Happy Birthday Linda!!!
Pam I was planning on going shopping with you two ladies after the exchange... don't know if I"ll be able to get much but at least i can look!!
It's going to be beautiful this weekend and the covered bridge festival is this weekend. ANyone else going? I think i might go on saturday.. For those that are interested i"m having a VIP party at the Ugly Monkey on Friday and you all are more than welcome to come. Just say my name at the door and you can get in free all night....
I finally lost 1.5 lbs today took me over 2 weeks... how frustrating... and can anyone tell me when the next support group meeting is at clarian?
Pam I was planning on going shopping with you two ladies after the exchange... don't know if I"ll be able to get much but at least i can look!!

It's going to be beautiful this weekend and the covered bridge festival is this weekend. ANyone else going? I think i might go on saturday.. For those that are interested i"m having a VIP party at the Ugly Monkey on Friday and you all are more than welcome to come. Just say my name at the door and you can get in free all night....
I finally lost 1.5 lbs today took me over 2 weeks... how frustrating... and can anyone tell me when the next support group meeting is at clarian?
Hi Everyone,
How about this weather- isn't it fall now!!! I absolutely love it- the leaves turning, the campfires, the chill in the air- love it! I guess being born Oct. 30th, and "re-born surgically"Oct. 25th, makes this my favorite time of year!!!
Jess- the next meeting is the 17th- I doubt I'll make it cause of the family.Hope to see ya at the exchange!
Amy update~~Yesturday they couldn't find the girls heart beat because the placenta is in front of her-
nearly on top of her!! I take her Mon. for a ultrasound and fetal montior- Dr.Harry is suppose to schedule her c-section then. We found them a crib and it is all set up- now all they need is tons of diapers, wipes, & formula. I have been having a hard time finding preemie clothes for them since they will be so little & the ones at the store cost as much or more than the reg. ones! I have hit all of the yard sales and Goodwills around here without much luck. Thankfully because of my church friends she has alot of reg. clothes, a double stroller, bouncers, and other necessities. I got a call from one of them asking what they needed & she put the word out at her chruch. People we don't know just blessed them & us! The cost of baby things is amazing nowadays!!
Karen update- she is resting and doing ok. She can't sit up for very long, and lies on the couch because she can't get her breath. She sees her cancer Dr. the 25th and will find out what her options are then.I spend alot of time just "remembering" with her.
I am in alot of pain today- I pulled muscles in my back yesturday helping unpack canned foods at the Caring Center- my back is screaming!!! I have Fibromyalga and it doesn't help. Oh well, it makes me feel good to help others.I just hope I don't have to go to the Dr.
Dana left Mon. to go fishing with his childhood buddy. He really needed some away time~ all of the stress lately has gotten to him. Hopefully he will have a good time and enjoy it- even if he doesn't catch any fish.Plus, absence makes the heart grow fonder- right!
I didn't know about the shopping after the exchange- did you post it as a topic on here & I missed it? I might be able to go- just depends on how things are with everyone by then. Where ,when, cost, etc. I don't have much $$ but love to look- plus girl time- gotta love it~!!
Have a great day everyone!

(((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#
Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


Get online and find a Mothers of Mulitples website. I swear if it werent for them I dont know Melissa and Scott would have done with our triplets sometimes.. I know they have a group from around Fishers and I also know they have them all over the place!!
OMG Darrah Did I see your Preggo again WOW best of luck!!
Best to everyone!!
Linda kay
We just talked about it in some posts...didnt post it as an offical event. However, that being said anyone is welcome and I would live it if u joined us. It doesnt cost a dime to go shopping...I just wanted an excuse to go to the metropolis mall and shop. Not to mention the fact that I need new shoes to match my dress that I bought for St V's Christmas party. I sure hope u can join us. Maybe a few others will too!!! So far its Vicki, Jess and myself.
This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes
This is my favorite online site for shopping
Good Morning My Fellow Loosers,
Whoa - what a chillin morning, right? Last night was Gage's last football game and they won. They ended the season 6-2. Not bad at all. We are looking forward to a calming week this week - at least compared to last week. Besides waiting for Quinntin to get released from the ICU last week, Gage's great grandfather passed away, and we had family from out of town/state come in for the weekend. So this week we are shooting for a calmer atmosphere. Q is doing awesome. He's already coo`in at us occassionally. He's a big daddy's boy. Always knows when his daddy is around and always wants his attention. It's so cute.
Today I get to start working out. I'm heading out to the gym to do some "lite" stuff. Eleptical, ball exercises, and so weight training. I can't resume jogging until my 6 week check up. I'm doing good weight wise. Went into the hospital weighing 187 lbs and I already weigh 173 lbs. But I have noticed that my meal portions are a little larger then what I want and that I'm more hungery at times then I'd like, so I'm diffently looking forward to having my fill with Dr Clark on the 18th.
I'll be stopping by the clothing exchange but won't be staying long. Just long enough to unload some bags of clothes and let everyone get a quick look at Q. There is a huge Special Olympic's competion in Fishers called the Fall Classic and both Matt and Gage are participating. Gage in three swimming events and Matt in a volleyball tournament. So Q and I are needed up there for the day. But I couldn't resist trying to at least sneak in a quick visit with you all while I'm somewhere near Indy. So I'm hoping my plan works out okay and Q and I will get to do a quick stop by.
Everyone have a good day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA!!
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
Mornin' my Indiana Posse!
Isn't it a beautiful day today! Cool weather...falling leaves...I LOVE it !!
Mistylynn~ So glad you are feeling better...makes a world of difference to get all the fluids in! I am soooooooo proud of you!
Ellen~ Prayers are still sent up daily for you and your birthday is Oct.27 and I LOVE the FALL!!!
Can't wait to hear from Jenny...I am sure everything will be fine and her journey will start with no bumps in the road!
Lachelle...GF...You hang in there....With the relationship you have with the insurance company I sure wouldn't give that heiffer the time of day UNTIL you get approval then its...nana nana boo boo!
LOL Sorry I missed chat last night...didn't get online.
Y'all have a wonderful....October day!

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."