Jodies questions

on 7/9/08 1:53 pm - aurora, IN
First let me say i look forward to Weds and the post by Jodi i love it Jodi. But her last question today about overweight children and todays society has weighed heavy on my heart. I was overweight from age 5 i took a lot of greif over it and swore my children would never go thru what i did. Well they have and i feel so responsible for it. My oldest son was picked on by teachers because he wouldnt play football,they made his life miserable we took him out after 8th grade and home schooled him and he is a diffrent child because of it,he has always been a loner and now he is only about 20 pounds overweight but he eats healthier. My middle son has his dads genes tall and thinner. Then comes lucas he has my genes and i try to help watch everything he eats but he is still chunky he has growed 5 inches in 3 months but he is still beefy.he asks me me why his brother isnt heavy and i tell him heridity.. But since my surgery they read food labels and try new healthy things,i just wish they would do away with the ala carte line at school. I wish i knew then what i know now and we could have all benifited from it, again ive learned i led by example. Thank you Jodi i was beginning to feel like i failed them but with your questions and the responses ive learned i could have done better,but there is still time to help them..
(deactivated member)
on 7/9/08 4:55 pm - Terre Haute, IN

I used to babysit, near full-time, after school while I was in high school. Josh and Joe were the boys. They were adorable, sweet boys. I really loved those kids, as I spent alot of two years with them. THey were both big boys, though, and I wasn't in much place to say much, as I had been big since being a child too. But I worried abot them, because I knew what it was like to grow up fat. I don't think anyone in the family saw their weight as a problem. They said even their Pediatriciation told them they would be linebackers for the Bears. But then I left for college, and their mom decided to stay home from work. I would come visit for a while, but I just got sad for them too much, the time I went. Josh had been always looking forward to playing football, to 'fullfill his destiny'. He tried in enroll in peewee football that year, but they told him he was too big. He even tried to cut back on food on his own, and run the block, and lost some weight, but was still too big on the last day to sign up. They were afriad he'd hurt the other, 'normal' sized boys. He was crushed. Now not only was he fat, but he was never going to be 'ok' fat, ie a foot ball player to him. I haven't seen them in a long time. I hope Josh and Joe are doing okay. 

Brenda R.
on 7/9/08 11:52 pm - Portage, IN
We can only parent the way that we know. Now you know different ways and so you can now parent different. I feel sorry for the parents that never learn anything different, but now you do. That is not a good thing~it is a GREAT thing. You should be proud that you can do it a more positive way. Our children learn from what they see and now they are seeing a more postive person in you and that is going to be a great influence on them too. Just keep doing the things that you know you need to do and they will keep improving too, and we know that we never get to old to improve oursleves. Love and hugs to you, hon.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jo N.
on 7/10/08 12:16 am - Crawfordsville, IN

That question hits home for me too. Gage began being overweight when he got into school. It broke my heart when he'd come home from K+ and hear from him all the mean stuff the kids would say. First grade football he was allowed to play only if the other time had a player as big as he was, otherwise he had to sit out. In second grade he lost about 15lbs and was normal sized as the rest of the kids. Third grade up to present it has been a struggle for him with his weight. I try to keep him as active as possible. A lot of times it's an actual screaming match. And just as we are at our wits in with eachother - we'll pass by a family that is worse off then us. Mulitple children severally obese. Parents in resturants that allow their children to eat grown up meals. It's those times we have learned that GOD is speaking to us. We apologize to eachother and discuss a sensible plan for Gage to work on.

But still I have problem with him wanting to just hang out all day and watch tv or just play video games for hours upon hours. ANd we argue about meals, especially when we go out. 

I understand now it will all ways be a struggle between him and I so that he doesn't become obese. 

In the past.. I was a failure for him. If I hadn't had the surgery I"m pretty sure he would have followed in my steps and became obese. I mean - I established his eating patterns when I was still obese and having horrible eating patterns. My surgery brought on a lot of changes for Gage and even three years out he's still adjusting, including his eating and exercising patterns. There are good days for him and bad days. 

But my heart aches for those children that are and the parents the promote obesity and incourage it whether they realize it or not. The phrase "Ignorance is bliss".. is not really acceptable in these situtations. And these situtations are becoming more and more common. 

I asked the question because it's a question that weighs heavy on my mind. IT'snot that this is a generation with an obesity problem... this is a generation being raised not to value themselves. I think as a society as a whole... and with the phrase "It takes a community to raise a child."... we should stop looking the other way and help these individuals. I certainly didn't ask the question for anyone to interalize it and make it hurtful to themselves. Just wanted a current topic in the news to be talkable and open some eyes to maybe help a child that you may know that is obese or on the verge of being obese. 



Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


on 7/10/08 12:41 am - aurora, IN
Jodi sweetie this has being weighing heavy on me for awhile My mom has always thought the little chubby kids are so cute and they are ,but being one of those chubby kids i was dieing on the inside. My oldest was in headstart and 4 yrs old and the teacher called me and said joey was in trouble and i ask why and she said a little boy wanted to go up the slide and joey wasnt moving fast enough so he said to joey fatty you need to go on a diet and joeys reply was I MAY BE FAT BUT YOUR UGLY AND I CAN GO ON A DIET..i laughed and told the teacher to get over it he was defending himself with words...but it tore me up to think at 4 yrs old it was starting,i went to diet workshop the next day and i lost 69 pds,but living with my parents he was eating what they were the stuff that made me fat plus my mom didnt want him outside. I signed him up for baseball and etc and 1 night i had to work and my mom signed him out.. Im glad you posted the question because im so glad that everyone is aware it is out of control at school the boys got rewards they were coming home with mt.dew and candy i called and ask why? i told them my boys arent allowed having mt.dew oh its a reward,not i ask if i could send stickers or pencils to give them or could they give them bottled water,so i feel everyone needs to learn . you know i know that my 14.5 yr old is to lazy to walk to the corner unless there is money involved,so now we do it together and talk its really nice im so glad i had the surgery its a change for my whole family.. again thank you jodi
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