Sunday, Beautiful Sunday!

LaChelle R.
on 6/21/08 9:26 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning, Hoosiers! Hope your Sunday goes well today.  I am getting ready to leave for work in a little bit, and thought I would start todays thread.   It is going to be a beautiful day, why not enjoy it while you can!  I will be working, so enjoy it for me as well! LOL I have to share with you all about my day yesterday, and what I found!  I went yard saleing on my way to work yesterday morning.  I got lucky and found someone that had TONs of clothes that I can wear right I picked up a couple bathing suits for this upcoming Friday.  I may, or may not wear them, just depends on how well they fit, and how conscious I get over the saggy skin.  I am just glad that I was able to pick them up.  I also picked up a TV for Molly for her room......hers' broke right before they left for vacation, so why not replace it while she is gone.  It works, and it is bigger, and I only paid $5 for it! LOL  Can't pass that up! Ok, gotta run, time to hop in the shower and then leave for work, so have a great day! Enjoy it!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Holly Knight
on 6/21/08 10:17 pm - New Waverly, IN

Good Morning All....... I am up and ready for church...drinking my protein while typing away. Lots of little things to do today....I pulled weeds yesterday in my hostas....need to put the luggage away in the attic from vacation, need to order pics from vacation, have about six shirts I need to embroider, doing kabobs on the grill for supper, and many other little to do's.   I have got to get my excerise back on schedlue....going to get on the bike today....this scale has got to start moving!!!!!! Ok, getting ready to walk out the door.....will chat late today I hope!!!! Love, Holly PS. My DH is going to give me a pedicure today!!!!!!


on 6/21/08 11:06 pm - Martinsville , IN

  We had our community yard sales yesterday so I also got to bargain shop.  I went out with the intention of buying some clothing in one size smaller so I will have them on hand when I need them but I couldnt do it.  I found a sale that had a ton of nice things in one and two sizes smaller for a buck each some still had the tags on but I just didnt feel right buying clothes that were too small.  My mom was encouraging me to buy them so I had to confess that mentally I wasnt as ready as I thought I was, I guess its hard to be excited about something that feels more like a dream than a reality.  Wonder if this is normal ? Hubby, dad and sons are working on setting the posts for the new deck today, its really exciting to watch it come together.  I will probably try to sew today.  My sis has asked me to make her some shirts to wear to work.  I will have to make my own pattern and since she isn't here it will be lots of guessing lol.  She has a hard time finding shirts to fit and I completely understand, so I hope I am able to help her out.  Other than that not much going on today around the homestead.   Jeannie

shanna B.
on 6/21/08 11:54 pm - camby, IN
Good Morning,  Tyler won 2 tournament games yesterday, so they are in the playoffs for the title on Monday. I just made breakfast burritos for everyone yummo....Pure protein. No tortilla for me, though, Ieven though they were low carb whole wheat, I just can't do them yet. I got my schedule for next week.  I am set for holiday world...yeah! I do have questions though, What time are we all getting there? I have to get Delilah a spot at the Holidog Inn promptly at 9:00. I think she will prefer Air conditioned. (she's rotten) Is everyone going to a certan place first? We usually go the the waterpark most of the day and then a few hours in the park. Are we getting together at a certain time for lunch/dinner? Sorry, I am full of questions this morning.  I think we are heading to Greenwood to Play it again sports for Ty...and I need to hit Goodwill for some type of bottoms, I am down to 14's and I need some bottoms...Have a great day. xoxox SHanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


Brenda R.
on 6/22/08 1:08 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you  girls. I hope that today is well and fine for all. So far just another day here in the old neighborhood.  Yesterday was a nice day. I ended up going to garage sales and got some very nice things. Nothing that great but things that were needed some time or other. I got a nice bathrobe that I will be wearing and I paid $1 for it. It is llike new so I got a deal there. I got Bill 3 pairs of jeans for .75 each. He needed some for around the house. I finally got an apple basket for my kitchen. Everyone that I ever saw had apples on them but the color of the apples was like a pinkish purple. I don't know about you guys but I have never seen apples that color. This one is nice with RED apples on it. I want to put a liner in it and put my onions in it. l have one now but it doesn't go with my kitchen and it is driving me nuts. The woman who had the basket had a basket company that she ended and so I got the new basket for $2. I was happy about that one. I got a brand new with the tags Hannah Montana shirt for my great neice for $2.50. I know that seems high but I just couldn't pass it up since she is so into old Hannah! She just loved it. That was about the extent of my findings of treasures. I came across so many woman size clothes and I have been all summer. I just wonder where were these when I needed them? I never found so many of them~and nice ones at that when I took the larger size. That is my luck. The ones that I have been to that have them have TONS of them. That is the way it goes in life I guess. haha I guess I just did something to my sciatic nerve yesterday when I went walking. I know it has been bothering me something terrible but right now I am in so much pain that I would love to do a sciatic nerve transplant if that was possible. I think it was the track that we walked on. Even Ella mentioned that it was really making her knee hurt something terrible too. By this morning I can hardly walk. I got the pain in the back and in my sacroilyac (sp) and the hot burning pain in the side of my upper leg. It feels like it is numb and someone has a hot iron just laying on it. OMG! Talk about pain. So needless to say I am not going anywhere today. I am just going to hobble around here and use the heating pad on it too. That usually helps it. And I really hope it helps today! Bill went fishing last night and so he got home late. He likes going night fishing with his nephew and so they go when they can. I couldn't tell you if anyone caught anything (they catch and release anyway) since I was sleeping when he got home. I had the remote to the television in my hand and was in the process of changing the channel when I fell asleep. What a picture that must have been! I tired to talk to Bill but I remember talking to him and them falling asleep and it just kept on. I am not sure what happened to the television or anything else for that matter. lol I guess Bill is going to cook out on the grill today. I am not sure what he is going to fix but I know he will find something. He will look high and low to find something to cook on the grill. He is a lean (not really), mean (not really), grilling machine and his name isn't even George. haha I guess I had better get going. I have gone on long enough and it has been pretty much about nothing. I am sending love and hugs to all and prayers are going up for everyone. Special prayers are going up for those in need.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 6/22/08 2:16 am - LaGrange, KY
Just figured I would check in. I have Marissa for a couple days soo I will just be lurking still I guess. Right now I'm watching her and Richard play Wii golf. It's a riot because she was beating him last night. In a little bit we're going to walk to the park. Yesterday we went to the aquatic center in Oldham Co. KY. It's a really nice waterpark yesterday but the people who were there left much to be desired. Couldn't enjoy our selves because every time we turned around someone was jumping in on top of us or the kids. Usually it's really nice but yesterday was just awful. Oh well though we only ended up staying a little more than an hour and then we met up with my little brother and sister and BIL and we all got together for dinner. It was really nice because we very seldom all get together. I'm feeling a little better over all though. Nausea has been slowly creeping back up the past couple weeks.
(deactivated member)
on 6/22/08 12:25 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Hello all! I hope everyone's had a good day today. My family needed a break to forget about everything going on, so we took off, and went to the Children's Museum today in Indy. It was a nice day. It was good to just get away from everything going on. We really needed that. I am doing a little better. I was really edgy yesterday. And kind of down. I went back to the community center to talk to FEMA, and was crying there. It's all so overwhelming, to know what to do. A Red Cross guy came and talked to me. He was kind. But I still wish I could just have everything back to normal.
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