Discrimination at its best!

Lee Ann B.
on 6/27/08 6:01 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
This is on the main lap band board, but I though everyone might be interested to read this. You also ought to ck out the original post.....you won't believe the responses it got on there! One of the ladies on the lap band board suggested I put this out there for everyone.  Here is my experience....after you read it, if you feel compelled, please write or call and make a complaint.  If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone and I think that is appalling!!

Southwest Airlines is tauting it's greatness on their website because they aren't charging passengers for bags or snacks or other amenities like other airlines are doing---however, the don't mention what they ARE doing is much worse!  I was sitting in the airport with my husband and kids waiting for our flight to NY.  We were all playing games on our cell phones, my daughter was coloring, when a woman from Southwest walks up and asks if I'm flying out that day?  I said yes.  She said, "can you come with me for just a moment?"  I went, thinking stupidly maybe this was a survey or something.  NOT!  When we got to the counter she said, "I'm going to have to ask you to purchase another ticket today."  Just like that.  I said "what??!"  She handed me a piece of paper--mind you, this is all being done "quietly," she's almost whispering--which said basically that "Customers of Size" maybe be asked to purchase another ticket for the "safety and comfort of themselves and those around them."  When I explained I bought an ENTIRE row of tickets (3) and another one so I would not be "encroaching" on anyone's space but my 38 pound 5-year-old, she said, "it doesn't matter, if you can't fit comfortably in the seat without encroaching on others you have to pay for an additional fare."  I told her we just flew in December and I fit fine, snuggly, but fine.  I said, "I've even lost 30 pounds since then!"  When I continued to argue that I would NOT pay a fee, she said we could pre-board and she could "see if I fit."   As we are standing waiting to "pre-board" while others are disembarking the plane, she says to me, "it's a pretty full flight, if it winds up that it is completely full we will refund your ticket fare."  Now let me get this straight, your policy is to make fat people pay for another ticket so as not to cause "discomfort" for them, but if there aren't enough seats and you can sell one more stinking ticket then you don't care about their comfort??  TELL ME HOW THIS IS NOT ABOUT MONEY!!!!!  We went to pre-board, mind you there are still people on the plane who were traveling to our first stop--17 to be exact.  Several of those, and the crew WATCHED her HUMILIATE me and measure to see if I fit.  When I did, again, snuggly, she said "well you are still a little over the armrest there."  Again I said, "and it makes no difference to ANYONE else because my daughter and husband will be sitting here next to me!!!!!!  She said (very condesendingly) "I'm going to go ahead and make an exception this time but just know in the future that this is our policy.  I want to congratulate you on your weight loss."  I stopped her mid sentence actually, saying, "you know what?  You aren't making an exception, you've done enough to humiliate me and ruin my trip so if we're done here I don't want to hear your "congratulations" just leave me alone."  Then, get this, she said, "well, I can take your credit card if you like."  SHE'S THREATENING ME BECAUSE I DIDN'T TAKE HER CONDESENDING CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME????  I said, "is that a threat?  Because if it is, I won't stop at just this ticket, I'll have your job before it's over with.  Everyone of these people, who you've just humiliated me in front of heard you say we were done and there would be no fee.  Now because I don't bow down and take your crappy, insincere congratulations you're threatening me?  (turning to another gentleman standing there)  Sir, can you write you name down for me so I can report this to her supervisor?"  She said, "that won't be necessary, I said it was fine."  And left.  Meanwhile, everyone is finally able to board--including my family who she stopped at the gate--and I start to BAWL like a BABY!!!!  If you knew me, you'd know I'm not generally a cryer.  I'm pretty tough, especially when dealing with people about my weight, but I totally LOST it.  I cried most of the trip and we've been here two days and I'm actually having nightmares about having to go back to the airport and dealing with this **** again!!!  Anyone who thinks airlines are not trying to stick it to "customers of size" are full of it!  They can say all they want how they aren't charging extra for things--no, just people.  Is this the last acceptable form of discrimination???

Here is the customer relations line to call and complain about their policy for "Customers of Size"  (214) 792-4223 or their address is:  Gary C. Kelly, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer Southwest Airlines, P.O. Box 36647  1CR, Dallas, TX 75235-1647

We CAN make a difference and even though we are losing, we shouldn't let that deter us from doing something for others who might face this in the future!  Thanks!

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