
on 6/23/08 9:50 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good Morning Hoosierville!                                                                                      Well..got Bill in to see Dr. Price yesterday (at 3 so I ONLY got to take off early by 1 hour..lol). He believes that Bill is allergic to the eye drop they started him on 2 weeks ago. The took him off of that one and put him back on one he'd been on before. It's kinda scary that as he gets older, he gets allergic to more & more of these drops...and there are only so many choices out there. He has to go back at 8:15 Thursday morning. They seem to think that the rash, swelling, and hazing over the artificial cornea will be improved or gone by then. That would be terrific. My family had been very lucky in that no one was ever born with a disability or a condition that would lead to a disability...like Bill was. So adjusting to being with someone with a visual disability has been a new experience for me. We've been together since '99..and his vision has been such a roller coaster that entire time. 3 months ago, Bill had to use his reader to read anything. They did 2 surgeries and then over the last 3 months it got where Bill could read menu's when we went out to eat. I was so thrilled for him!! Then this past week? He couldn't see me unless I was standing within 12" from his nose! And forget about reading anything at all except with his reader (his reader is about the size of an overhead projector and basicaly works the same way on instead in magifies things onto a screen for him. It's been upsetting to see his vision go down so darn fast!! So..my fingers & toes are all crossed that once this eyedrop gets out of his system, his vision will return to how it was 2 weeks ago with no lasting damage. I am concerned though about his pressure..which is why he was put in this drop to begin with. The normal eye is usually under 10. Yesterday, his was 32 (it was 26 two weeks ago). So the drop wasn't even getting that under control. He's already had a shunt put in to try to help with that but it appears to not be working again (it quit working ~a year ago & had to be replaced). So...we'll probably be hearing 'surgery' before too much longer...again. Which..that is scary too for Bill. It was when they put a shunt in his right eye that he lost all pressure in it...and ultimately lost all vision in it (and there's nothing they can do to bring it back). So anyway...keep Bill in your thoughts & prayers..ok?                                             Well...gotta cut this short. My boss just came and asked me to check out an instrument for him. Woo-hoo! Real work that doesn't require me sitting on my rear!!! Sherri                                                  



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 6/23/08 10:20 pm - Wabash, IN
Good Mornin' Posse! Well today seems to be a beautiful day...before thunderstorms tomorrow night. Hope y'all get out there and enjoy! Thanks to my secret elf for the GREAT....NEEDED AT THE TIME...pick me up card! Not sure what kind of mischief I am gonna get in to today. Might mow the yard....maybe get the flower bed started...been really wanting to do that since I CAN this year.  Sherri...I think of you lots and pray for you and Bill daily. I know I haven't been posting much lately...but that doesn't mean I don't have each of you in my heart and prayers. I will do better at showing y'all just how much you mean to me. Have a wonderful smiley day and rowdy night! hugggggggggggggs Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

Linda Kay
on 6/23/08 10:51 pm - Mooresville, IN
Said a prayer for you and Bill just now... Not that m ine work anybetter than anyone elses but it sure helps adding mine to the growing list.. Keeping him surrounded with prayers can only help. Since I quit my job with the state I have had no luck getting another one.. think I am getting black balled. I quit because I got tired of working with hateful people. I am a good person and deserve to be treated with respect..That is ALL I wanted, I guess that is asking to much for some employers.. They give insurance why should they wasted their time on respect?Now since March I have passed my first 3 kidney stones.. broken my glasses and cut down my scripts for my synthroid because I  can't afford another Dr appointment and blood test required to get more.. so the weight problem I have is getting more difficult to control. Synthroid keeps my underactive thyroid in balance.OH Well thank God Rons disability can support me and keep a roof over our heads..Be well... Linda Kay
Brenda R.
on 6/24/08 12:07 am - Portage, IN

Good morning to everyone. I hope that today is a great day for everyone.  I am sitting here with the sliding door open. I am not sure how long it is going to be open since it is suppose to get warm today. Even if the temp gets up into the 80's we can still have it open as long as there is a breeze blowing, otherwise there is no air circulating around here so the air goes on. I hate fake air but it beats no air at all. lol The neighbors upstairs were fighting again last night, or should I say this morning. Bill told me that today since I slept through the whole thing. He said that they were yelling and banging things and just generally being anoying. What they usually are. The girlfriend is nice but he is a real peice of work. He has an attitude that reaks of "I am better than you" and several other things. He is the most laziest thing you ever wanted to see too. I have him nicknamed Clyde which is short for Clydesdale as in the horses since he stomps as soon as he steps foot in his door. I know why he does that too, and it isn't because that is the way he walks if you know what I mean. HE JUST DRIVES ME NUTS!!!!! Can you tell?

I am going to go this morning to put an application in at a vet's office. They are asking for a full time receptionist and that is right up my ally. You must be 18 (and trust me that has been a LONG time ago!!) and able to work various hours. My time is just that~my time. Bill knows better than to ask me to work when he is working~just ain't gonna happen. lol Wish me luck and say a prayer for me since I really need this job!! Things are getting really short here and we need the 2nd income. Bill pays the bills but there isn't a lot left over to enjoy life if you know what I mean.  I guess I had better get going. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up too. Special ones are being said for those in need of them. Remember that Sherri, you and Bill are on my special prayers list.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


LaChelle R.
on 6/24/08 12:16 am - Erie, PA

Good morning all.  Hope your day is going well.  I have said my prayers for all those needing them already this morning.  I know that times are rough for everyone....us included.  Jimmy gets his last unemployment check next Monday, so we are really worried that we won't be able to stick around here much longer if he doesn't find a job soon. He has really tried too, but with absolutely NO LUCK! Uggh! Yesterday, Jimmy and I went to Spring Mill SP again to go swimming.  I wore my new bathing suit that I got at a yard sale the other day......it is a 2 piece.  It was the first time my tummy has seen the sun in 30+ YEARS!!!  Needless to say, it got a little on the pink side, but not much.  It doesn't hurt or sting, so thats a good thing.  I really am glad that I started getting sun early and not just on Friday.  I will not burn near as much on Friday then. I am so excited about going to Holiday World.  I have a couple of friends that are going to try to make it.  I hope they get to as well. Not much planned for today.  Just a few odds and ends around here to take care of, and then I am playing golf this evening with the employee golf league again! I am really having so much fun doing that!  It is so funny to watch everyone play....even tho MOST of us aren't good at all! LOL  It is just all about the fellowship of friends and co-workers. Oh well, have a wonderful day all.......gotta get on the go now.  Take care and ttyl!

At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 6/24/08 1:24 am - aurora, IN
Hello everyone its 11:15 already but wanted to say hello . Sherri i understand your worry my son is 25 and we were just told he is losing his eye sight at an alarming rate.so im going with him to a specalist to make sure there are no underlying health issues causing this. my cousin was just told he had graves disease so im going to get the boys checked cause it is heridtary. LaChelle ,Linda and Brenda i hope things get better for you all. Money is tight here too,with my dh working in the casino his pay is mostly his tips .so tday the military called he will be working for them and it will be steady..hooray Well everyone take care and enjoy your day . dh finally got the pool fixed so we will probaley be out there this afternoon.maybe i can get a tan oother than whats on my right arm.lol
Gail O.
on 6/24/08 2:26 am - indianapolis, IN


  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @ www.MySpace.com/gail7616

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