RE: Sypmtoms of a leak???

on 6/20/08 10:27 am - Anderson, IN
Can anyone tell me the symtoms of a leak?   I am just curious.
Linda Kay
on 6/20/08 12:01 pm - Mooresville, IN
This far out for you I am not sure exactly.. When we first had RNY they told us to look for shoulder pain as a sign.. If you are feeling pain, nauseua, queasy, that you haven't felt it  before,  it NEVER hurts to call and ask your DR.. I know Dr C would rather I call than wait on something I am not sure of... Hope I helped.. Hope your ok.. Linda Kay
on 6/20/08 2:37 pm - Anderson, IN
Linda, Thanks for replying.  I"m really feeling great ( almost 6 weeks out) except | have this pinching and I do mean Pinching in my left side of my back right Above my bra line. Can't figure out what it is. It's very painful at times.  Almost right under my shoulder blad.  If I move a certain way, it almost brings me to my knees... |f I"m not any better come MOnday, I will call..  Thanks so much for you help. This is truly the best thing |;ve ever done for myself!!!  JJ
Linda Kay
on 6/20/08 9:06 pm - Mooresville, IN
Yea, I would call the Doc... that pain sounds familiar... then again it could be an adheision, (scar tissue) If it were your right side I would suspect gallbladder.... Is it possible it is related to a pulled disc... did you life something in a funny way to heavy for you to be lifting?? A muscle spasm?? have you tried ice??  Best wishes.. and if it brings you to your knees... call the Dr one on call, dont wait...and like Dr C said... start with the Bari Dr if she links it is not Surgery related she will let you know.. I think your Dr will be the same.. Linda Kay Yep I know what you mean... it was the first day of the best of my life too... (cept maybe the birth of my grandbabies...)
Brenda R.
on 6/20/08 9:07 pm - Portage, IN
These were the signs that I was told to watch for.  excrutiating abdominal pain, seft shoulder pain, fever higher that 100.5 degrees, bile/dark green or brown JP drainage, vomiting and tachycardia~a heatbeat greater  than 100.  Hope this helps.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 6/21/08 12:13 am - Anderson, IN
Thanks so much Brenda.  I must be sleeping wrong or something.  I have none of those sypmtoms and just like today, it's not been bad. Well thanks so much for replying.  Hope your doing good.   Can you tell me an easy way to get my weight tracker at the bottom? I can't figure out where to cut and paste it to???  Thanks Jamie
Brenda R.
on 6/21/08 11:54 am - Portage, IN
Jaime, I am not really the person to ask about anything having to do with a computer. haha The info that I give you could have you end up making a loaf of bread if you know what I mean.  This is the way I THINK I did it. I went to my where I put my signature. I went to ticker factory and picked my ticker. I highlighted it and then clicked on copy, went back to my signature and clicked on where I wanted it to go so that the cursor is there. Then I went back to edit at the top and clicked on paste. It appears. I am not positive this is the way but give it a try and I am hoping that it works for you.  I am so glad to hear that you are pretty sure there is no leaks. Usually when that happens it happens sooner I think. Not positive on it but think so.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Gail O.
on 6/21/08 8:24 am - indianapolis, IN
Hi My Dear Jamie, I don't know the signs, I just want to tell you hello and to see how  you are doing, you are such a  Sweetheart and I miss taking with you. We are going to have a "chat fest" cause I miss you. I loved being your Phone Angel. I love ya,  
Custom Smiley
 and Many Blessings,Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
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