Good morning all!
I hope you all were able to sleep in today! I did..well to 7:20...but that is DEFINATELY sleeping in for me! I don't have any really big plans for today or tomorrow. I think, after it warms up, I'm going to give Louie a bath. He could use one!
I'm also going to go and get some veggies and try to mimic the veggie crisps we got at Shipshiwana. I'm going to try deep frying them in Canola oil. Canola oil was one of the listed ingredients. When my lab results came in, they showed that my Vitamin E was low and that my HDL (good cholesterol) wasn't high enough. While searching to try to find something that would improve both, I came across canola oil. So...since I know veggies are good for me (as long as I stay away from the high carb/starch ones), I thought I'd try this. I checked into Vitamin E supplements, but they can act as blood thinners so they are out until I have all my plastics done. Besides, no OTC to raise the HDL. When I go see Dr. Gupta on the 20th, they are going to give me some other ideas too.
I think maybe watching a Netflix or 3 might be in order too! LOL! After Louie and the veggies, I may need some vegging out! LOL!
You all have a terrific Sunday!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
good morning all
Yes Sherri I had a good night sleep also. I don't have many plans for the weekend except surgery prep for Tuesday. So you know what I will be doing Monday. Think I am going to run to Walmart and find me a couple of books for my time off work from surgery. It is starting to cool off so maybe I can read alittle between my walks. I am getting really excited. Tuesday will be here before you know it. Everyone have a wonderful weekend. Lisa
Good morning. Yes, unfortunately Tues will be here to soon. I'm enjoying the camping life. Do what you want when you want. I think my DH is kind of getting the hagn of it also. We are still at Hope's campground, we are way in the back by her house and it is quiet back here. I think I'd like this same spot if we come back here. It is away from the pool and rec center but not to far from the bathrooms (which are very nice). Hope has been so busy running all the activities scheduled this weekend I havne't had time to talk to her. We did go out and do some shopping yesterday and out to dinner last night with some friends. Today DH drove back home to check on some things and he is going to bring the dog back for the last night here. I'm going to work on some assignments for work that have to be done over the internet that I don't have time to do while I'm at work. They aren't hard and I just need to get them out of the way. So, I have the movie The blue and the gray playing in the DVD, the fan on me and I'm going to get that done this morning while DH is gone. This has been a beautiful weekend. Hope you all are enjoying it also.
Good Morning Everyone,
I got to sleep in today too. WOO HOO! Woke up @ 7a. Took the dogs for a walk around my neighborhood and then came in and took a shower. Woke Matt up and we went to Walmart for supplies for the week. Gonna do housework today that's been being put off since I've been on bedrest that diffently needs to be done now that I'm not and just in time before the baby comes.
Yesterday was so fun. Getting to spend the day away from home, away from the bed, and out with Matt AND Gage. I really enjoyed myself. We went and checked out Steve and Barry's and the boys got two complete outfits apiece for under $75. We went to Burlington Coat Factory and I was amazed to find that just about everything that I had wanted on my baby registry at Walmart and Target was anywhere from $10 or more cheaper there. So another trip there to get Quinntin's a-framed Jumperoo for Christmas is diffently in order. And the clothes for baby's/infant's, and kids was way more better then the crap here in Crawfordsville. But then again all we have here is Walmart. We checked out Old Navy, the Disney store, University Bookestore (to get Notre Dame items for a gift bag for Gage - to give him the day I'm at the hospital having Quinntin so he feels just as special on that day too.) We even went to Max and Erma's and I had a cup of Chicken Tortilla soup. I LOVE that stuff. Matt and I came up with tons of ideas for christmas gifts... but the best part of the day was when I started contractions with all that walking. The worst part - they stopped an hour and a half into them. GRRRRR!
Hope Everyone has a nice Holiday Weekend.
I'll be in Indy on Wednesday early morning. Gotta go see the cancer doc at St V's for the okay to deliver vaginally then I don't see him again for another two or three months to start treatment. So if anyone is interested in perhaps meeting for lunch up around that area - drop me a message and we'll set up arrangements.
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"
While you're in town Wednesday, it'd be great if you can swing by the house and pick up these gifts for you. I'll be at work, but Bill should be home. Just give him a call & let him know you're on your way. Still have our number? Let me know if you need it...k?
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Happy Sunday All!
I am still muddeling thru my clothes! Sheesh! :o) I have so many wonderful things and such a small area to put them all in! I keep my off season things in tubs stored in the garage but even that doesn't seem to help! lol I am a clothes horse!! Now that I am getting a better idea of my new shape I find my taste is changing into more fitted clothing. It is early to be changing out my summer stuff so I think Ii will only put some of it away and do my final winter clothing switch later in the fall. I went thru thinking what all I might need to add for this winter and I came up with only 4 things lol so...of course I ordered them! :o) I am so excited this year as I finally found a pair of black leather boots in my size!!! It has been years since I have had some and I mean years! 20+!! I wear a size 14 and they are slim to none to find!! I found them this year and ordered the black leather ones and if I like them the only thing on my Christmas list will be a brown pair! LOL In the past even if I could find them for the wide calf they weren't wide enough so now that my legs are slimmer I think these will be perfect. For all you gals out there with "little" feet count yourself lucky! It is so hard to find shoes that fit let alone ones that go with your outfits! :o) All in all I guess you can tell how thrilled I am with the results from my WLS and my Plastics! I never thought I would ever be this size and I am living my dreams out now!
I hope you all have a fabulous day! These cool nights and warm sunny days are my favorites!! I love waking up to the smell of the fresh morning air coming in thru the windows! Ahhhh this is the life! Ain't life wonderful!!!
Have an awesome day!
Happy Sunday All! I hope you all had a good day. I slept in until about 8am. That's sleeping in for me! Then I went for my horseback riding lesson at 9am. I hadn't been in a couple weeks, because of scheduling and heat, and so it was good to be back on the horse. I have been cantering in my lessons. That's just amazing to me. I love it, but get scared moving so fast. It kind of takes the breath out of me.
Then I worked today at Sears. It was a good day. I was giving people breaks. That's a good way to make the shift go fast, because you move around to different departments.
Yesterday, we went to Clinton, to the Little Italy festival. It was a good time. We did rides, games, crafts, all the festival stuff. The only difference this year, was the eating! No rosette cookies, not elephant ears, etc.,... I did have some spaghetti at the Sacred Heart tent. But not anything like last year (it's all you can eat!) What a change!
Good Sunday Evening all. My weekend was extremely busy, and my day was spent at the casino for 11 hours of OVERTIME! Oh well, at least that will look good on my paycheck. Hope everyone has a great holiday! I don't have to work, so I know my day will go better!!!
I will be around if anyone wants to chat. Just let me know!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!