Massive good news on our end!!

Highest/Day of Surgery/Current (8/15/09)/Goal (mine)
Amy, I'm so glad for you that Cobra changed their minds. I'm still battling over a measley ~$200 bill from Mid-America blood lab from January. They submitted it to Anthem as 'routine'. Anthem denied it. When Anthem approves bloodwork, by the time they reduce it for what 'they allow' and after they pay their part, I'm usually left paying $5-6. But because they denied it, I being billed for the full non-reduced amount. I've talked with Anthem and they said that Mid-America needed to re-send it in with the correct codes (which is pre-surgical, due to low white count). Dr. Bergman's office has called Mid-America with the correct codes. I've faxed them, wrote them, and called them. Their latest is saying that they did send it back in and it was denied again...which is BS. Anthem sends you a statement of what-ever has been sent in, how ever many times it gets sent in. They have NOT resent it in. I know $200 isn't that much in the grand scheme of things but I don't like liars..and that's what they are now. So....I'm battleing with them. It should be about time for I think the 5th notice. Also time for yet another letter to them I guess. So...I'm VERY happy for you in Cobra's reversal because you would have had to pay the full amount for all of the medical bills associated with your surgery. Here's a great big WHEW! for you!!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...