Good Saturday Morning Hoosiers!

Brenda R.
on 6/20/08 8:46 pm - Portage, IN
Hey guys! Where is everyone? Must still be sleeping, and boy do I wish I was doing that.  It is time to chat and let us all in on what's new and exciting in your life and what's up with you today. It is Saturday and let the week end begin!!! Get your cup of whatever and pull up a chair and let's chat and visit. I am going to get mine and I will be back in a bit.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


LaChelle R.
on 6/20/08 9:10 pm - Erie, PA
Good morning, Indiana.  Not much here today other than work.  Oh well, thats what it takes to get by and survive. I must tell everyone what I bought yesterday.  A skirt that is a size 10!!!  I tried on a 12, but it fell down to the floor! I just about cried!  I was so excited!  I looked for a new bathing suit, but couldn't find anything I liked, so I guess my new one that I bought in March, (that is now huge on me) will have to be the one that I wear to Holiday World.  Besides, the one that I have now has the skirt on the bottom and that will hide all the sagging inner-thigh skin that I have.  Its really bad, so that just gives me more to look forward to when I am able to have PS sometime in the next year or two.  Just depends on how much money I can save up for it.  Lord knows it will cost a pretty penny for it, since my new insurance won't cover a single thing on it.  Oh well. Something to strive for. Hope everyone has a great weekend.  It is going to be nice here for the most part. A few scattered showers in the area, but not much more than that.  Maybe it will drive the people in off the lake if it rains later today.  That is always good for business. We really need it right now too. Gotta run. TTYL
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Brenda R.
on 6/20/08 9:28 pm - Portage, IN
Good morning eveyone out there. I hope that today is a great day for all.  It is sunny here and a bit on the chilly side but it is warming up. The birds are flying all over and singing and chirping their little morning songs. I just love to hear them in the morning. They are so bright and it just makes it seem like spring/summer is here and all is right with God's world.  I just got back from my Relay for Life walk. I was surprised that my cousin Johnny was there. I really thought that he would be home with it being 4 in the morning. I haven't seen him for a couple of months and he is looking good. He told me that he is feeling good and things seem to be going fine too. He has lost all his hair but if that is the worst thing to happen he is going to be lucky. I just love him so much. He is such a sweetie and sometimes it just doesn't seem fair that he should have this pancreatic cancer. Life is a bummer most of the time. But I guess it beats the alternative. Johnny is a fighter like his mom (my aunt Margaret had colon cancer, and a lot of times you get pancreatic cancer when a releative has colon cancer) and I know that he isn't going to let this get the best of him.  Today is a day that I am not sure just what we are doing. I know that we are suppose to go to a open house for one of Bill's cousins grandsons but I am not sure if we are going. Neither one of us know this kid. I don't think I have seen him in years. I hate when things like that happen. You feel obligated to go and yet you don't want to because you wouldn't know this kid if he stood in front of you. haha The church went to the RailCats baseball game last night. It rained just a bit at the beginning, in fact before the game started. It wasn't bad and then the weather turned nice. They won 14 to 4, I think something like that. I got to socialize and so I had a lot of fun doing that. I enjoy going to them. We get tickets every year and if you want to go you just buy the tickets. They are $9 each and on Fridays they have fireworks after the game. They always have the nicest fireworks. They are just a fun time for everyone. I look forward to going but each year Bill can't go since he is working. He was on vacation just the week before and missed it. They tried to get the tickets for that week but the Friday game wasn't a home game. Maybe next year it will work out for him. I hope so since Bill really wants to go.  I guess I better get going. I am sending all love and big hugs and prayers for you as you live your Saturday. I am sending special prayers for all of those in need of them.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Jenny K.
on 6/20/08 9:52 pm - IN
Good morning all! I dont typically get to post on a Sat. since I dont have a puter at home anymore.  I am at work today so I can post. I am working a 12 hr shift today. 11 hrs and 50 min. left to No plans for tonight after work or tomorrow. Got the foamies last night. I guess something must have got stuck. I did take too big of a bite.  I ended up throwing up and then felt better.  I hate when that happens.   I havent seen any posts from Emil lately. Has anyone heard from him, is he doing ok? Well hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 6/20/08 11:09 pm, edited 6/20/08 11:09 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning all!        I took 1/2 day off yesterday and prepared some stuff for dehydrating. the meat products are drying down now (jerky).  I've got veggies & pineapples to do up for it sometime this weekend too. I decided to take a break from apples since I did them for 2 weeks in a row.                      The other day, Bill & I swung by Meijer's and I got three 5-shelce bookcases. Today, I'm going to put them together so I can start getting our guest room organized. A gf of mine lives in Lafayette but works here in Indy. She asked if she could spend the night 1-2 nights a week to save on some gas$. Of course, we said yes. Tomorrow night is going to be the first time she stays over. I'm so glad she asked! This is going to make me get my butt in gear and get that room fixed up! It is just so disorganized in there. Believe it or not folks, THAT bothers me. Those who have been at my house and has seen my dining room table (and well..and flat surface in the house!) covered with 'stuff' is probably thinking 'yeah, right!'..but in a perfect world, I would make sure EVERYTHING has it's own spot! Ah well. One room at a time.                                I do have to take a break this afternoon. I'm taking Tiffany and my two granddaughters (Myranda is 4 and Shyanne is 2.5) to get their hair cut. It'll be Myranda's 2nd cut, Shyanne's 1st cut..and the first cut for Tiff in I don't know how many years. That poor girl. Her hair is super-duper thick & course...and about to her butt. Tiff is definately obese..and I wouldn't doubt it if she isn't near the 'super obese' catagory considering she's only about 5'1" or 5'2". Anyway, between the weight & that hot, heavy hair, I feel so sorry for her. To make things worse, her dh insists that she keeps her hair that long. I think they might not get along too well by the time she gets home. She talked to me about having it just a little below her about a foot or so shorter. I told her that it was her hair, her husband, and only she can decide what is best for HER. I know Bill prefers long hair too but I think he's resigned to me never having it. LOL! I have very thin, very fine hair. Once upon a time, it was thick & fine but that was pre-RNY. So...I prefer it to look healthy!            Well kiddo's..less than a week and we'll all be having fun at Holiday World!! Woo-hoo! I know me & Gail are really looking forward to it! I hope you all are too!              Jenny...I had emailed Emil a few weeks ago & he let me know that he's been really busy with the prison ministry that he's involved in. Honestly, I think all that crap over the threads that followed the last clothing exchange really hurt his wanting to be on here. Not that I blame him. Maybe it would help if more people other than just me were to drop him notes/ecards/cards/etc and let him know how much he is missed here. I do miss his wisdom.  People who stir crap just doesn't realize how much damage the ripple effect from it can cause. I do hope that E comes back.     Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 6/20/08 11:18 pm, edited 6/20/08 11:22 pm - Thorntown, IN
Morning Friends,  Well, that first cup of coffee sure helped me! Oh what a day yesturday- did anyone realize on a full moon the "crazies" come out??? I sure saw that yesturday~and I felt like one of them! We had a sale and my mind went blank- I had ordered the wrong color refirgerator( these folks came in  asking  for me!) and had to do a re-do- which the boss did wrong- then I did -wrong again & finally after the 4th try, it got ordered right- oh, I was so sorry & embarrassed. They were such a sweet older couple- I couldn't believe it! Ok, then we had another situation- a guy asked me a million questions about a mower, said he 'd be back, then came in and at the last minute changed his mind, so I sold him a completely diff. mower, and a few other things, & after I had it rung up & cashed him out- he says" did I get 12 mo. same as cash??The sign says I can, & NOW, I want it, and laughed~but wasn't kidding," oh, by then I wanted to bawl!! So my poor boss has to go in today and fix this one, as well- Linda V. I bet you know what i am talking about! ****The sweetest moment was when this lady came in with a First day of SUMMER Celebration for my boss/us!Sunshine She had gone to the Dollar Tree & got a sandbucket,       towel,and seltzer water- she chilled it in the bucket, brought in fruit, cheese & crackers, and 2 pretty glasses and we all  toasted /celebrated the first day of summer together! PicnicNow, this lady is disabled, has no real income to speak of, but was willing to share her little bit of happiness & joy with us!Oh, the people we pass by on the street & never notice. This sweet soul just wanted some one to know she cared, and I tell you , she blessed us in so many ways. We laughed Too Funnytill we had tears rolling down our cheeks, and shared a cup of cheer togehter & a simple common meal, full of God's grace & gratitude.We Are Not WorthyThat , to me, was a "entertaining God 's angels on earth" moment, and it blessed me, more than I can say! Today, our daughter & grandkids  Granny are coming over to spend the night- we have planned a day of fun and hopefully a campfire tonight.  Camp Fire Then they will have a sleepover in the camper with Mom. I love it when we all spend time together. Sherri- I am glad E is ok, and I do miss him. I hope he will join us again,and agree. i will call you soon as I can, ok?  Got to go get myslef ready for the day- hope everyone has a blessed one.
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
shanna B.
on 6/20/08 11:54 pm - camby, IN
Good saturday morning all,  Tyler is in the midst of summer baseball tournament craziness. He played moday (won), thursday (lost), Friday (won), Today at 11;00 if they win they play again at 2:00, win again play for championship on Monday ( my 16th wedding anniversay). We love baseall season though and it's Tylers last year because he will be 16 next month and will be too old for all the league unless he goes to an adult team. Last night was pretty tame at work. Seems everybody has come to the conclusion that DQ is always around and will always be there.So it has calmed down at work a little bit.  Counting down the days to Holiday World.I am bringing my niece and Delilah...Holiday World has a Kennel. Holidog INN, it's first come first serve. 5.00 for outside 10.00 for Air condition. What a deal. Delilah will love to camp.  I do hope E. comes back as well, I hope he knows that those troublemakers are gone....and we miss him. I sent my last Secret pal gift out yesterdaY....I haven't seen her on here in a while so I do not know if she has received the last couple things I have sent her. I think my Pal dropped off the face of the Earth. LOL Thats ok I really enjoyed doing it. I need to make my protein shake and take a shower and get ready to go...another busy day around here ohh and I work at 3;00. Have a great day xoxox shanna

Sept 07...284lbs.
surgery day 4/16/08...223lbs.
11 months Later...133lbs.


on 6/21/08 1:05 am - aurora, IN
Good morning everyone We are waiting on our stimulus check in the mail today. Got up and cleaned we are suppose to have family stop by dont know if its today or tommorrow.geuss id better call and ask. My hubby and boys are wanting to go to garage sales and the movies today and a car show tomorrow. We never rest on the weekends. I too miss the post by Emil he has such wisdom and he speaks the word. Everyone have a great day and stay safe..
on 6/21/08 2:05 am - Kempton, IN
Hi everyone! I would say good morning but it is more like good afternoon now! LOL Getting started late today so what else is old, huh? Spent the night night before last at my in-laws campgrounds and have been paying for it ever since then. My husband has now learn why I don't do camping! He was snoring away and I had an got to get up and out of here attack! I have those at home but he is in the bedroom and I can getup and out without him noticing but while in a tent that is kind of hard when he is sleeping right in front of the zipped up door in the tent! LOL!   My brother had a stent implanted in his liver bile duct on Wednesday and had to spend a couple of days in St. Vincents so we had to go get him yesterday so we left the campgrounds earlier than my husband would have liked to. My bro has terminal liver cancer and is not doing good. He had 60% of his liver removed last fall and is now looking really yellow. He is about 2 years younger than me and I am so upset that he is leaving me to deal with all this stuff! I will be having to sell his H.D. to pay for his funeral! I can't bring myself to do it now because he thinks he will still be able to ride it and I can't take that from him now. THis is so hard to deal with. If you could keep him in your prayers I would appreciate it tremendously! Well going to get off of here and try to get something done around here since my husband isn't here to mess things up as soon as I clean up. Have a great weekend all! Michelle
Brenda R.
on 6/21/08 10:55 am - Portage, IN
Michelle, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I am keeping him in my prayers. Please know that I am also including you in the prayers also since this is a very difficult time for you also. I am sending love and hugs to you to help you through the rough times ahead for you. God will take care of everything, so TRY, and I know it isn't going to be an easy thing to do, to give the whole thing over to Him.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


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