Monday, Monday...

on 6/29/08 11:53 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
Just stopping in to say Hi.  Not feeling so hot this morning. I was a bad girl yesterday evening and tried something that i haven't had before and lets just say the pouch is not happy with me today at all. I guess that will teach me to put things in there that dont belong. My husband gets into the states at 7am tomorrow so he should be here I would think by evening time. Sherri I know the how it feels with the car problems. Mine always surprise me and never give me warning. At least it waited till you got home and not while you were in holiday world.  Well I hope everybody has or at least trys to have a great day.  
Do you enjoy AVON but dont have anybody to order from, Try my estore or message me for more info.

   Dont let someone's opinion of you become your reality


on 6/30/08 12:25 am - aurora, IN
Hello all I  was up til 330 this morin problems with my parents some times i wonna run away  i love them but  when she wont get help. Today my dh started at homeland security,he is deployed stateside so they sent him 30 mins from home. Ulisha so glad your dh is coming home thank him for us. Sherry automobiles are as bad as men sometimes. Linda so glad Mikey is doing better . Jenny you look wonderful. Janeen you sound so cheerful to be up so early. everyone stay safe and to those having surgury good luck and to LaChelle my dh says night shift is a wh ole new world ,the tips are so much better.
Gail O.
on 6/30/08 12:33 am - indianapolis, IN
Good Morning All, I think I got a little sleep last night, thats a biggie for me .I got up a 5;45 and still up.  Someone really hurt me yesterday withsome hash words,I am so hard to let in ride because I will stoop to their level, it still there and I will be ok. I going to try to maintain a new start with myself & my body. I see I need some changes. I hope everybody has a great day. Love to all. Healthy wishes and prayers to those in need Prayer  HUGS AND BLESSINGS,GAIL jANENE, REMEMBER TO ASK FRAN TO PUT YOU IN DR HUSE'S  room WITH HIS GRANDFATHERS THINGS, i'LL BE THERE ON WED.  Kisses 

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @

LaChelle R.
on 6/30/08 1:11 am - Erie, PA
Someone hurt you with some harsh words?!?!? Where are they??? Who are they??? Can I kick their butts?!?!?!  Let me at 'em!!!!  I will make them wish they had NEVER said anything to you, my dear friend! Love ya!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 6/30/08 1:38 am - Rockport, IN

I'm with you LaChelle!  I have a foot and know how to use it!  Let me at 'em!  Let me at 'em!!! Jacqui

Gail O.
on 6/30/08 11:33 am - indianapolis, IN
YEP !!! you could take her easy but I love you to much for you to do that. my dear friend I love you too. Gail , Hugs & MORE HUGS Gail
Brenda R.
on 6/30/08 2:00 am - Portage, IN
Gail, the nerve of someone hurting my little "earth angel". I am going to kick a$$ and take names later! Let me at 'em and I will not even have to hit them~I will just sit on them and that will teach them. No one messes with little Gail!

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 6/30/08 1:42 am - Rockport, IN

Morning All!  It's a crazy one for me as usual.  I took Friday off for Holiday World (had a blast) so I'm even further behind.  I'm working on my 2009 budget.  It has to be at the courthouse by close of day.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute!  I took it home with me and basically have it nailed out.  Just need board approval to type it up and get it submitted.

I can't wait for the clothing exchange!  Seeing everyone on Friday makes me homesick for my buddies.  You guys are really the only ones who know me now and understand me.  What a scary thought!  Ahhhhh.... Well....know I love you and will try to be a better poster. Oodles of love, Jacqui

Brenda R.
on 6/30/08 1:57 am - Portage, IN

Good morning to my little Hoosiers and soon to be little Hoosiers. I hope that today is all great for everyone. So far so good for me. I just hope it stays that way. haha It is sunny and cool today-just~just the way I like it. I couldn't ask for a nicer day. Now if it only stays that way since at times it looks like rain but then the sun comes out again. I hope it is just my eyes. lol Nothing much planned today. I am staying home and just doing things around here. I have to read my book for church. It is called "Five Practices for Fruitful Congregations" and trust me it is just as dry as it sounds. I am the chairperson of the Pastor/Parish Relations committee and we have to do a evaluation of the church and have it back to the District office by September 1st. They are doing them differently starting this year and it is going by this book. There is so much to do to get this done and I don't really want to do any of this. I guess this is just a case of we don't have to like what we have to do, we just have to do it.  This Wednesday I have 2 meetings at the church, so I have to make 2 trips there in one day. That is about 1 hour and 15 minutes out of my day just for the travel times. I am haveing a Care Calling committee meeting~which I also chair~at 10 a.m. and then a PPR meeting at 7 p.m. Sometimes I think that meetings are the only things I have in my life! Janene, I loved chatting with you yesterday. I think that we have both met someone who is just as chatty as we are~each other!! I loved our talk and all of the many subjects that we hit on. I could talk to you all the time and never get tired!  Linda, I am so glad that things are looking up for Mikey. It sounds like things are getting back to normal and I pray that he come home to you soon. Just keep postive and God will take care of it all for you. Congratulations on the added weight loss. Way to go girl! Jenny, I can see why there was some people who didn't know you, since you look so different. You have come a long way, girl! LaChelle, I have worked afternoons and I hated them but I worked midnights and liked them. I didn't like afternoons since I felt like I had no life. You go to sleep late when you get home and then sleep later in the morning because of that. You have just a bit of time for yourself to do what you need to before it is back to the old grindstone again. Bill on the other hand loves working straight afternoons. I guess someone has to since it would be a mess in this world if no one liked them. Best of luck on the swing shift.  I better get going. I am sending love and hugs to everyone. Prayers are being said for everyone too and special ones for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


shanna B.
on 6/30/08 4:04 am - camby, IN

ok, I am going to try this again. I had a page typed up and then my prehistoric computer ate it! ARGH, that is so frusterating.  anywho......  Good Afternoon folks. Not too much going on here, last night we went back to Richmond to drop my niece off to my sister. Yesterday was my DH birthday, so we took him to Joe's Crab shck on Post and 70 ( on our way to Richmond) We had another great time. They sang to Terry and was awesome, Bella played on the playground and we had the big bucket of Crab, Bella loved crab. They had put a couple pieces of stone crab in it, first time I have ever cracked them. That was a treat. I really don't like seafood but I liked to watch people eat it and I like to crack the meat out. I did take a few bites ( more for the protein than anything)  I had an episode with some chicken sat. night and I have been trying to just stick with soft foods lately. I can only get about 2-3 ounces down at any onetime. Also drinking is harder, I get that tight feeling again, like I did at 2 weeks out. I have only gotten sick twice but sat. was a doozy. I think it was stuck or I ate too fast or something I do not know but I was miserable for about 45 minutes.

I am working nights this week, My day off is Wed. I think I am taken Bella to the pool. I need to get movin' Have a great day. xoxox shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


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