I wonder if I will ever get this surgery!!!
Well today I emailed Amy and told her I didn't get my date last week like she said I would. She emailed me back asking if I had seen Dr.Creel, which I had. I wrote her back telling her that and also asking her if there was a problem? And why hadn't anyone called me. She wrote back and said she was looking for Dr. Stotes letter and not Dr. Creel, and she said nothing was wrong. Could I have been already approved without all of this in the first place? I just don't understand why all of this is coming up now, shouldn't all of this been done before my request for surgery was sent in ? Any advice or comments on otheres having the same problems? Tracey
Traceyls57 honey keep the faith. I felt the same way too. As I'm sure alot of us did when we want something so badly it just seems like it takes forever. It will happen for you I know it will. Just keep on them about it and don't let anything slide by you. I'll keep you in my prayer's and if you ever need to talk just message me. And my email is [email protected].
Thanks for the encouragement, I have to say now that part of the wait is my fault. I had my consult with Dr. Stote, and he had me see Dr. Creel, which went very well. I guess Dr. Stote wanted me to see Dr.Creel more than just one time. Short story of it all, I had a real problem with panic attacks and Dr. Stote was worried that after having the surgery I would have my problelms start up again, so I am now waiting for a call from Dr. Stote to see if I have to go threw more counseling, or if he will give the go a head. I really haven't had any problem with them in a very long time. I take effexor for them and have don't quite well. I guess during are one hour visit he thought I might have trouble again with them, so he wants to make sure I will be ok. I can appreciate that they really want to make sure that I will be ok even after surgery. But I can honestly say that if I were still having the same problem as before there is no way I could have even started this journey. So I will just pray that he will give the ok and I will have my surgery. Please keep me in your prayers, I am just sitting here crying wanting this to be done. Thanks, Tracey