Monday, Monday...
Good morning folks. How are you all doing? I hope you all are well. I woke up at 5am and couldn't fall back asleep. I am contemplating going over to the Y for a bit, that being the case, since I don't have to be at wor****il 8am. Yesterday we went to visit Mikey in Bloomington. He's starting to get some sleep again. He seemed in good spirits. We played a game of Monopoly. He won, can you imagine
I am hoping he can come home today or tomorrow? I don't really know though yet. It just amazes me the way I have changed in reacting to stress. Two years ago I would have had gained weight through all of this. But not now. I have gone from 160lb to 151lb in the month of June. Hey I'm not complaining. I'm now only 6 pounds from my goal of 145!!!

Good Mornin' Posse!
NOOOOOOOOOOO, you are NOT dreaming! LOL....IT'S MEEEEEEE.....up and posting on a Monday morning at 6:30AM!!!!!!!!!! yeeeeeeeeehaaaaaw...LMAO
Here's to hopin' y'all have a WONDERFUL SMILEY DAY....It looks like its gonna be beautiful! I am up and attem this morning 'cause I am babysitting my great-niece today. Her daddy brought her over on his way to work at 5:30AM!!!!! Anyway...its kinda OK to be up this early..Mark loves it...he got breakfast this morning! LOL
Was great to see the Holiday World posts. Sounds like y'all had a BLAST and I am sorry I missed it! There is always next year!
I was hoping to meet up with some of y'all when I went to visit with Doc Huse tomorrow...but...I am bringing mom to her eye doc post-surgery visit and I have to get home right after those visits....Mark and I are going to the Honeywell Theatre here in Wabash to see the Army Field Band @ 7:30pm.
Anyway...I WILL DEFINATELY see y'all at the clothing exchange! I need my POSSE FIX! (huggggggggs that is) lol
I had a wonderful phone visit with Brenda last evening. I reckon we are BOTH talkers, huh Brenda *wink*
Good to see so many new posse members here on the board and also wonderful to have the bench filling up!
Linda, hang in prayers are with you and you are so close to can do it!
My heart is full of warm thoughts and prayers of all y'all and I feel so blessed to have y'all in my Posse!
Y'all have a smiley day and rowdy night!
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
Just a quickie as we are headed out the door in 10 mins to head to indy. I'm sooo nervous because I have my oral surgery consult today. Was supposed to be last month but had to post pone it because of car issues and stuff but anyways I'm totally ready but nervous. More so bout finding out the cost of everything after our insurance pays up.
I've been dealing with a nasty case of fatigue lately again which is why I've not been around much. It takes everything I have to attempt to keep myself awake so I usually let myself sleep and figure my body is needing it. Some of it I think is fighting off some kind of respiratory stuff trying to come on. My sinuses and ears hurt and stuff. I've been sleeping 14 hours or so a day and just exhausted still.
Anyways I'm going to scoot. Have a good day.
Good morning everyone.
Well..I guess I was bound & determined that this was NOT going to be a 4-day work week! We were going to go have dinner last night and my darn Durango wouldn't start! Bill tried putting the charger on it for about 4 hours but no luck. I am at home. I'm going to take a shower here in a minute and then call Eastgate (they do all the work on it since that's where I bought it). It'll probably take a little while for a tow to get here. We're thinking that it's probably the starter or altenator. I think car problems like this are probably the most aggrevating because there was no warning signs at all. She behaved beautifully the whole time in Holiday World..going there & home included. She's a 2000 so I know problems are going to start creeping up. I can't really afford to trade her in right now but I've kinda been looking at other vehicles to see if any of them flip my trigger...and the bad thing? The only ones that do are just as much of a gas hog as the Durango is! LOL! Ah well. Anyway, I have another day of it or not.
And how is everyone else's Monday shaking out? Excellent, I hope!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Mornin all!
Hope everyone is getting rested up from their Holiday World trip. Sounds like you all had a blast. I am going to try my very best to get there next year with you all.
My weekend was a very busy one but got through it. Just had a lot going on. EMS had a cotton candy machine set up at our town's 4th celebration and we didnt sell 1 thing. It was too humid for the cotton candy plus we got rained on and had to get the machine out of the rain. Oh well! The rain stopped about 1 or so and turned out to be nice the rest of the day so we had our annual picnic at my parents house and the town's fireworks.
People I hadnt seen since my surgery were just raving about how I looked. Couple people didnt even know Makes a person feel so good.
Well I hope everyone has a great day!
Good morning everyone!! My mother in law was in the hospital this weekend so we prettymuch spent the whole weekend there. She has cirrhosis of the liver and has been in and out of the hospital because of her ammonia levels. But she is doing better today.
I have one week left until my preop tests and nutrician class. Then a couple days after that I should get a surgery date. I am hoping to have surgery on a Monday so I can just take that whole week off. My husband is taking vacation when I get surgery also so he can take care of me
I cannot wait to be on the losers bench with everyone. Everytime I go somewhere I see people looking at me, and I always think they are thinking and talking about how big I am, I know I am probably just being self concious. I cannot wait until the weight is off so I can feel good about myself again.
I have been spending the days looking for a job! I currently have a home daycare, I watch 3 children, I have been trying to get more children to watch, but I am always too far for someone or don't have the right hours. I figured once I get my surgery and am healed completely I will at least try to get a job at Walmart in the evening/nighttimes then still babysit during the day. They just opened a new Walmart down the road from me in Camby, so I might check out that one. I really want a job in a vet clinic though...sorry for rambling everyone!!!
Have a wonderful day!!

On June 30, 2008 at 6:33 AM Pacific Time, shanna B. wrote:
Where you live at? I live in Heartland...In the colony ( plainfield side) We could get together sometime. SHanna hi guys! we had a busy weekend....went to french lick on saturday afternoon....had dinner with my aunt and her family, then visited with my grandmother and uncle for a bit....then headed to patoka lake for the BIG fireworks display...that was nice!
sunday we went to church with my aunt and her grandaughters and then visited with my grandmother again and my dad and step mom before heading back north....we made a stop in Freedom to see Kenny's Papa and then made it back to Indy by 8:15pm last night! WHEW....a long 2 days!
Today I have a phone interview for that job I interviewed for last week...KEEP ME IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS!
I have so much to do today and I'm not very here's hoping! Have a super super days guys!
I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!
Good morning all. I am playing lazy today. I got up only about 45 minutes ago! Yesterday was my last day shift, so we had several of our friends over for a cook out last night after work. Kinda a celebration of going to swing shift. We stayed up until almost 3 am, just talking. That was kinda good for me to start adjusting to the late night hours. It will take alot, but I will manage eventually!
Not much planned for today, playing poker again with friends this evening and nothing else. Have a great day all!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!