha!

Everyone have a nice weekend!



Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


on 7/10/08 10:21 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning everyone!                     I miss the sun!! I miss tanning! It's gonna be awhile yet before I'm allowed to 'bask in the warmth'. I'm sure I'll probably burn the first time I go for the bronze. Misty..Bill swears by mayo for burns. I grew up being told to use Noxema cold cream on burns. Of course, if you have blisters that pop, you might want to use some Neosporin with pain meds in it so you don't get it infected. For where the blisters aren't though, I think Aloe is suppose to be the best thing for it. The main thing for me has always been to keep the skin moisturized. I'd peel less..and hold more of the tan that way.                        Bill found out yesterday that he has to have another eye surgery so he'll be doing that on Wednesday. He has 2 shunts in his left eye and they both quit working so his excess fluids not draining properly...and his pressure keeps increasing (LT 10 is 'normal'...his was 35 yesterday). So..they will be putting an extender on one of the shunts to see if they can get it to start flowing properly again. He'll have a 1 day follow-up on Thursday. I already had 2 doctor appointments that day so guess who isn't working that day either...? And then I was going to take Friday off so we could go to Indiana Beach. Hmm...2 days, yep, short week next week!                               So far, I haven't noticed any difference with the anti-biotics. It has only been since Tuesday but people have asked me so I thought I'd let you all know. The intestines have been very active since last week. LOTS of spasms! And that is with me on 2 different meds to try to calm them down. Ah well.  Today, I'm wearing my bibs so at least I have room to 'grow'! LOL!                        I'll be working on up-dating my email addy list & elfster invite list. If you are on the Directory, you should be getting your invite before Monday.                                            Ellen...I'll be in the chillroom most of the morning and I get ZERO reception there. If you call and get my voice, tell me when would be a good time(s) for me to call you back.                             Gail...Noon good for lunch?                                   Back to all have a good day!                      



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
LaChelle R.
on 7/10/08 11:09 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning all.  Happy Friday.   Misty, I have always used Noxema as well.  Keep it in the fridge or freeze it for about 30-45 minutes before you put it on.  It really works well, and keeps blisters from forming, or at least from popping. Not much planned for me today. I have to go in to work tonight at 9, so I will be taking a nap later this afternoon.  I may try to lay out again some today. I also want to go yard-saling and just browse. Who knows if I will do any of it tho.....oh well. Have a great weekend everyone.  You all are in my thoughts and prayers.  Take care and if ya need me, just holler!!! LOL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 7/10/08 11:34 pm - Rockport, IN
Morning everyone.  Not a lot going on today yet.  I'm sure that will change.  I"ve been working on my marketing materials for my new venture.  I'm so excited about it.  I stayed up until nearly 1 this morning going through all of my paperwork and items in my starter kit.  The lingerie is very nice and I'm really surprised at the quality of it.  I'm thrilled about that.  I was afraid it was going to be cheaply made.  I'm glad I'm selling a product I can be proud of.  I started handing out cards and invites to my first show yesterday.  I've had people stop me and ask if I'm the one doing the "girls night out" parties and if they can come too.  It's not something that's sold around here so I hope I'm slammed with bookings after my first "get acquainted" party.  People seem really excited about it. Hope everyone has a great day!  I can't wait until next weekend to see everyone.  It's going to be so much fun!!! Smooches, Jacqui
on 7/11/08 1:36 am - Indianapolis, IN
Jacqui, A 'few' years ago (10-12), I had a Lingerie/toy party. My hubby at the time talked me into it being for couples. He was afraid he'd miss Anyway, it ended up an EXCELLENT idea! Women look at lingerie and MIGHT buy one gown...if it's me or Marianne, we'd probably get the matching robe too... but men? Hon, men try to buy out the catalog! Every couple that had come bought at least twice as much $-wise than the people who came by themselves. They ask the wife which outfit they like and then they buy it (the set, not just the gown) AND they get at least one more that THEY like. Just something to keep in mind when you talk to your prospective hostesses......  Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 7/11/08 2:04 am - Rockport, IN
Oooohhhh....what great advice!  I hadn't even thought of a couples party.  Hmmmm....I'll have to keep that in mind.  By-the-way, I'm selling toys too (if your inventory is low). Thanks for the suggestion. Jacqui
Amy H.
on 7/10/08 11:49 pm - Kokomo, IN
Happy Friday!!! Today I'm taking it easy and hanging out with my girls for the most part.  I volunteered to make cookies for church on Sunday so I've got those to do, plus banana muffins for the kids.  They love to help Mommy in the kitchen, and I'm in a good enough mood to let them "help" today.  Heehee Our county fair wraps up this Sunday, and we were hoping to take the girls tomorrow, but now there are severe storms in the forecast, so I doubt we make it this year.  Luckily, they went yesterday with my parents, but I know my husband really wanted to take them.  He's been working 12 hour days on the new job, so not getting home til 7 or later makes it tough to be out late with little ones.   Misty, I got a horrible burn a month or so ago, and I took Tylenol Rapid Release gels for the pain, and slathered on aloe lotions...sadly, I still blistered and peeled, but it's now a deep dark bronze.  I had some guy at the grocery yesterday hitting on me, telling me how gorgeous my tan is and asked if I was from South America. I just smiled and said thank you, and told him my HUSBAND thought the same thing when we met.  Definitely keep your burn well moisturized with aloe lotion, I didn't and that's why I peeled...I only used it for a day or two, and should have for a full week.

Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)

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