Lisa, I loved my box of goodies. Every time I got something in the mail I felt like a kid on Christmas morning knowing that Santa was there.
Everything in the box was fantastic. I loved all the sweet smelling stuff~I am really into that stuff. I love the pad of note paper and I am not sure how you knew this but I always have one on my fridge. I use them all the time. The note cards and stationary is something that I use all the time too. I am always sending notes to the shut ins and the sick people at my church so it is going to come in very handy, believe me. Misty is going to love the gift that you sent her too. She was up and sniffing around it already. haha She is something else. Bill my not lean, not mean, grilling machine is wondering now what he can do with all the marinades that you sent. Trust me they will be used!!!!
I just wanted to thank you for being the best elf that anyone could ever ask for, and your cards are so much a blessing for me. I am glad that we got to know each other and look forward to many more years of friendship with you. I will be sending you some e-mails and we will get to know more about each other. I would love that. Besides I promised you recipes and I haven't done that yet. I haven't forgotten. I just can't find the recipes! lol
Sending you love and bigggg hugs to you, and my prayers are always including you and your family. Are you going to be at the clothing exchange? I am finally getting to this one. I am waiting and not patiently either!