Happy 4th of July
Happy Fourth of July to each and everyone of my wonderful FAMILY on here!!! Hope your day is enjoyable!
I have to work this evening, so I am not planning on doing much of anything other than getting a little rest. It is going to be wild tonight, so I need to prepare myself!
Jimmy and I spent yesterday in Louisville just enjoying the day. We went to the Bass Pro Shop and found a few great sales for things we need to take the girls camping. And then we went to the Goodwill and I found 4 suits, 5 pair of pants (size 10 and 12 and they all fit perfectly!!) and 4 blazers for work for me!!! And I even found a NEW lounge camping chair for $5!!!! Talk about a filled car when we got home!
Jimmy and I have talked it over, and there isn't any way we will be able to go to the campground for the OH campout. It is just too far for us, and with gas the way it is, there is no way we could afford it. Maybe next year we can.
Hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th! Enjoy the fireworks if you can! Eat some yummy foods for me, since I am not cooking a thing!!! LOL Take care, and TTYL!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
What a wonderful 4th of July we had...as many of you know Kenny and I got married in May...Kenny is a Vet...he was among the first troops sent into Iraq just before the war started...he served in Iraq for 1 yr and served a total of 6 yrs for our country...I'm SO VERY proud of him and all he did to keep us all free! This 4th was quite special to me because I am married to a vet now...I don't take things for granted quite like I used to that's for sure!
We went to the Indy Fireworks and all the festivities at the Canal...what fun we had! Joely was AMAZED! :) As was I!
I have lots of pics posted on my myspace from the 4th...my myspace addy is:
myspace.com/ridenourjj if anyone is interested...if you aren't my friend and want to be just request an add.... :) I'll add ya!
Well I guess I should try to get some sleep...I am tired finally....was going to hit the yard sales tomorrow but now will probably just sleep in and go to the goodwill outlet!!! YAY! lol
hugs to you all
ps: when is the next clothing exchange? anyone know?
I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!