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You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
That would be awesome. My email is on the directory but I'll give it on here anyway..its [email protected]
....Thanks for looking into it for me. Im getting so excited that one of you might find the ones Im looking for. Garbage cans sound great!!!
This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes
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Lee Ann, Those are exactly what I was looking for....Thank you so much. I know you wonderful ladies and Floyd would come up with an answer for me.
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Thanks to everyones info I was able to find them. They are made in Dresden OH where Longaberger baskets are made (guess thats why they look like them). They have distributors all over the country. Just a few here in IN but one is in Jamestown IN and he has a web page and he does sell at festivals and the state fair. So see how smart u all were. Yall had great info and I was able to find what I wanted...Now Im just waiting for Monday for their office to open so I can get mine ordered and in the mail.....once again Thanks for your help u guys always come thru.
Today is also my 2 yr anniversery from my surgery.... Its been an amazing 2 great to have my life back!!!
This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes
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