on 6/26/08 7:07 pm - Kempton, IN
Hi everyone! Happy Friday! I thought I would start today since I am up early. I am going to the doctor today so I am up early. I am getting an injection in my spine today and can't wait. Here is hoping and praying that it makes my leg better and that I can go do all that walking! Well you all have a great day and to those who are usually doing this I guess you are all down at holiday world so you all have fun! TTFN!
Jenny K.
on 6/26/08 9:39 pm - IN
Good morning all! Hope everyone is having a great time at Holiday World.  I have a busy weekend that I am kind of looking forward to.  Our town's 4th celebration is tomorrow and my parents always have a big party.  My mom is going to make SF homemade ice cream for me and my cousin (who had GB as well). Isnt she so sweet! We have tons of people that come.  I will be in the park all day tomorrow with the festivities. My EMS dept is selling cotton candy to try to make a buck for our cadet program. Then Sunday is my MIL 60th surprise birthday party. There is about 80 people invited to that.  So my weekend will probably fly by. Hope the storms stay away. Well everyone have a great weekend.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 6/26/08 9:45 pm - Lawrence, IN

Good Morning from Holiday World!

We arrived safe and sound after hitting lots of storms and traffic.  Some of the rain was so hard that we could only go about 30 mph.  We arrived at Buffalo Run to meet Sherri, Bill and Gail just as they finished so we didn't eat there.  We checked into our hotel and then went to get something to eat.  We found this real quaint place in Rockport called McKenzie's at the Inn.  It was an old house converted into a real nice restaurant.  We were the only ones in the place so got to talk to the waitress quite abit and her daughter and Jacqui are best friends.  Can't wait to see her this morning.  Last night Bev and Bruce stopped in our room when they arrived and we had a long visit with them.

Having coffee while we wait for Bev and Bruce, then we're headed to Holiday World Lodge to join everyone for breakfast before we head to the park.  The weather is beautiful, supposed to get to 88 today.  Just looks like a perfect day.  Wish all of you were here too.


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Linda Kay
on 6/26/08 10:55 pm - Mooresville, IN
No, because of hubby... I stayed home...Wouldn't feel right going without him..Hey good luck with the injection I know they help Ron sometimes for up to 9 months... most usually just 6 months but he has gone longer...Everyone down playing with Floyd, Brenda, Bill Sherri and Gail.. have a wonderful time and stay dry!! Much Love, Linda Kay
on 6/26/08 11:17 pm - aurora, IN
Everyone have a great time at holiday world and ride 1 rollercoaster for me... My hubby is off today we are going to garage sales,then my cousin is meeting me she is letting me copy some of her moms old pictures. I love old pictures they tell so much. My dad and my son fixed the brakes on my suv last night before the storm came thru so im on the road again(but with the price of gas not gettin very far)lol. Better get going everyone stay safe today.....

Lisa --O.H. Support group leader

on 6/26/08 11:36 pm - New Whiteland, IN
Good Wonderful Friday Morning to Everyone! I hope all those at Holiday World have a fun time and enjoy the time together. For those of us still at home or at work, may it be a beautiful day for us too! I am at work but it is really quiet as so many take today off to extend the weekend and alot are taking all of next week for vacation too! I am loving the warm~hot weather! Summer has finally arrived and it is sooooo welcome! Hopefully the weather will hold and the weekend will be a nice one too!  Well.....you all keep those beautiful smiles on your face and joy in your heart! HUGS! Marianne

"Bloom Where you are Planted! " RNY 2/3/06 ~ TT/BA/BL saline implants 7/17/07

on 6/27/08 12:16 am, edited 6/27/08 12:17 am - Thorntown, IN
Hi Everyone,   So busy day today- getting the camper ready to go in the am. & helping with the food for the family tonight for the showing.We are holding  Jordan's visitation/funeral in our church's auditorium since there will be sooo many young people/families .It is so heartbreaking to lose one so young- but he is in the arms of Jesus now. Please keep the Essex family in your prayers.  Our friends called last night & we are booked for our flights next April to Hawaii!!!! We are going to be gone 10days  island hopping, and doing all the wonderfull things we can there to celebrate their 40th Anniversary. We/ I can hardly wait to go! It will make getting thru the winter next yr. easier.   Hope everyone has a blast at Holiday World- ride those coasters for me, 'cause my back won't take them anymore. If it was a differant weekend we could go, but we ALWAYS take the weeks of June 28-July 10 to see our daughter in Minn. She is 600+ miles away, so we only see her 2-3 times a year. We spend this week catching up on the past yr. life, our gratitude & love in general.  Gotta go, will try to check in when I can, till I do, you ALL  stay well, be as active as you can be, stay the course, & know you can do it~ cause I/we believe in you!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
Brenda R.
on 6/27/08 12:34 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to all of you in Hoosier Land. I hope that everyone has a great day today and those at Holiday World are having a grat time. Be sure to visit for me and don't ride any roller coasters for me since I am scared of them. Always have been and always will be. haha I am in the church office this morning. So far the phone has rang only 2 times and the everything is done so that leaves me with nothing to do. Oh well. I can chat a bit here and then Pastor should be in. He has an appointment to visit a shut in at 11:00 so he won't be here long.  The day is sunny and warm. It is suppose to get into the 80's today and then then I think tomorrow a cool front is coming in. But of course with the cool front comes our foe the rain. It is suppose to rain tomorrow and Saturday morning. Bill is planning on going fishing Saturday night so he was concerned about that!! I have some errands to run this afternoon. Nothing much but just go for a bit. I hate to drive very much anymore since the gas prices are so high. I do have to say that they are down for now to $3.97 a gallon. But what scares me is that the last time they did that, a few days later they went up to $4.19 a gallon. It seems to be the lull before the storm so to speak. I heard on the news last night that they are saying by 2010 the price of gas is going to be $7.00 a gallon. If that happens I am going to start staying home all the time. Of course they will have to call an ambulance to take to the nut house. Oh well, insurance will pay that high bill simply to pay the gas prices to take me. A girl just can't win. haha I better get going. Pastor will be here shortly and I should at least try to look busy! I am sending all love and hugs and you are all in my prayers with special ones being said for those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 6/27/08 1:42 am - Wabash, IN
Howdy Posse! What a beautiful day   BEFORE the storms .  My buddies down there at  Holiday World...have a GREAT TIME!  Give each other a big 'ol hug from me!   Those of y'all who have happy outdoor things to do this weekend I hope it stays dry!   Y'all have smiley days and rowdy nights! huggggggggggs Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

LaChelle R.
on 6/27/08 12:22 pm - Erie, PA
Yes, better late than never!!!  It is now 10:15 pm, and we have been home from Holiday World for a little while now.  It was a wonderful and perfect day for all of us!!!! It was so great to meet Jacqui and Bev for the first time, and awesome to see the rest of the gang again!!!  We had a wonderful breakfast, and then had such a wonderful time at the park!  The weather was perfect, and held off until late this evening.  We had been home only about 30 minutes, then we went until a sever thunder-storm warning, and then not 10 minutes later into a tornado warning, so you can just imagine that I was wound up tighter than a drum for that as well! At least the tornado didn't touch down, but remained aloft. Hope that everyone else made it to their rooms, and tents safely.   Hope everyone else had a wonderful day! Wish you all could have been here with us! We will just have to make plans to do it again sometime!!! Time to hit the bed, and get some sleep.  I just found out that as of next week, I am officially on SWING SHIFT, so my nights will be packed at work now! Woooooooo Hooooo! LOL  Take care, and TTYL!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
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