I have a date
Katie, congratulations on the great news that you found out this morning. The month is going to go by so fast that your head is going to spin. It will be here before you know it. All of the feelings that your expirencing is perfectly normal and I would be worried if you didn't feel them. This a road trip beyond belief but it so exciting. I am so glad that I had it, and I was 53 when I had mine. I just wished that I had it before I got to that age, but I know that this gift from God came to me when I was ready for it. Again, congratulations and we will start cleaning off the seat your tiny hiny is going to be sitting on in a month!!!!
Congrats on your date! It will be here before you know. I was excited too and only nervous for a couple of days. By the time it came... I was really ready for it. It's the best thing ever for me.
I wish you all the best and keep a positive attitude. You will be on the losers bench with us soon.