Happy Hump Day!
Well..this time next week, I'll be post-op! Woo-hoo! In the meantime, things have been a little nuts in trying to ge everything ready (especially at work) and keeping up with 'normal' stuff too. My instrument at work IS finally working ok. A little bit of tweaking the method and I should be when I come back to work. On the home front, I never got around to that house cleaning so I'm going to call my daughter and see if she wants to earn a few extra bucks.
Tomorrow, I have my 3 yr check-up with Dr. Gupta & the nut. I checked and last year I was 178 lb when I went. I should read ~170-172 tomorrow. A little bit of a drop. Not much, but not bad for being 3 yrs post-op (when alot of people see a 10-20 lb gain instead!).
Tonight, we're treating the kids & grandkids to Ryan's. Partly to celebrate Shyanne's 2nd birthday (last Sat.) but also so I can thank them for watching Louie so much this summer. We came to the hard decision to find a new home for Louie. We could not get him to quit jumping on me or putting his paw on my leg every time I sat down. We were afraid of the damage he could accidentaly cause after I have my plastics. He did go to a good home with a family that has kids, cats, other dogs (including a lab pup). The house seemed so quiet last night without him there.
Plans right now are for me to take off early Friday and we're hoping to find a quiet camp site somewhere just to get away for a few days. Then Monday, Bill & Shell both have eye appointments, so I'm taking that day off too. Anyone up to dinner somewhere Monday night? How about Lincoln Square (It's on 21st between Shadeland & Franklin)? It's not a buffet...but it is good food (American with some Greek, Mexican, Oriental dishes as well). I don't know if they would accept the bariatric card or not but considering you can order ala carte, I doubt it. Say...6 pm?
Sam...I checked BariatricEating and the trucks are on the way! They are expecting to be able to ship out 10-14 days from yesterday...so the 28th-Oct. 2nd we should have our wonderful AchievOne! I checked with Skylar Harley and to order it direct from Oregon would be $38.89 per case ($25.99 +12.90 S&H). So much for THAT idea, huh?? Let's just hope that we see a savings when they convert to plastic. Oh Ellen...I have the name & number of a distributor for retailers for it if you want to talk to the guy at Cutting Edge about getting it in. If he'd sell it at a price low enough to make it worth the drive, I'd buy it from him instead of Bariatric Eating. The guy downtown is only about $.50 cheaper per case. That's not worth the hastle...especially with the parking over there.
Well..you all have a good day today!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!

Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
hey LaChelle...enjoy your "monday"...mind stunk this week...and today being wednesday isn't much better...i'm ready for SATURDAY! :)
i'm tired this morning, having trouble getting going...but otherwise i'm good....the scales were down to 263 this morning...who can complain about them going down? :) well i have to go get the kids off to school....just checking in for the day and wishing you all a LOVELY HUMP DAY!!! hugs Jen
I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!
3 weeks from today is my surgery date
The time is going too slow. I think about it every waking moment and sometimes even wake up thinking about it. I think it is safe to say that I am obsessed with this. Which I guess is good because I have my mind set to do this and do it right.
Had all my pre-op testing yesterday. Wasnt to up on the drink they gave me to do the test that you blow in the bag
The pulmonary function tests were quite funny. I am glad I quit smoking because those would have been hard to do being a smoker. She said I done very well was over 100% on all of them. My EKG was good. The actualy Radiologist had to come in and take more pics when they done my upper GI because there was a part of my stomach the tech couldnt get and they needed it, so they finally got that and she said well we tried to find something wrong but we couldnt, so I guess that means all that was good. So now just the wait game and try to get things in order at home and work. Go out and get my groceries.
Have a good day everyone!
Wednesday! It's payday for me...easy come, easy go.
We had a great time last night at the seminar in Carmel. Y'all are looking so wonderful! Sherri, I'm keeping you in my prayers for an easy surgery and recovery. Please don't tell me how great your thighs look afterward, I'm trying to not spend any more money right now and I know you're gonna make me want my thighs done. I'm too old for kick-boxing like the little Ms. SEXY LEGS Jessyca. Dinner on Monday sounds good. I'll put it on my calendar.
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

Last night was wonderful. IT was so what I needed. It was great to see everyone and get to talk. I've been so stressed out because i haven't been losing that fast, I'm having the "have i stretched my pouch out too much" "am I not eating enough" "am I not exercising enough" angst... So i've decided to start going to support groups but I'm going to go to clarian's they seem to have a better support group there and it's WAY closer to my house... I'm going on a cruise in December and I'd like to get these last 24 lbs of the 200's off by then... hmmmmmm Guess that means I have to step up the exercise cause the food intake really can't go down much i'm still only eating anywhere from 3-5 oz a meal.. THe book is great I started reading it last night and It's going to be something I keep by my bed I think...
Hope everyone has a great day!!! It's going to be hot again this weekend (I"M SO READY FOR FALL!) but then it can be summer again!!