Hey everyone why are husbands such ******** I am getting tired of his attitude! He has been unemployed since February and hasn't had but 1 over the phone interview. I am about ready to call it quits! I can never do anything right! We have been married 22 years as of this coming October! I am not sure it will even be 23. He is such a slob and doesn't help clean anything, can't even throw away the wrapper off of his sliced cheese! I know that this all sounds trival but I get so tired of picking up after him! If I worked there would be no way I could do all that is required to keep the house straight. I can't do it now much less then! Well thanks fo r letting me VENT! Michelle
My DH is disabled and hasnt worked in 11 years.. While he IS getting worse and he DOES required more help than he used to he needs HELP on some of the stupidest things.. Yesterday I threw a fit and told him to do something WHILE I was out doing the acre and half lawn we have...HE did it then WE worked together on a project.. Sometimes I get fed up too..Is he drawing unemployment bringing in the only money into the household???Sometimes the "Bread winners" think they don't have to do anything...Vent sweetie... it keeps us from hurting them... LOL
Linda Kay
Ahhh sweetie im sorry your going thru this.
But it does help to vent and get it off your chest.
I think sometimes it goes back to the stone age where men ruled.
My dh is the breadwinner in the family,but this past week him and the boys have drove me nuts,they leave there glass and plates like clean up after yourselfs i fixed it..
My dh does anything that interested him so its only the outdie
But dont ask him to throw a load of laundry in..oh no
So last nite i made a chart of things to be done and who was doing them and that includes me,with the boys being out of school they can help more too.
Last nite i found out my dh is making me mad so we can men
Good luck sweetie and vent away..
Michelle, we have already talked about this......and I SO agree with you! LOL It is really hard. I hope things go better soon. Plan on a trip back down to French Lick, so we can get together again soon! Hugs!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Shhhhh......I'm on my 6-12 month hiatis from BS.... I plan to enjoy this calm before HIS next cyclone as much as I can! But this time...I am keeping it in mind of what all he said during the last round and when it happens again (no 'if' it does..after 9 years, I'm pretty confident that it WILL happen again), I will be the one demanding a marriage counselor! I know it's my buddies here that helps me get through these storms!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Hang in there sweetie...he is a as they say if it has 4 wheels or will give your trouble in life! :o) I find that true of me and cars alike! Lol We all have bad days with our men but I try really hard to look back at what I first found about him that I loved and try to get thru it. Try giving a hug.....sometimes when men are out of work they crawl inside themselves and try to figure it out all by themselves...afraid to seek our help seeing it as a weakness. He is probably misurable on the inside. Try perking yourself up and show some extra attention to you, take a walk in the beautiful sunshine, give yourself a pedicure, arrange a new outfit to wear, keep your heart happy and soon he will wonder what you are so happy about.....:-) At least you will feel better! :o)