Sunday, Beautiful Sunday!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Good Morning All....... I am up and ready for church...drinking my protein while typing away. Lots of little things to do today....I pulled weeds yesterday in my hostas....need to put the luggage away in the attic from vacation, need to order pics from vacation, have about six shirts I need to embroider, doing kabobs on the grill for supper, and many other little to do's. I have got to get my excerise back on schedlue....going to get on the bike today....this scale has got to start moving!!!!!! Ok, getting ready to walk out the door.....will chat late today I hope!!!! Love, Holly PS. My DH is going to give me a pedicure today!!!!!!
We had our community yard sales yesterday so I also got to bargain shop. I went out with the intention of buying some clothing in one size smaller so I will have them on hand when I need them but I couldnt do it. I found a sale that had a ton of nice things in one and two sizes smaller for a buck each some still had the tags on but I just didnt feel right buying clothes that were too small. My mom was encouraging me to buy them so I had to confess that mentally I wasnt as ready as I thought I was, I guess its hard to be excited about something that feels more like a dream than a reality. Wonder if this is normal ? Hubby, dad and sons are working on setting the posts for the new deck today, its really exciting to watch it come together. I will probably try to sew today. My sis has asked me to make her some shirts to wear to work. I will have to make my own pattern and since she isn't here it will be lots of guessing lol. She has a hard time finding shirts to fit and I completely understand, so I hope I am able to help her out. Other than that not much going on today around the homestead. Jeannie
Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.