Monday morning

on 7/6/08 6:45 pm - Kempton, IN
Hi there everyone! Here it is 4:30 in the morning and I can't sleep again! Of course my brother is having a rough time of it and was needing me. I am looking forward to going to the outlet mall today just to get out some as I think my time being able to do that is going to be coming to an end! He was spitting up a little bit of blood at 4 a.m. which is not good. Do you all believe there is a death smell? I am thinking so and I think that I am smelling it now, I hope not. I am going to need to call the funeral director and ask him if he has made any progress on how it is best to handle this. So I hope there is signal while I am are the outlet mall. My Husband is going to stay here with him while I am gone so if you could please pray for him I would appreciate it!   Well gals see you at Max and Erma's at around 11. Any ideas what I can eat since I am only 2 months out? Got to go see ya soon!
on 7/6/08 7:16 pm - LaGrange, KY
They have soups and all, I believe that their menu is online as well.  It will probally be closer to 11:30 though. I'm totally excited to meet you. I am sooo tired but I'm very restless tonight. I'm dealing with a nasty earache and all but it's all allergy related I'm sure.
on 7/6/08 9:02 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone!                                        I hope everyone had a good Fourth of July weekend. Our was pretty laid back & lazy really. Just gotta do that sometimes, you know?                                  I hope everyone has a good time that is going shopping today. I just couldn't justify taking a vacation day to go shop (I think my boss would had seen it the same way I do). I do think it was terrific though Misty that you organized this. See? I have been saying for a long time that everything does not have to be in Indy...that if you think something would be fun closer to where you live, regardless of where that is, post it, and people will come. The price of gas won't keep everyone from going! On a weekend day, I might would had taken the drive.                                            Well..I guess I best get to work seeing how I didn't take the day off!                              Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Linda Kay
on 7/6/08 9:28 pm - Mooresville, IN
I am so sorry for your impending loss.. I do see your need to get away for awhile as I to had to sit and wait for family member too. I too have heard there was a "death smell" although I haven't personally encountered it. My mother in law told me about it...I have also been told to ck the feet that they grow cold and circulation begins to slow down from the feet up..Maybe a couple hours away are what you need..It is thundering here now but it is not going to stop me from coming.See ya all there. Linda Kay
Jenny K.
on 7/6/08 10:35 pm - IN
Good Monday morning everyone! I had a fabulous weekend!  Seems like all we done is run, run, run.   Not much going on with me today, back at work today. Someone volunteered to work my weekend on July 19th so I will get to come to the clothing exchange afterall.  I am excited because I need some more clothes and I have a lot to bring. I went to some rummages Saturday but wasnt successful on finding many clothes. I found a couple shirts and that was about all. I am going to send my person her final secret pal gift today so you should be getting it tomorrow or the next day. Looks like it is going to start raining pretty soon. Maybe it will clear out of here early and the rest of the day will be beautiful.  Hope everyone has a great time shopping and a great day. 
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

Brenda R.
on 7/6/08 11:40 pm - Portage, IN

I have had some dealings with death, and yes, there is a smell that only death has. Once you smell it you will never forget it. It is a smell that is different from any that you have smelled before or ever will smell again.  One of the things that you can do to keep a check on things is to watch the feet and the hands. They will start to turn black and that means that the organs are shutting down. Sometimes it takes a few days until death comes and sometimes it is a matter of minutes. With my mom she was gone in 15 minutes because the black spread so fast. The nurses said that they never saw it spread so fast. Usually with the black appearing it is a matter of time until death happens.  I would make sure that everything is in order and all you have to do is call the funeral home and let them know when it happens. I am keeping your family in my prayers. One of the way that God heals is through death~that being the ultimate healing. I pray for God to keep you all in the circle of His loving and healing arms and give to you peace, acceptance and understanding. I also pray that God takes your brother without suffering in to the land where he will be at peace and there is no more pain or sickness.  Please know that if there is anything at all that I can do for you just pm me and I will do what I can. I am sending love and hugs to you during this difficult time in you life.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Brenda R.
on 7/7/08 12:50 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to all my fellow losers and soon to be losers. I hope that today brings you all peace and happiness. Nothing much going on here. I am at the church office this week working in the office. I have done what I can do so far and I am just waiting on Pastor to get in here. I have to make sure the folders are done for Administrative Counsel which is tomorrow night. This is the first time that I have been up here when that happens. Wish me luck since I think I am going to need it! I go to that meeting anyway so nothing much is going to be different except I will have to let everyone know what is going on in the office~ha! like I know! I have to go to Wal Mart this aternoon after Bill leaves for work. I was suppose to go to a jewlery party tomorrow night and I told Ella that I would make the dessert for it. Her refidgerator went out and she can't refridgerate it. I just called her and told her that I am not going to be able to make the party tomorrow night but that I would bring the dessert over on my way to the church. I know that she really didn't like it much but what am I suppose to do? Give her a bit of time and she will be alright. There is other people coming and she will be fine. It isn't her party anyway. It is her daughters and she is just inviting some of Ella's friends. I am defintely not a jewlery person anyway. I can't stand wearing the stuff. Earrings are the extent of what I wear.  Well, I had bettrt get going. I have some things to do before Pastor gets in here which will be any minute. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for all, with special being said for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Peggy P.
on 7/7/08 2:45 am - Marion, IN
I have heard that there is a death smell, I have not experienced it myself.  I will say a special prayer for you and your family during this difficult times.  I understand some odf what you are going through.  My Sister in still on life support and not sure if or when she may be coming off the ventilator.   May God be with you and your family. Peggy
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