Happy Hump Day!

on 6/24/08 8:57 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Happy Wednesday All!                                            Today is my baby girl's birthday...27! On my way in to work this morning I left the Happy Birthday to you song on her voicemail. I hope it wasn't toooo off-key! LOL! Tonight, we're going to dinner with Bill's mom & her bf. We're going to Cracker Barrel. She had suggested Red Lobster & Bill told her 'It's not a special occasion or anything, is it?'. We usually go there or Steak & Ale if it's one our birthdays (Bill's, mine, his mom, or her bf), Mother's Day, and/or Valentine's Day. She said 'Well, the girls birthdays were this month'. Shellie's was on the 4th & Tiff's today. Bill goes 'Yeah..but they aren't coming to dinner with us to celebrate it!'. Hahaha!! That would be real sweet. Go to Red Lobster to celebrate the girls birthdays...and not invite the girls to go too! LOL! Hey, it's her turn to buy...Bill should have just said 'ok'...hahahaha!!!                                        

Well..after today, FOUR days off! Woo-hoo! Bill has to be back at Dr. Price's at 8:15 in the morning so I'm taking the whole day off tomorrow. After that, we'll be picking up Gail and heading down south! LaChelle...Bill's vision was improved yesterday so he quit talking about not going and started talking about needing to pack his bag (and get me a suitcase out..hehehe). I am SO looking forward to spending time with my buddies! Hey Gail...Bill is having me bring a little bit of 'country' for on the trip..Bill Engval & Jeff Foxworthy! LOL! Silly man! Doesn't he know that us gals can out-talk Bill E. or Jeff!                                                                  You all have a really good day today! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
LaChelle R.
on 6/24/08 9:14 pm - Erie, PA

That sounds so awesome, Sherri! Glad to hear that Bills vision improved!  On your way down tomorrow, stop by the casino and see me, if your trip brings you this way!  If you take 37 down from Indy, it will bring you right by me, I think! HEHEH  I would love to have you all stop in for a few minutes!  I think we are just going to drive down early on Friday morning, and eat breakfast with everyone.  I read Jacqui's post, so we will eat breakfast at Santas Lodge.  They have good food, and with the discount, thats even better! Of course, if anyone would like a visit on Thursday evening, we can pop over early! Just let me know.  I can't wait to see everyone. I am even planning on signing the early out list and going to try to get out at 5 pm, so I can have more time to spend with you all! My baby turns 7 on Friday, and she isn't going to be here either, so I am going to have to call her and wish her a very happy birthday as well. I am just so glad that we will be at Holiday World, to keep my mind off the fact that she won't be there with us.

Well, I need to get in the shower and get ready for work. It is my Monday! Woooo Hooooo! LOL Take care, and have a wonderful day! I am so excited, I can hardly wait! 

At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
(deactivated member)
on 6/24/08 9:19 pm - Terre Haute, IN
What day is the trip to Holiday World? I have kind of missed the loop with being offline for flooding. Go**** would be nice to be able to get out of town for a day, if I could. Someone let me know? Thanks.  Today, I will be going to work, but it's payday, so It's a good day, lol. I have to take my son, Mikey to a counseling appointment after work. He's having some anxiety symptoms since the flood. I can't blame him, he's an emotional kid anyway. But I want him to feel better. 
LaChelle R.
on 6/24/08 9:26 pm - Erie, PA
The trip to Holiday World is this upcoming Friday........the 27th. We would love to see you there, and yes, it would be a great time for you to get away from all the mess that you have been going thru lately, and enjoy yourselves. Hope to see you there!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Linda Kay
on 6/24/08 9:34 pm - Mooresville, IN
Happy Hump day? OH Yea, it is WED... thought I was in for something special today... teehee.. I am off soon to keep The girls busy... Melissa still having a little trouble watching 3 and sipping all at the same time...Heck I know what she means... when I am watching them I have trouble watching all 3 and trying to think!! They are WONDERFUL girls just very busy ones!! They will be 4 on FRI. And I remember praying just so the 3 pound miricles would breathe... eat and actually make it thru the 2 month hospital stay.. Everyone stay dry the next few days... Ron and I set posts yesterday because we are building the grandkids a double decker swing set tower with 3 swings.. now we will just let them set a few days before building further.. Be well... Linda Kay
shanna B.
on 6/24/08 10:08 pm - camby, IN

1 more day.....yeah! We are heading out to Richmond tonight to pick my niece up, that is our halfway ( more like 2/3 rds) Drop off point for nieces/grandkids dropoffs/pickups. That way nobody has to drive the whole 2.5 hours to  and back. I already have my bags packed. Went to Walmart last night and picked up camping supplies. Picked up a Disney princess fishing pole and a fishing pole for tyler, air mattress, food, citronella candle, off, camping supplies. You know all that fun stuff. I want to go Kyaking thurs. when we get there. Bella wanted to go fishing last night. LOL I did managed to get her hair trimmed and we went to dinner at Apllebees. ( well me, ty and Bella) Terry had school. I need to get some cereal ate and in the shower. Today will be long since I am so excited..... Linda- Please def. try to join us to get your mind off things! It would be lots of fun! Sherri- Glad Bills eye sight is doing better. I had to make an appt. with an ENT Dr. for Terry, he has had chronic ear pain and hearing loss and fluid in his ears since Feb. and nothing seems to be helping.

OOOPPS, need let Delilah in.....have a great day :) xoxox shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


Brenda R.
on 6/24/08 10:09 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning my fellow losers and soon to be losers. I hope that today is a wonderful and humpy day for all.  Linda Kay you can have a hump day anyway you can get it!  Sherri, I am so glad that Bill's vision is getting better. It must have been the new drops after all. I shall continue to keep him in my special prayers. And of course you are in them also.  LaChelle, you are so busy and good luck on you work week which starts today since today is your Monday. Ugh! I don't  think I would like doing that on Wednesday.  Linda V., I hope that you can join them for even a bit this week end. You could use getting away for a bit and enjoying yourself. You deserve it too after being through all that you have gone through lately. I hope you can make it.  I went to the vet's office yesterday and put my application in for the full time receptionist. The girl told me that he was going through them and would go from there. I am so hoping and praying that he calls me for a interview. I just really would love to have that job. If that is the one that I am suppose to have God will make sure I get it. Please keep me in your prayers that I get a job soon. I wouldn't be upset if you mentioned the vet's office job and if that would be His will that would make me so happy!!! haha I just want to remind God about the job that I would love to have in case He forgets about it with all the other stuff going on. lol Today is just kind of overcast. I know that we are suppose to have more rain but then again what is new. It  seems like that is all we get isn't it? God be with all that can't possibly take more of it. Everyone stays in my prayers. This is a terrible spring and summer so far. I pray that it gets better.  I have to go see the wls nurse this morning. I have to be getting off here and getting ready. I forgot all about it and when I went to bed last night asked Bill what day it was. ( I forget the dates pretty much right after the first few days of the month~isn't that sad?! ) He told me and I had to get up and see if today was the day to see Karen and sure enough it was. I don't want to go but I will. I would rather just stay home. lol I better get going. I send everyone love and hugs and prayers. Special prayers going up for those in need of them. Thank heaven that God knows the special prayers. Have a wonderful and happy day today.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 6/24/08 10:35 pm - Thorntown, IN
Hi Everyone,   Oh dear ones, yesturday we had a tragedy happen in our community/church Tues.  One of our friends & his son Jordan, 14,were cutting down a tree & a limb 8"x20" hit the son in the head. He passed yesturday, and the family is davistated. Their faith is so strong, but Danny (the father) is in horrible guilt/grief, as well as all the family.Please be in prayer for the Essex family.Jordan was in my grandson Quintin's ball teams & they were close. God was & is in control of everything & we know Jordan is sitting in His lap now. Oh brother, I got those SF. marshmellows from Simply Sweet, ate 2 Sat. when we had our campfire with the family & was sick all the next day!!!! They are made with~pork geletin- FAT!! My kids did an experiment with them- caught one on fire & it looked like a flaming charcoal briquet for the longest time. My tummy definately doesn't like them- and I have 5 bags of them!Sherri, they are yours if you want them.  Another work day for me- then packing our camper to go to see our daughter!! Wakka WakkaWOO~HOO!!!! I can hardly wait to get to Boji  & see them, rest, fish, talk, laugh, walk, just be togehter! Gail sweety, it was sooo good to talk to you yesturday! I needed to hear your sweet voice and was glad we got to chat for awhile. Have fun this weekend with everyone!!!! Get some hugs    Big Hug & smoochies Kissesfor me!!!!  Sherri- that is good news- see, I told ya he wouldn't let you go without him- hee~hee!! i just hope you have a great time & have lots of fun~~!!!!!!
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
Brenda R.
on 6/25/08 2:02 am - Portage, IN
Ellen, just wanted you to know that I am keeping your friends in my prayers. What a terrible tradgedy that family has to go through.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jenny K.
on 6/24/08 10:42 pm - IN
Happy hump day everyone! Hopefully today will be better than yesterday was.  Had to drive an hour away to Richmond to the license branch reinstatement center cause the state never got my proof of insurance from a wreck I had back in Feb.  So Monday I get a notice from the state that I am eligible for reinstatement on July 9th.  I said WTH, I didnt even know my license had been suspended.  So you all know that you have to have a license to drive....well I had to have a license because my job is driving an ambulance.  My insurance faxed the info to the state again yesterday but the state said it could take 7-10 business days to even enter it in their system. I said I dont have 7-10 days so they said I could go to Richmond. So that is what I done.  So I am valid again....thank god! Then my kids were no where to be found yesterday. They had walked to their friends house after I told them they were not to go there at all and ended up going somewhere with her so that made us late getting on the road to Richmond.  I was almost in a panic cause I couldnt find them.  Boy did they get in BIG trouble.  They are grounded for the rest of the summer with lots and lots of chores. Kids! But today I am better.  I had a little episode last night driving back from Richmond. All of a sudden my vision went funky like a tunnel and I actually thought I was going to black out. I said Shannon grab the wheel and I slowed the car down to the side of the road and he took over driving.  I think I need to increase my fluids. I never had any more episodes after that. It may have been the stress from my kids and pretty much yelling at them all the way to Richmond...lol! My blood pressure was probably up as well. Oh well enough rambling about me. Hope you all have a great day!
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

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