Hoosiers Losers Directory

on 7/5/08 1:54 am - Lawrence, IN

I'm making the final changes for the next update of the Directory this weekend.  If you have additions/changes, please get them to me.

We're now up to 149 people on the Directory. 



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on 7/5/08 2:50 am - Indianapolis, IN
Reminder:  Only those on the Directory are elgible to be invited to participate in the Secret Elf Exchange. If you are not on this Directory update, you will have to wait until the next exchange in January 2009 to participate.              Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 7/5/08 5:25 am - Kempton, IN
Floyd thank you for all the work you are doing!
Catherine K.
on 7/5/08 6:19 am - Indianapolis, IN
I am pretty new to the board ... what is the directory?
Catherine K.
on 7/5/08 6:23 am - Indianapolis, IN
nm, I found a post about it!
on 7/9/08 11:29 pm
I am fairly new, how do I get in the directory? 
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