
(deactivated member)
on 8/27/07 9:09 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Wow, we had a great turnout last night at the Terre Haute support group. Dr. Evanson was there, and he was a great speaker. I was glad to see Deborah there too  ! He said he thinks it's the largest group outside of Carmel. And they thought t here wasn't enough interest here to do one!?!? Our house should be appraised today. I think it's kind of a formality. I can't imagine it being appraised for less than the selling price, but the mortgage company needs that information to proceed. So wish us luck again!
on 8/27/07 10:23 pm - Thorntown, IN
Good Morning,  I am sitting here while the decaf coffee is brewing, finally checking in. We finally got the kids settled into their apt. yesturaday- WOW~ this place is huge compared tro the little studio they had in Fla. 1400 sq. ft-,3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living, dining & kitchen with  bumpout for stools for the kids to sit & eat breakfast etc. Got them a nice area rug to put under the table since the carpet is NEW, and the kids DO spill. Found it at Wally World for only $30.00.We had supper together, Willow & I did dishes, Jax & I went thru coupons together & he read his joke book to me- so cute!  (As a Grammy I gotta tell you, it is sooo good to have them home!!) I go see my PCP at 11 am. today~STILL waiting to hear about chest x-ray. I went to my PCP for my B12 shot, & they weren't happy! Seems they didn't know what was going on with me, had NO RECORDS in the Radiology area of  my local hospital,of chest x-rays of me for the past 6 yrs. to go by, so I had to sign papers for  x-rays form St.V's from  my pre-opt testing. The plus side is that I haven't needed any chest x-rays in years- the down-side is that my PCP likes to "be informed & called" when I am having troubles, & yet wants Dr. Inamn to handle anything to do with my bariatric surgery.HUH~I called & was told to stay home- I probably had a virus and didn't need to see him! (Found out that advice was from an Intern in his office- he didn'tknow I called.) "OOPS-I'M A BADDDD GIRL!!" I guess I'd better call over every cough & sniffle from now on- hee~hee!! Linda, you know I'm keeping your sale in my thoughts! My kids even gave the new owners their lawnmower!  Vicki- Hope today is a better one for you! I'm praying you'll feel better fast, and  that you'll get some answers- get to the ER. at St.V's, & let them check you out, ok?! Missy- take it one day, one step at a time- you can do it!Hope you are feeling better! I know many of us seem to br having it rough right now, remember the sun rises & sets everyday,  so if this one isn't the best one for you, tomorrow will be a better one. Keep those positive thoughts going, they really do help! Each day is ours as a gift- it is what we make of it that counts. (((hugs))) Ellen
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
D S.
on 8/27/07 10:25 pm - Kansas City, MO
Good luck on the apprasial.  We're looking for a house, too.  But just to rent for now. Chris did get a job offer yesterday, but the job he really wants he interviews for on Thursday, so here's hoping he gets THAT.  He has to let the other job know by Friday if he wants it or not.  Starting at the new Gym tonight, and I'm super excited!  The back of my right foot was rubbed COMPLETLY raw with one HUGE blister from walking so much and crawling through creeks and stuff looking for Joey.  I think it's healed up enough to start my cardio again.  I'm super excited about the 24 hour pool and spa.  AHHHHHH.   We have a dairy brand out here that is called Belfonte.  They make a honey almond yogurt and the simply to DIE for.  Hello, portein!


Jan M.
on 8/27/07 10:48 pm - Waterloo, IN
I'm jealous. I think Dr. Evanson has been to about every support group in the state to speak except ours in Ft. Wayne.  He is a good speaker and very easy to talk to.  One gal in our group and her DH (Who both had RNY by dr E) went to the Kokomo meeting one month to hear him speak.  How many do you have at your meetings.  The last few I've been to in Ft. Wayne had around 30. About 1/2 and !/2 pre and post op.   So have you started to pack stuff up yet.  My mind would be just going 90 mph thinking of all that needs to be done and what I want to put where.  I'm tired just thinking about it.  Enjoy!

(deactivated member)
on 8/28/07 12:16 am - Terre Haute, IN
I would guess there were about 45-55 people there last night at the TH support group.
on 8/27/07 10:49 pm - Avon, IN
I"M SO TIRED I'm tired at work and then when I get home I'm wide awake... GRRRR I haven't lost anything in aweek and I"m sure that's why I'm only getting 5 hours of sleep a night. Tonight I'm just going to go home and take benedryl so I fall asleep... BUT the VMA"s are on... Geesh... What to do...

Kick boxing tonight I love that class...

Linda i"m sure your appraisal will go fine but good luck anyways

Vicki, please let us know how you are!!!

Darrah, glad you found a new gym and it's 24 hours you lucky duck. Hope your DH gets the job he wants..

I hope everyone has a great day!!!


(deactivated member)
on 8/28/07 3:21 am - Greenfield, IN
THe VMA's aren't on till 9/9 so you are good to go to bed early!
on 8/28/07 3:22 am - Avon, IN
Thank you so much... *Muah* I could almost kiss you Bring on the benedryl


Annette C.
on 8/27/07 11:05 pm - Danville, IN

Another day, another fifty cents... Linda, best wishes on the appraisal.  It's just something special to know you own your home. Missy,  Keep your chin up, it gets better, I promise. Darrah, Hope hubby gets the job that will be his best fit.  Squeeze that little one for me.

Jessyca, go lay down!  Get some sleep.  Your body needs that down time to flush out the toxins and take the fat with them. Ellen, I'm so happy the kids found a place, it sounds great. As for me, 3 weeks since PS.  All the tape and glue are gone.  Just one more little stitch end sticking out.  It should come off anytime now.  Things are looking good and feeling even better.  I finally reached my goal weight this week.  Yippee!!! Have a great day!

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

on 8/28/07 12:10 am - Thorntown, IN
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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