Happy 4th of July

Jenny K.
on 7/3/08 9:27 pm - IN

Everyone must be off work today and sleeping in. Not me I have to work..... We will probably go somewhere to watch fireworks tonight. The town I live in already had fireworks last Sat.  My kids are going with their friends to watch some fireworks so just me and hubby watching fireworks. His parents will probably tag along. Hopefully it doesnt rain tonight so everyone gets their fireworks in. I am hoping to get to some rummages tomorrow. I am needing some clothes.  I am not going to be able to make it to the next clothing exchange cause that is my weekend to work. Hopefully I can get to see you guys again soon. Everyone have a great day and Happy 4th of July. Happy Hat Flags Fireworks USA Smiley 

 Caduceus    Caduceus 

O. Kufi
on 7/3/08 9:44 pm
Happy HatHappy 4th of July Everyone I trust that everyone will enjoy their day 4th of July inspite of the rain.  I have been working 10 hour days (sometimes more) but am off today so I am grateful. The way I have had to work for the last month or two has made me tired and definitely not wanting to do anything. I read that all had a great time at Holiday World. We would have loved to have gone (Iwas working), hopefully next time (love the pix Shahna) I just wanted to say HELLO and many blessings to everyone. I hope to see ya soon! Antonette     Eagle Freedom isn't free, it always going to cost us something.                                                         Thanks Veterans!!!!!!
Brenda R.
on 7/3/08 10:07 pm - Portage, IN
Happy 4th of July everyone!  Happy HatI hope that today is just so much frun for everyone. I wish to thank all of our vetrans and those fighting for us right now. May God continue to bless all of you and keep you safe and out of harms way. We appreciate very much all that you have done for us and for our wonderful country.  Today is sunny and cool. It is suppose to get to about 77 today I believe. That is nice weather to be out and about in. All is quiet outside at this moment since I think it is to early for anyone to be out yet. The fireworks were just a poppin' last night though. haha  Fireworks  Today we are going to my cousins for a cook out. It is going to be strange that Bill isn't the one that is grilling since that is his favorite hobby! I am taking some hamburgers and buns, cole slaw (since my cousin Bobby asked me to make it for him), and a sf angle food cake with sf pie filling over the top of it. There is just going to be my aunt and uncle and their families there. Bill and I was going to spend the day here at home with just the two of us but I guess sometimes things change. I love getting together with my family. We use to do that all the time when I was younger. I mean all of my aunts and uncles and cousins. When we got together we had so much fun. We were all very close when we were growing up but then back then things were so different. Now a days they don't want to do that as much. It is sad because they are missing out on so many happy memories.  The parade is going to be starting in a few hours and Bill and I like to go watch it from the front porch. The intersection here in front of the apartment building is the ending point of the parade. I usually get tired of watching it since I am not a big parade person anymore. I use to be when I was younger. I remember my dad was always in the 4th of July parade since he was in the VFW. He always looked so nice in his uniform and then he was the flag holder. I remember that the shriners always was in the parade and they would have their swords and they would do some mighty scary stuff with them too. I was always so afraid of them. There was one man who was in the parade with them every year and he knew that I was terrified of the swords and what would he do...........yep, you got it..........he would make them just a whiz and always did it after he came up so close to me. I would just scream and go running to mom. Thinking back that really wasn't very nice that's for sure! I am sure that he is long gone now. If not he must be older than dirt by now since that was almost 50 years ago! haha I better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone. Special ones are being said for those in need of them today. Have a wonderful 4th and enjoy yourselves. I hope that you watch some fireworks for me since we aren't gong to see them. We watch them from in the front of the building. We see plenty there. We do live in a nice part of the city it seems. We get to see everything right in front of our own little home. Can't get easier than that.   Liberty  Smiley Fireworks  Flag Wave  Eagle   

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 7/3/08 10:25 pm, edited 7/3/08 10:32 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning!  I'm one of those who had slept in and it felt terrific! I woke up at 3 for a potty  trip but other than that...                                              We were going to bring some hot dogs, burgers, and stuff to the park and meet the kids & grandkids there. Well...my sil (Tiffany's husband)..the whiner that he is (who by the way, we had asked to do nothing nor to bring nothing other than what he wanted to drink!) started whining that there IS a 30% chance of rain. OMG..like he is sugar and would melt?? So...Bill & I decided to just pick up Church's chicken since no one would have to wait on it to cook! As if it takes SOOOOO long for burgers & dogs on a grill anyway! The chicken is less work for me anyway since we'll be picking up sides too. I did fix a small thing of cole slaw, a sf chocolate pie, a dozen deviled eggs, and cut up a couple of seedless watermelons. What? Did you think I was going to ANY kind of gathering and NOT bring food that I made myself??? LOL! You all should know me better than that! I thought for sure Bill would complain about how much I'm bringing...instead, he complained that I didn't fix any deviled eggs to leave at home! Hahaha!! I promised him that I'd fix some more just for us!  I don't know if we'll see the fireworks with the kids or not. Usually...by the time we eat & the kids play on the swings & stuff, Bill has had more than enough of our sil (and I have had enough of his lazy daughter) that we are just thinking about going home. So..we'll probably be at home listening to the neighborhood's fireworks...comparing notes on how sil and step-daughter got on our nerves..lol!                                                  You all have a good day today and if you have the opportunity to hear the national anthem, think of those who helped make the United States the country that even those who hate us, can't wait to sneak accross the borders to enjoy the freedoms it offers!                             Sherri                                    ****I dropped my cell phone in the toilet! It's not recovering from the big flush very well so I'm going to have to replace it tomorrow. So.....Gail, Brenda, Ellen or anyone else who tries to call me..use my home #. I think I'm going to check out those new ones that have the MP3 included. That would be perfect for at work!


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 7/4/08 12:56 am - Wadesville, IN
Hello all, I promised that I would not just read your posts, like I have been for a long time, but to also start adding comments, since I will become "one of the group" on Sept 10.   I particularly wanted to log in this morning to see what all of you were able to eat for this holiday.  I just made 3 batches of home-made ice cream, and was lamenting to my husband that I would never be able to enjoy this again next summer.  He remarked that there are probably sugar-free recipes that would work for me, so I thought I would ask about that.   We are going next door to my son's house, hoping to dodge the rain, for both the cook-out and going into Evansville later for the fireworks.   I usually have all celebrations here at our house, but I am letting my son and his wife do it this year.  I am only bringing a fruit plate, a home-made red, white, and blue jello cake, and the ice cream.   It will be nice to let them have the mess to clean up for a change!   As a few of you commented on, I think of this as a family day, and always feel fortunate that my children are all close by.  There are fourteen of my  group, plus another bunch from my daughter-in-law's family.   I both enjoy and feel more educated about the surgery from reading your posts every day, so thanks to all, and I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable holiday!  Happy 4th of July from southern Indiana!
Jenny K.
on 7/4/08 1:46 am - IN
There sure is a sugar free homemade icecream recipe. I just used it last Sat. and it was really good. I couldnt tell a difference. I will find it and post it for you.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 7/4/08 12:47 am - Wabash, IN
HAPPY FIRECRACKER DAY POSSE!!!!!!!!! The 4TH of July has an even deeper meaning to me today...my Sailor son Taylor is helping us all have the freedoms we enjoy and take for granted. I for one does not think about all the freedom I have on a daily basis and starting today will change!  Remember those who have fought and lost their life for us and also those who are still fighting so we can all enjoy life here in the Good 'Ol U.S.A. Taylor will be home for 2 weeks Aug. 1 before he is deployed again...and this time he has no return date....they just don't know how long. Pray for each of our troops. Y'all have a BLESSED, SAFE, EXCELLENT BBQ, LAUGHS, HUGS AND SMILES WITH YOUR FAMILY holiday weekend. huggggggggggs Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

Jenny K.
on 7/4/08 1:48 am - IN
Please tell your son thank you for what he is doing for us. 
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

LaChelle R.
on 7/4/08 2:25 am, edited 7/4/08 2:26 am - Erie, PA
Please tell your son that he is the reason we can enjoy our freedom daily! Thank him so much from us in the Southern part of the state as well!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Brenda R.
on 7/4/08 10:36 am - Portage, IN
Janene, please make sure you tell Taylor that he is prayed for everyday and that Bill and I thank him and all the people that are serving and putting their lives on the line for us to continue to enjoy our freedom. He is so appreciated for the job that he is doing for us.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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