Surgery next Wednesday, 7/9/08
Judy, personally I would worry if you were not nervous. You are about to have a life changing surgery but trust me it is going to be the beginning of a wonderful and exciting trip of your life. I thought about changing my mind before I left for the hospital but then by the time I got there I was so busy and things went so fast that I forgot all about that. Then by the time the doctor came in to see me before surgery I was just so excited I wasn't nervous anymore.
I will keep you and the doctors and nurses in my prayers I ask God to encircle you in His loving and healing arms and give you peace. a uneventful surgery and a speedy and pain free recovery. I pray that He gives knowledge and compassion to your doctors and nurses. Please remember to let us know as soon as you can how you are doing.
Don't worry about your seat on the Hoosiers Losers bench~we are getting it dusted off and all ready for you.