fobi pouch gastric bypass
Brenda and I both had the Fobi Pouch surgery, sometimes referred to as the banded RNY. Brenda had complications requiring a second surgery and they removed the band, but I still have the original surgery. Let me know if I can answer any of your questions. You have my email, [email protected].
I know that this is the primary surgery that Dr K does and I was supposed to have it... However he did a switch a roo the day of surgery and just did a regular R en Y... He does not do anything but the Roux N Y Laparscopic... so you will have an open surgery and that takes longer to recover from... be aware of that... I know several people including Brenda and Floyd that have it and look wonderful... and feel great... It seems to work well and definitely slows down your eating afterwards from what i've seen.
The big difference is the band around the pouch makes it more restrictive. You must always chew very well and swallow small porions at once. You will not be able to swallow anything bigger than a dime or it will get stuck. Medication must be small tablets or liquid. You can take caplets if you can break them in half. Our doc told us it was like a funnel. The food you eat has to slow down to "funnel" through the band then it slows again when it leaves the pouch.
Floyd mentioned that I had complications. Scar tissue attached to the band and wrapped around my pouch shutting it off completely. I was unable to eat or drink for 6 days. When they figured out what the problem was and told me they had to go back in and remove it, I begged him to just cut the scar tissue away and leave the band but he wouldn't.
So far I've done OK without it. I lost 190 in 12 months and have maintained for 6 months. I do have less trouble eating than Floyd but most of his problem is he always has been and still is a VERY fast eater. I've always been a very slow eater so I never had any problems.
If you have specific questions please feel free to ask us. YOu can email or PM or post, whatever you feel most comfortable with.
Good luck and make sure you let us know when your date it.