Tuesday.........( Nope it's not friday,yet)

on 6/30/08 10:56 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning!                Back to work today. I am STILL thinking about taking off Thursday. Call it lack of interest  We'll see. I have ~3 weeks of vacation (not including holidays or the week between Christmas & NY) so I just may.                          The big problem with my Durango not starting ended up being the battery. $114 for a new one but $42 to check the old one and $63 to tow it to the shop..so a whopping $219! This one has a 7 yr warranty on it. Hopefully, I'll have the $ to trade her in before that time is up. I'm just really thankful that it didn't go out in Holiday World. I would had have to have found Rudolf's Repair shop! LOL!                  Jeanie..that's great news that your son gets to come home. There's nothing like our kids to worry us, even if they ae grown.                   

That reminds me, my son, Jay, has an interview Monday. Please keep him in your prayers....it's his first serious interview in over a year of looking for a job. He's had one other one but we found out that they had NO intention of hiring anyone at the time but company policy was to interview anyway.                         You all have a good day!!! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Brenda R.
on 7/1/08 12:01 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to all my fellow Hoosiers.  Today is a cool day but it is sunny so it is a good thing. I love it when the sun shines and I can do just about anything with it shinning. I am so hoping that the rain is a thing of the past, but something is telling me that my hope is for naught. lol Nothing much happening around here today. I am planning on staying home and not doing anything but the reading for the church committee that I talked about yesterday. I didn't read word one yesterday. I know~that isn't going to get the blasted book read. lol I just so much dread getting through that dang thing. Misty is looking out her door at the great outdoors. Her head is just swiveling looking at anything that is out there. There isn't much that gets past her. She is Miss Eagle Eye and you can tell that she would love to get out there. She doesn't have any nails at all so there is no way that she could ever get out there. She doesn't have a way to defend herself. She has tried to get out the front the hallway but I have chased her back in and then I explain to her that if she got out she could get killed and that would make Mommy and Daddy sad and then we would cry because we would miss our Misty so bad. She just sits and stares at me while I am telling her this. I like to think that she understands what I am saying to her but that must be just my wishful thinking. She sure looks like she knows what I am saying.  I got out a couple of packages of ground round and I am going to make dinner for tonight and tomorrow. That way with the meeting tomorrow at the church I don't have to deal with cooking. I am planning on making a meat loaf and a batch of Italian Meatballs in sauce with cheese. That is good protein and that is something we can all use. I think I am going to put some cheese in the meat loaf too. That is going to add some more protein to it. I am going to do that sometime this afternoon. I usually do my busy stuff after Bill leaves for work. That way he isn't here to bug me. haha I guess I had better get moving. I have some things to do and if I don't get started the morning is going to be shot out of the water before I know it. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone, with special ones going up for those in need.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Gail O.
on 7/1/08 12:48 am - indianapolis, IN
Shanna, my dearheart, we all know about that grazing right!!!!Love U LaChelle, my little body guard!! have an awesome time playing golf Love U.  Iamalittlesweetheart44, Young love at 16, if he gets his heart broke, he blessed to have a mom like you. Love U . Vicki,  I bet you will have lots of fun going to your hubby's home town,see you later. Love U Linda, I hope and pray you have a worderful week end, you so desevre it. Love U. Ulisha, you have a lot of family coming and going. I know about that grazing, I guess we all do. Love U. Linda Kay, your cool whip sounds great, back to grazing, I know from yesterday,we are only human, Love U. Jeannie, my prayers our with your son and family, what a blessings to be at your family's week-end. Love U. Sherri, glad you are at work, that means you got your trans fixed. I have Jay in my prayers,Love U, call me later. Peggy, I hope you get in some reading today, and what time is dinner ???? Love U.   I hope I got everyone, if I missed anyone know you are in my prayers. I have tired 3 x's to post this so hope it goes to the board. I love you all . Gail
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