Do I Know You? - Question Time

Jo N.
on 7/8/08 10:17 pm - Crawfordsville, IN

Today - a little interspective questions. Are you ready?

1. What final moment/event lead you to say to yourself and follow through with getting weight loss surgery?


2. What personality trait do you have that would surprise people if they really knew you?


3. What do you think of the state of and statistics concerning overweight and obese children in the upcoming generations?


My Answers:

1. I had a tough week of feeling light headed when I'd bend over to tie my shoes, emotionally feeling like crap because I physically couldn't do things with Gage anymore, so when I went in for a normal yearly checkup and my doc said he was putting me on blood pressure medications - I said to myself and him "Okay enough is enough".


2. I'm actually pretty immature. I love potty humor. Belching and farting in public will set me in such a giggle fit it's not funny. I love to act inappropriate in social situtations. Some call it "never growing up".. but.. it's still being immature.


3. I'm concerned that consumer products including food are becoming to casual causing parents and kids to fall into this "lack" reality when it comes to health. Kids are no longer finding things "outside" the house to do. More and more towns are removing free or even reduced cost phsyical outlets for kids for various reasons from problems with participation to vandalisms or even property insurance costs. These removal of activities are creating more of a 'reason' for parents and kids to just say "Oh well..." and allowing kids to spend more time on computer, gaming systems, and t.v. It's becoming a social norm so to speak for this kind of a behavior. I push Gage to participate in atheletics. He's been involved with the Special Olympics since he was 8. He's participated in football since he was in first grade. He's always doing something. I think parents need to be more pro active in helping overweight kids finding physical outlets and also therapy as to why at such a young age are they turning to food. We have learned from surgery that you have to fix the emotional issues when you address to fix the physical. 

Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


Linda Kay
on 7/8/08 10:54 pm - Mooresville, IN

#! I reached 300 pounds.. My step father died of obesity and I decided I wasn't going to die that way. #2 I have a tendancy SNAP when someone I love or careabout is binig disrespected. #3 I think TV should have reruns until 8pm so kids wouldn't want to watch TV. I remember playing outside and walking the town until dark..  I think parents should be willing to go out and walk and play with their kids.It isnt the state that should be raising our kids...

Linda Kay

Brenda R.
on 7/8/08 11:47 pm - Portage, IN

1. What final moment/event lead you to say to yourself and follow through with getting weight loss surgery? I believe that the moment that it hit me was when I was taking so much insulin and I hurt so bad that I could hardly walk. I hated the fact that I had to ride in a cart when I went to the store because the walking was impossible for me to do. I knew that if I didn't do something the weight was going to kill me and since my Dad died at the age of 53 and that is how old I was I just KNEW that I was going to die early. I wanted to be around for the "golden years" with Bill and I knew I had to do something and do it quickly. I wanted the band and when Dr. told me that he thought I should have the rny it knocked my socks off. I had to think about that one but on the way home from the doctor I made the decision just talking it out with my best friend.


2. What personality trait do you have that would surprise people if they really knew you? I have the typical redhead temper. I was a redhead until I got older and it turned brown but the temper still shows it's ugly little head at times. I can also have a foul mouth at times and I am NOT happy with that either. I have to be good and angry to use it though.


3. What do you think of the state of and statistics concerning overweight and obese children in the upcoming generations? I think it is a shame what the country is doing to the children. There is so much child obesity and I know that I was part of it before they thought it was bad. I wish that they had know to think of that when I was young. I use to run and play but the fat never went  away! It must have liked me a lot! I feel that they should get the kids out of the house and the television and the videp games and get them into some sort of sport or another form of exercise. It sure isn't going to hurt the parents either. If it does usually there is always some sort of place to watch in the sidelines. They need to encouage the children to eat more healthy and to make better choices for themselves when they are not around the parents but with friends. Even if the friends make poor choices I would hope that the others would know that it is alright that they choose the more healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is something that they should grow up with so it becomes a part of them early and they know nothing different.


                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/8/08 11:50 pm - Sheridan, IN
1.  When I got to where I couldn't take my medications all at once in the morning and night.  I had a palmful of pills by that time. 2.  I dislike confrontation.  I will avoid it at all costs. 3.  I think we have become a society of inactive people.  I hear often "that's too much work".  I believe the state of our world has made it so children can't just be playing in the neighborhood.  There needs to be an adult with them to protect them from harm.
Cindy P.
on 7/9/08 12:29 am - Indianapolis, IN

1.  I first looked at wls when I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, but it seemed like a radical response at the time.  After having to eat differently and workout for a year I finally decided that I might as well eat differently and workout to support weight loss rather than to suppress a disease. 2.  I think most people would be surprised to find out that I am really a very shy person.  I can be opinionated and outspoken, but I am very shy in group situations.

3.  I think it is a combination of too many video games, too much fast food/snacks and too much danger that is causing the increase in childhood obesity.  I remember running the neighborhood all day, having to be dragged in at night.  But, I won't even allow my 7 year old to play out front without one of us to watch over her.  Having been the victim of molestation when I was 8, it scares the crap out of me when she is out of my sight.  I still have a hard time letting my 13 yr old son ride his bike to the store (and he is 6 feet tall!).  I don't want anything bad to happen to either of them that I can somehow prevent.  I know I can't protect them from everything, but I have to try to protect them from all I can.


on 7/9/08 1:32 am - LaGrange, KY

1. What final moment/event lead you to say to yourself and follow through with getting weight loss surgery?  I had considered it and chickened out 2-3 times before I actually asked my PCP to refer me. The main pu****hink was my PCOS was getting worse and I had been put on my 4th medication for diabetes and I still had no control and my a1c had gone up to the highest it had ever been (8.1).


2. What personality trait do you have that would surprise people if they really knew you? Umm I am really good at putting up a front and I'm not near as happy as I let on most the time. I've developed the bad habit of keeping everything in til it's bad bad and then I tend to blow up.


3. What do you think of the state of and statistics concerning overweight and obese children in the upcoming generations? It's flat out scary!! Since we don't really buy junk food and stuff like that it helps tremendously but I made Rich promise when we have kids that snacks and stuff will consist of only healthy choices. Video games that involve sitting in front of the t.v. is out. I LOVE the wii and wii fit games though! That was a brilliant  idea on Nintendo's part and I really hope that other game makers will follow suit. My 12 year old niece whines if I ask her to go on a walk with me because I tend to walk to my errands and what not because I go too far or too long (I try to get around 5 miles a day in) but she LOVES playing the wii games. I saw someone the other day give their kid a bottle of soda at a restaurant Rich & I went to and this baby was only maybe 18 months old and had to be every bit of 40 -50 lbs. Scary. 


Jessica S.
on 7/9/08 2:05 am - Noblesville, IN
1.  My podiatrist told me my foot condition would some day cause so much pain, I likely wouldn't be able to work anymore.  Steroid shots have helped a little, but weight loss is helping more! 2.  I'm also very shy with new people or in large groups. 3.  Childhood obesity is a natural consequence of adult obesity.  The parents must take responsibility for teaching kids healthy nutrition, getting them out and playing, and making better choices.  Too many kids think they're entitled to eat crap and play video games all day, and parents are too exhausted to argue with them.  For the first time ever, we expect this generation to die earlier than the last generation!
on 7/9/08 2:11 am - Rockport, IN
Wow.  These are tough questions.  Let's see...1.  I started investigating WLS after 4 drs in less than a month suggested I look into it.  I have severe PCOS.  My insulin resistance was in such a state that my RE maxed me on two different meds together and still couldn't get it to lower.  The medicines are hard on your kidneys and my grandmother died from kidney cancer so he took me off the meds.  PCOS causes a catch 22 syndrome in your body.  It is literally impossible for PCOSers to lose weight until the insulin resistance is under control.  The increased body weight causes the insulin resistance.  I had my family dr, my ob/gyn, my re and an er doctor all tell me that unless I got the weight issue under control, I would basically have a miserable life and die an early death.  I waited over 4 years going through the insurance hoops until I was finally approved after our insurance companies changed.  During that four years I had to have several surgeries due to the PCOS to insure I wouldn't get uterine, endometrial or cervical cancers.  2.  I can't really think of anything to put here.  I'm pretty much "what you see is what you get".  I cry easily.  I think hard.  I love abundantly.  I'm constantly trying to learn something new.  I'm really pretty easy to figure out.  3.   I worry about this constantly.  As the mother of a 7 yr old who tends to be on the chubby side, I am always looking at ways to better her nutrition and physical activity. Thanks again for putting so much thought into these questions.  I love reading everyone's answers. Smooches, Jacqui
Lee Ann B.
on 7/9/08 2:32 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
 Thanks again Jo for doing these each week......they really help get perspective on things! 1- My decision making moment was when I was injured on a theme park ride and required surgery. The Surgeon stated he would not do the surgery until I lost the excess weight but I could not exercise because of my injury. So...I decided to break the circle..have the surgery ...and started my exercising with my Physical Therapy! I now get in the pool as often as I can and exercise. It is easiest on my back and I am getting as tan as I was while living in Florida! 2- I am bi-polar and without my meds I have horrible manic episodes. Needless to say...I take my meds religiously. 3-I am noticing that Both my daughters have weight issues. My oldest just had a baby and has put the weight back on that she lost after childbirth. She is depressed and miserable when we have shopped for school clothes because she is up two sizes over last year.  My youngest is a size 5 and very active in dance and school. She worries about weight gain sonstantly. They both have told me that their weight issues come from seeing my struggle. Isn't it amazing how they each have their own issues that stem from my own struggle and how they perceive it. I think kids learn from example and now that my oldest sees me fighting my demons, she is ready to fight hers as well. I do not buy the junk...therefore she cannot eat it. I cook and include them more in preparing meals. This teaches them how to eat better and they want to eat healthier since they prepared it to their tastes!

on 7/9/08 2:37 am - aurora, IN
Thank you again Jodi 1. Alot of reasons,but my health was failing fast,i couldnt walk and had to use the wheelie cart in the store(which i said id never do).But the 1 that got me was being a diabetic i had potty issues and 1 day i had a accident and had to have my dh help me and i knew i was going to have the surgery one way or another. 2. i laugh like you Jodi i love the farting and burping and im fun to be around.Everyone considers me the life of the party. But say something bad about someone i love and its on im very protective. 3.I was an overweight teen and my boys are.Its todays society that makes it worse my boys have to go as a pair and take the cell phone and its not because i dont trust them its others i dont trust.Im also learning i lead by example the better i eat the better they eat,the more im out and about so are they i blame myself for their being heavy i knew it was in the gene pool and i let them eat what they wanted. example in the last 3 weeks my middle son has had no soda and has layed off his hamburgers(we call him the hamburgler)and he has lost 12 he is in love. I watch his gf starve herself cause she needs to lose 20 pounds so i tell her its worse to starve yourself than to eat something im setting better examples im hoping its not to late...
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