Good Morning All
i know i havent been here much but i have been working so much over time i sneek and read the posts but never enough to to actually post but i got up a few minutes early this morning and thought of everyone here. my heart and prayers go out to thode effected by the floods. those with heath issues i am thinking of you also . to the new post ops way to go and good luck. to those looking to get approved or waiting on a date i will keep my fingers crossed for you. well i went and got all my hair cu off, not because it was thin from my surgery but because i was in need of a change to go with the new me. i have 25 pounds to go to goal. i know if i was to have plastics now i would be there but i want to wait a little longer to save enough to have my thighs , the twins, and the tummy done all at one time. jim will be taking a new pic of the hair cut tonight and i will post then as soon as i can . i will also have some updated pics of before and after. wow what a little over a year makes in a person , not only in my body but in my whole life. the weight loss has made me brighter, hapier and all around nicer person. i have a ton to bring to the exchange in july and i am looking forward to seeing everyone. i will bring water adn cooler with lots of ice as always , as i am NOT a good cook really. jim would tell you other wise but he has a cast iron tummy and i know we all DONT. small update on jessyca, she has moved to TN to start a new life after her divorce , i miss her alot but i know how it is to need and want a new life from timie to time so i wish her well and plan on visiting her later this summer. i havent talked to pamala in awhile so not sure whats going on with her, i hope all is well,
ellen i am glad things are ok with you , i will be up your way in a week or 2 getting jims son stuff so he can move in with us . daughter is more then half way through school and has stright A's, i am so proud of her. the new grandbaby is almost 4 months old now and full of smiles. i do hope everyone is doing well i miss you and locvve all my fellow hoosier losers. well i am sorry this is so long but had to catch up when i had time. now that things are slowing down at work i should be on more(i hope) have a good day all BLESSED BE vicki

Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."
I've sort of been MIA also. Lots of things happening and a mild bout of depression. Y'all know how it goes. It started a few weeks ago when someone told me that they liked me a lot better before I lost weight. I've asked around since then and no one thinks I turned into a wretched witch or anything, I'm just not the doormat I was before. I don't hide behind my sense of humor and try to joke my way out of painful situations. If I had to describe how I feel - I'm just too tired to respond when someone says something hurtful. Instead of trying to make a joke to cover my hurt feelings, I just shake my head and turn and walk away. On the career front, my job SUCKS in a major way. I'm ready to throw a tent in my car and just leave it all behind. Standing on the corner with a cardboard sign is beginning to look appealing. Yep, it's that bad.
The brightest point is my SECRET ELF ANGEL. He/she always seems to know when I need a lift and boom! a card arrives in the mail. Thank you so much! I'll try to keep in touch better. I read everyday. I just haven't had the emotional energy to post. All y'all (Thanks Janene for reminding me of the proper southern plural) are in my daily prayers. Love ya,
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
Just popping in to say hi. Not much going on here. I've had the BLAHS this week for some reason. I just don't feel like doing anything. I don't think I'm depressed but who knows. I thought when the weather was nice I'd have more energy. Guess If I don't get out of this funk I chould talk to my Dr. Glad to hear you are still around Pamela. I've missed seeing your face here. Hope your hand is better soon. I'm getting behind on my work so I'd better get at it. You all have a wonderful day.