Monday morning

Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
I have had some dealings with death, and yes, there is a smell that only death has. Once you smell it you will never forget it. It is a smell that is different from any that you have smelled before or ever will smell again. One of the things that you can do to keep a check on things is to watch the feet and the hands. They will start to turn black and that means that the organs are shutting down. Sometimes it takes a few days until death comes and sometimes it is a matter of minutes. With my mom she was gone in 15 minutes because the black spread so fast. The nurses said that they never saw it spread so fast. Usually with the black appearing it is a matter of time until death happens. I would make sure that everything is in order and all you have to do is call the funeral home and let them know when it happens. I am keeping your family in my prayers. One of the way that God heals is through death~that being the ultimate healing. I pray for God to keep you all in the circle of His loving and healing arms and give to you peace, acceptance and understanding. I also pray that God takes your brother without suffering in to the land where he will be at peace and there is no more pain or sickness. Please know that if there is anything at all that I can do for you just pm me and I will do what I can. I am sending love and hugs to you during this difficult time in you life.