It's Saturday Indiana!!!
It is now Saturday morning since it going on 1 in the morning. I am planning on going to bed right about now. Bill went to bed a while back and the t.v. is on but something seems to tell me that no one is watching it in there! He is snoring I think. haha
I had a busy day today. I went to bank, paid the cable bill, went to Goodwill and tired on some clothes and got none. I went to Big Lots and got a few things and wasn't real happy with them I got home late and I am tired. I feel like I have been drug through a keyhole.
I worked at the church office this morning so I got up early. I hate getting up to an alarm clock. I would rather get up at the crack of dawn on my own instead of the clock.
I hope that everyone has a good day today. I am planning on staying home and doing things around the house. I think that Bill is doing some things around here too.
A cool front is suppose to be rolling in sometime soon. It can't get here to soon for me. I love the weather in the mid to upper 70's and I could live with that all year around. I wish that I could find somewhere that had my perfect weather and I would be on a jet plane to get there in a hearbeat.
I better get going. I am getting tired. I have been up since 6 this morning and going non stop all day. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day today and I am sending love and hugs to all. Prayers are going up for everyone and special prayers are being said for those in need.
Good Saturday,
Well it's late and I have a major headache again and can't sleep. I'm getting ready to go down to Arkansas to visit my family and can't wait to see them. I finally get to meet my twin nephew's that are 8 months old now. They are soooooooo handsome. Now on to me I'm at a dang stall and don't know how to push through it. Any suggestion's would be great. Miss you all and plan on posting more in the near future. Well I think I may try and go to bed now.
Good morning to you Julie. It is so good to see you posting again. We miss you when you aren't here.
I have found the best things to help you through a stall is PEW. It is that simple.
If you remember that it helps every time.
Hope this information helps.
Sending you love and hugs.
Well today is supposed to be the final day for my garage sale but it is raining. I hope it stops soon. It has been alot of work but my sister and nieces have been here every day to sit with me and I love that! My son brought his fiance over last night to meet the rest of the family. My 3 year old grandaughter got glasses this week so we had a party and everyone wore glasses and of course there was cake & ice cream. I had a small bite of the cake and it was awful to me! I hope everyone enjoys there day and please stay safe. I bet the group at Holiday World are having a blast. I wish I could be there with them.
Hello OH'ers. It's Saturday. Thursday, Mikey had a really rough day. Not sleeping much since the flood really caught up with him, I think. He wasn't doing well, anyway he was admitted to the hospital in Bloomington again. I think he's going to be okay with a little rest from all this and a few good nights sleep. As for me, I have got to work today at Sears. I worked yesterday at both jobs. I am trying to play catch up at Voc Rehab, so I worked my butt off all day. I don't think my sec'y was happy with all the work I made for her to do as a result, but what can you do?
This too shall pass.
Linda, I am so sorry that Mikey is having added problems. I keep you and your family is my special prayers. I know it has to be stressful on him with the flooding and all. I pray that he can get some much needed rest and be home with you all in no time. I am sending love and hugs to you and just remember that we are here for you cheering you on from the sidelines.
Well Melissa's triplets turned 4 yesterday and they called me up and said Mamaw will you come to my house and take me for a walk... needless to say I went for a walk then took them to Walmart and bought them a 6 inch cake and some chicken nuggets.. we had our own birthday before the big party tomorrow. Today my sons are coming over to help build the swingset we are building for the grandkids.. it has 2, 5 foot platforms and a 10 foot swing arm.. enough for 3+ swings..Life is grand and so much greater being smaller.. OH Yea I was appalled, outraged at the treatment of the lady on the board with Southwest airlines... how many others wrote them a letter???
Linda Kay
Hi all! Hope everyone had a great time at Holiday world! It is going to be a good day today even if it rains! MY husband is going to be gone all day so maybe I can get something accomplished! He is helping put in a sewer line or fix an old one up in Marion. The guy he is doing it with is a pain in the butt! He is supposed to pay my husband but I bet he doesn't! I don't trust him and wish my husband would quit hanging around him but we need the money so that is why I didn't say anything.
My brother is supposed to be coming up to get his laundry today and I hope he feels good enough to do it. As some of you know he is 47 and has terminal liver cancer. Went by his place yesterday to take him some jello with nanas in it. He looks really bad and is on a pain patch and daludid pill for pain. He also had a stent put in his bile duct from the liver to the pancreas just about a week and a half ago. We never got along growing up and even after we were grown. Since the cancer he has changed so much that he is enjoyable to be around and now he is going to be taken from me, and I am having a hard time with that. I always wanted a brother. He has a better attitude about it than I and he has gotten his life in order with the Lord! If you would have known him before you wouldn't have believe tht he and the Lord would never go hand in hand. I feel he will be gone by Christmas, I just hope he doesn't have to suffer! Anyway I will get off this morbid subject and close for today!

Good Saturday morning all. I am really sleepy and tired this morning, but its all good! I know it is because of all the walking that I did yesterday. It was so worth it to be able to visit with all my OH buddies! I hope everyone has a safe trip home as well.
Not much planned here for me today other than working until 7 pm, and then going to watch fireworks over Patoka Lake this evening. They really have beautiful ones to watch, so we are going there after I get off work. Other than that, theres not much else going on. Hope it is a fairly slow day at work today. I am too tired to fool with a bunch of drunk idiots! LOL
Gotta get ready for work, so have a wonderful day all!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
I had an "exciting" morning grocery shopping at the Super Wal-Mart ... now I'm screwing around online instead of working on a paper that's due tomorrow for my MBA program.
I am really tired of this humidity and weather! Rain, rain, rain! Yuck!
I hope everyone had fun at Holiday World ... I have lived in Indiana for 10 years and haven"t been there yet!