Saturday Saturday....
Hope everyone has a good weekend!! BRRRR it's cold outside we had to change the filter in our furnace and crank it up last night. Things are going okay here, besides the fact I'm coming down with a nasty chest cold. So I had my follow up (kind of 3 month PO appointment even though its a couple weeks early and I go back in a month lol) and things are doing a bit better. I'm going to go in on Tuesday for a scope to see if maybe I just need dialated again to see if that helps with the pressure or stuck feeling/nausea when I eat/drink and also to make sure my ulcer hasn't returned. I am starting back on the Reglan to help control the nausea, but that's easier to deal with then actually getting sick!! I'm down about 55 lbs and things are looking good. I do still have my Gtube for another month just because she feels it's better to have it and not use it then to have to place it again! Overall I feel better for the most part though Thank GOD! I'm keeping a good attitude about everything! I'm going to be job hunting this upcoming week so I don't know how much I'll be on but I need to find something. hehe Have a blessed weekend y'all :)
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#