Update on Jeff
Hopefully everyone saw Ulisha's post on her disappointing day. We were surprised and wondered what happen to you, Ulisha, but know that everything will be alright and we'll see you next week. Keep us informed as soon as you find out what day your surgery will be. Jeff was awake when we arrived, but in some pain. The nurse came in and gave him a double dose of pain medication so by the time we left, he was getting some relief already. We visited with his wife and his other visitor as he dozed off. Glad everything went well for him and I'm sure he'll feel so much better tomorrow. Look forward to him getting home and updating us himself. We passed on everyone's thoughts and support. Then we went up to the third floor and visited with Butch, Jackie's husband. Thanks Misty for letting us know about them. Butch said Jackie is doing so much better. She was actually awake some today and the doctors are starting to wean her off the drugs, so she should be awake more. She's still got a rough road ahead so we need to keep her in our thoughts and prayers. Glad to see they figured out what was causing Vicki's problems and hope she will be feeling better soon. Hope Ellen starts to feel better, too, now that they have discovered the cause too. Floyd