I have taken control of my situation
Well, as you all know, I am most likely going to have to start my six months of supervised weight loss over again--due to weak documentation from my PCP and because my doctor does not have a scale that can weigh me so we only have one weight from the past six months. SOOOOOO...I was going to drive 90 minutes one-way to St. Vincent's each month to get weighed and then have the nurse at St. Vincent's fax the weight to my PCP's office. Well I got to thinking about that and realized that I would be spending $35.00 in gas (minimum) each month to do this and decided instead to buy a scale that WILL weigh me and take it to my doctor's office each month! I found a scale through Living Large XL for 79.99 that weighs up to 550 lbs and then googled the scale brand to see if I could find it cheaper somewhere else. Lo and behold I found the same scale, NEW for $49.90 on ebay!! YAY!! It should be here today or tomorrow! Granted I will feel a bit silly hauling my scale in each month, but better than driving 3 hours round trip!! How's THAT for taking control of my destiny????
You do what ya gotta do. I never thought of you buying your own scale. which I need to do. I weigh 330-335 and the ones at wal-mart only go to like 330. Sure glad you thought of that. If your going to feel silly carrying it in, maybe put in a a bag of some sort or something. That way no one but you knows whats in there. Sure hope this works out for you this round. (((((HUGS))))

On October 1, 2007 at 10:54 AM Pacific Time, Jewelswannabe_thin wrote:

On October 1, 2007 at 1:45 PM Pacific Time, Jewelswannabe_thin wrote:

Congratulations on taking over and doing what you have to do. I think that some doctors need to be taught about thinking of their patients that have some often difficult and somewhat embarrasing medical problems. I too have found that you have to do what you have to do to get done what you need to get done and if someone doesn't understand it is their problem and not mine. I guess some would think that I sound hard but oh well-as I tell DH at times "Life is a bi***, and then your marry one!" lol I am glad that things are looking up for you. May they continue and that was a great idea about the scale